Fear of God


Valued Senior Member
The concept of fearing god is often distorted by super-religious christians. Alot of you probably think that Jews, like christians, "fear" God because we don't want to go to hell (if such a place existed, which as Jews believe, doesn't). Or that we are servants to God. Quite the opposite really. Judaism, unlike Christianity holds that you should be strong and proud(though keep your feet on the ground with humility). "Fearing" god is just an extension of this belief. But, the actual word fear sends an ironic message.

Really, it isn't fear at all. Its simply a type of self betterment. Sometimes people tend to develope a weaknee-edness. That isn't fear, it's cowardism. Strength is what seperates fear from the common definition of "fear". I found an article on the internet which helps explain the concept really well:


Read the WHOLE article. Yes its long. Buts its enlightening.

I hope this clarified the concept for a few of you. I well aware that many of you tend to confuse Judaism and Christianity. They are two different religions.

Comments. Common, all of you cant be conviced. Flame me already!!!
I thought that fearing G-d was more related to giving Him the submission and respect that He deserves?

Read the WHOLE article.

Dude it is long like the NILE. No way.

I well aware that many of you tend to confuse Judaism and Christianity. They are two different religions.

I thought that fearing G-d was more related to giving Him the submission and respect that He deserves?

Nope, that's just how some interpret it. Living life in fear is stupid. Fear IS stupid. In fact (while I'm at it), an evil person is nothing more than someone who always thinks they're right. I got that from aish too ;)

Dude it is long like the NILE. No way.

Ok, ya, I'll admit its a bit long...but enlightening. I'm really not very religious at all (as opposed to what you might suspect). But it clears up a lot on a topic that idiot religious fanatics tend to warp.

Common people, no intelligent arguments??? not even a flame? Just one, pretty please??? Does everyone agree with me or something???

not even a flame? Just one, pretty please???

Have patience...build a thread in the Religion forum, and flames will come.

Obviously, whatsupyall hasn't noticed this thread yet...

BTW, I agree with you. Judaism is much different from Christianity. For one, Judaism really does only believe in one God, unlike the Trinity that Christianity believes in.
It looks like your topic lacks controversy.

I guess Christians DO fear God...or they're cowards. It must be one of the two (or both), since no one has disputed this.
I just read the first few paragraphs of the article and it's taught me nothing new.

Fear as a positive motivator? Calling a rose by any other name does not make it's thorns any less sharp.

Speaking for myself, I don't need the fear of Big Brother watching everything I do to 'inspire' me to act with decency and perform 'great acts', and I pity anyone who does need such motivation.
Regarding the thread via Biblical understanding:

Psalms 36:1 [[To the chief Musician, [A Psalm] of David the servant of the LORD.]] The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes.
Romans 3:18 There is no fear of God before their eyes.

Looks like you are preaching. What is your argument and why would bible quotes be of any value, it is only a work of fiction?
enton is jacking old threads
your response is........

lock (3 so far)

is there a policy?
will we see a bunch of locked threads?
would that not screw up the aesthetics of the forum?
has he been asked to desist?

perhaps if you simply stop feeding the troll??
I fear of God, he could change my mind and feelings like you change channels on TV :)
If you are a Jew, I dont blame you if you fear God. After all, the scriptures are rife with fearful images and descriptions of his Justice against badly behaived Isrealites.

Judaism is based on Christianity however, in a metaphoric manner of speaking, it is not so much that Christians owe the Jews, but that Jews understand their Christ-oriented God, and that we are a kind of spiritual Jew, for Christ's GRACE enters all through history, of God's remembrance of the Jewish people, even those who were waiting in the underworld, so you do not need to fear God, but accept his mercy.
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Xerxes said:
The concept of fearing god is often distorted by super-religious christians. Alot of you probably think that Jews, like christians, "fear" God because we don't want to go to hell (if such a place existed, which as Jews believe, doesn't). Or that we are servants to God. Quite the opposite really. Judaism, unlike Christianity holds that you should be strong and proud(though keep your feet on the ground with humility). "Fearing" god is just an extension of this belief. But, the actual word fear sends an ironic message.

Really, it isn't fear at all. Its simply a type of self betterment. Sometimes people tend to develope a weaknee-edness. That isn't fear, it's cowardism. Strength is what seperates fear from the common definition of "fear". I found an article on the internet which helps explain the concept really well:


Read the WHOLE article. Yes its long. Buts its enlightening.

I hope this clarified the concept for a few of you. I well aware that many of you tend to confuse Judaism and Christianity. They are two different religions.

Comments. Common, all of you cant be conviced. Flame me already!!!
Fear of God is realising His immense power over man.