Favourite feline

John Connellan

Valued Senior Member
We had a recent favourite invertebrate thread so I thought we'd have a favourite feline thread. To help you I have listed, off the top of my head, some of the worlds great cats:

Puma/Cougar/mountain lion
Snow Leopard

My own personal favourite was always the graceful cheetah followed by lions. I have no time for any non-African cat really!
The Maine Coon! I once had a Silver tabby Maine Coon fat and huge weighed in at 21 lbs! had a whole lot of fur!, I miss him he was such a great cat!

I am pleased to introduce Alien, our Bengal Cat.

<img SRC=http://users.adelphia.net/~goofyfish/images/alien.jpg ALIGN=CENTER>

:m: Peace.
When it comes to owning an animal I'm much more of a dog person.
But cats are cool, you've gotta respect their agility and grace.
I really like lions for the no-nonsense nature of their unique natural eugenics program. Its so brilliant and effective, even if a little disturbing.
I also really like jaguars, they were one of my first favourite animals as a very young child. I recently found out they are drug users which i find hilariously awesome. When they aren't searching for food or a mate, they are searching for a special kind of plant that makes them roll around on the ground in a euphoric daze. Its so funny to watch them under the effects, but also kind of humbling for some reason, its like they have a spiritual side, like it is more than enjoying the effects of a substance but an escape and a chance to become one with the jungle. Hard to explain, I guess you have to see it.

Possibly my favourite animal is the fossa which isn't actually a cat but a member of the family that originally branched out to create the feline family. They're a very ancient species. They're what lemurs are to apes and they actually live on madagascar hunting lemurs. This lifestyle has made them very comfortable in the trees and its absolutely amazing to watch them sprint along branches and leap from tree to tree with ease.
Again they aren't actually cats, but they are members of the cat family's father's family... if that makes sense, so they are like nature's prototype for "the feline".
Cougar. By far. They are so mysterious, and I am fascinated by the legends that surround them. I live on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada, and there are stories and legends told by the aboriginal peoples around here about them.

I have had the opportunity to see one in real life, and they are breathtaking animals. In fact, "it is like looking into the face of God, and having him say, 'you are my most wondrous creation (to quote Will Ferrell).'"
I was searching for threads on felines, and so came across this one ...

I love cats!

My favourite cat is my cat, of course.

But from the big cats, the cougar.

Oh cat I'd say, or pray: be-oo-tiful cat! Delicious cat! Exquisite cat! Satiny cat! Cat like a soft owl, cat with paws like moths, jewelled cat, miraculous cat! Cat, cat, cat, cat!"

Doris Lessing

See some sweet little cats at


Aww God, if there's one thing that melts my heart its little cute kittens :)
They are just delightful little things (that is, after the stage where there's embryonic fluid still all over them!)

God I'm such a pussy :D
RosaMagika said:
But from the big cats, the cougar.

I'd love to hear why Rosa! I didn't think there was anything too special about pumas!

Theyre are nowhere near as fast as a cheetah
They are not as big as a tiger
They are not as ferocious as a lion
They cannot climb trees as well as leopards
They are not as pretty as a jaguar
They are not as sneaky as a panther

Ooh...ooh I think I have it, aren't they the cats which hold the high-jump record?!
Ah, I don't think there is "criteria" for what makes someone or something beautiful to someone. Cougars just are beautiful to me, period.

Do you know margays? They are the only cats that can climb head-down. And they have a perfect body proportion.


Click "Americas" on the left bar, and then choose margay.
Not much of a surprise that the human race's favorite feline by a landslide is Felis cattus. Humans have been voting for that one for about eight thousand years, letting them share our space and our lives in a multi-species community.

The only animal we love more is the dog. We formed Earth's first voluntary multi-species community with them four thousand years earlier, when we were still hunter-gatherers in the Stone Age. Cats were the first animal to join this community after the dawn of civilization, when we encountered a little problem with rodents in our grain storage facilities. Other animals had been domesticated of course -- goats, pigs, sheep, turkeys, chickens, rabbits -- but they were for eating.

The appeal of the cougar, Felis concolor, is easy to explain: It's the only big cat in North America, it's one of us. They're also more closely related to housecats (same genus) than lions and tigers (genus Panthera), and we probably sense a bit of the housecat in them. I used to live in Arizona and saw a few tame cougars. They seemed much more tractable and trustworthy, more at peace with their life, than the occasional "tame" lion or tiger you run across.

My favorite? The Snow Leopard, just for the beauty.
Fraggle Rocker said:
The appeal of the cougar, Felis concolor, is easy to explain: It's the only big cat in North America, it's one of us.

This is also not true: No, it's not "one of us". I don't live in America, but the cougar is my favourite big cat.
The only big (well, they aren't that big) cats living in the wild here are lynxes.

Yeah, I know. You're the cat person dog lover. :)
John Connellan said:
At least u have a medium sized wild cat in your country. Out here on the island, all we have is tabbys!

What about you, cheetah?

Yeah, okay, I'll shutup.