

Kicks ass
Valued Senior Member
Okay, I want to know what everyone's fear is. Now dont be shy, everyone has their fears. I have mine, but I'm godly afraid to post it! I will post my fear, but someone else has to do it first!

Groove on:cool:
The mystery meat in my fridge.

But seriously, I can only think of one thing that scares me, and I'm not going to post that. Sorry.
Originally posted by Porfiry
I judge you to be quite bright, so what is your problem. Or are you concerned about your forthcoming trial?

But really, judgement by whoom and when?
Correct me if I am wrong...

<i>"We have nothing to fear but fear itself."

-President Wilson</i> ...?
<i>"Non-existence - death."</i>

You would not know the difference if you didn't exist. No worries, Chris.
Just like Cris:
Non-existence - death.
And also: nothingness. (the Void ... terrible)
I fear a life without fame through literature. That is the path for me, and if it fails I don't know what will become of my life.
The best way to demonstrate mine:

caller: Four minutes and counting.

talkshow dj: ok

c: theye've pressed the button jim

t: you mean the button?

c: the big red one. goodbye jim.

t: oh. this aint au revoir. it's goodbye.

Either that or cutting my toenails!!
most people fear the unknown or the future. I think i have a fear of hieghts. .not sure, I don't mind standing at hieghts, just have a feeling I'm going to jump off.
dizo, welcome to sciforums.

Hope you enjoy this little bubble of anarchic science :)

People say there's nothing to fear but fear itself.

People can be sooo wrong sometimes!
Thanks ESP. Just having fun reading through all the threads trying to catch up on eveything.
Welcome Dizo,
I know exectly what you mean!
I also have that strange feeling that heights are pulling and I have to jump into them.
But with me it is also the case for voids. That is one reason why I do not want to be an astronaut. What if I suddenly surrender to that temptation and fling myslef into the greatest voids of all? .... aaaah! :D

(or something, if you watch StarTrek Voyager, you may know that Neelix has the same fear as I have. It was quite comforting that that strange thing has a name)
I get the feeling I have to hang on to something. Maybe its just gravity and we feel it more than others. Iv been rock climbing and in aroplanes so it's not a fear that I can't live with. Like most fears you can push them aside.
Iv seen a lady on the news not long ago, who is scared to go out side. She just stays in bed all day curled up. This is all because she used to work in a bank that got held up. Now she's on some serious medication.