federal agencies and waste


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
The US is focused on "small government" and further more the budget is in massive debt. So why has the US segmented and overlaped its federal law enforcement? Surly money could be saved by merging ATF, DEA and whatever others there are into the FBI. This would mean an end to overlapping investigations, better resorce managment without losing any agents but cutting down on management costs. If your interested in slashing waste out of the budget shouldn't all these seprate agencies (along with waste in defense) be a better target than "cutting Medicare and social security"?
Inclined to think the DEA is generally a waste, but...yes, absolutely.

You were under the impression our government was being run by rational people why? They certainly aren't a majority of the electorate.
The problem is that if you were to unify all of those agencies or even say 3 of them into one agency you still would probably end up with the same amount of people over all. Although I do agree that there's way to much overlapping and duplicity they would only be changing the name of the three agencies into one name then keep everyone as they are where they are.
Isn't that what Homeland Security is for?

That only put another layer on top of all these agencies and from what I understand only in relation to terriorisium. Drug ops would still be run by FBI, DEA, ATF and customs, possibly all targeting the exact same people and possibly only getting bits of the Infomation because they are working across purposes. Now that I come to think about it the same waste and potential for missmangement probably exists at a local level as well because of the indervidual town cops and then having state police.

We have the same problems to an exstent with Infomation not passing from state to state but we only have 1 state police force in every jurisdiction except NSW where they have a seprate drug and organised crime organization. At the fed level the AFP is a one stop investigation organisation with minimal exceptions such as customs who focus on border protection but when something is found the person is handed off to the AFP.

your also have seprate investigation divisions for each armed service and a seprate legal division for each where as our millatry justice system covers all services.

Cosmic I agree you would probably have the same amount of agents but the management and overlap should be able to be cut down and those agents used more effectively