Favourite canine?

Dr Lou Natic

Unnecessary Surgeon
Registered Senior Member
There was a favourite feline thread, so why not?

My favourite canine would be the American Bulldog

They are just awesome. I should be getting one this weekend which is also awesome.

American bulldogs were created by early american settlers, back then they didn't have fences for their cattle, and their cattle weren't like the cattle we see today they were lively and mean. The american bulldogs job was to catch one when meat was required, this was no easy task, they had to chase them down and then grab onto their nose. The bovine would toss its head around trying to shake the dog but the dog's vice like grip would keep it attached, eventually it would tire and drop its head and the bulldog would tip it over.
The foundation for this breed was ofcourse the old english bulldog which was created for the cruel sport of bullbaiting. Basically torturing a bull for a few hours. Thankfully this sport became illegal, but when it did the bulldogs of england stopped being bred for their ability to perform and as such gradually deteriorated into the british bulldog we see today. Before this happened however many of the bullbaiting dogs were taken to america to be farm dogs and thankfully have been working ever since thus keeping their functionality.
Their jobs on the farms of hillbillys varied from catching bulls, being guard dogs, capturing escaped slaves, hunting wild boar and busting up packs of wild dogs that intended to attack livestock. It is one of the few remaining true rough and tumble gritty working breeds in the world.
Today it is considered one of the best if not the best protection breed available and also one of the best big game hunting breeds.

Chance on homeward bound was an american bulldog;

You know? Chance? ... Homeward bound...? .... :( screw you guys
I didn't realize that there was such a difference between american and english bulldogs. I was about to post that that's no bulldog I've ever seen. It looks more like a boxer. Kind of half-way between english bulldog and a boxer. Is that the kind of dog the little rascals had? I never realized that.

Favorite breed of dog, huh? That's a hard one. I usually judge dogs more on their personality than their breeds. I've seen good and bad examples of a lot of breeds.

I like english bulldogs for their playfullness and personality. All that snuffling get's old quick though. I've never had to sleep with one, I imagine they snore like the devil.

Labradors are good dogs. Friendly, good work-ethic, generally smart, great with kids.

I've known a few welsh corgies that I really loved. They all had great personalities. Not as serious as some of the bigger dogs can be sometimes and without the inferiority complex of the littler breeds.

My favorite dog was actually a little, old Yorkshire terrier. He was given to me when he was 11 years old already and I have to say that dog had more personality than I've ever seen in a dog. I never saw myself as a toy dog kind of guy and I sure as hell never would have bought one (even for free), but I would have missed out on a great friend if I hadn't accepted him as a gift. Ratt dog, I called him. He took to it like he was born to it. Used to call him fat Rat cuz all the ladies on the block would feed him and he turned into a real porker towards the end. It's a shame too, he probably could have lasted a few years longer if it weren't for their "kindness."

But, I'm gonna have to go with the plain old heinz 57. Just the good ol' mutt that follows you home from school one day. Every kid (and man) needs a mutt in their lives.
Anyone heard of Rhodesian Ridgebacks? A breed of dog bred to hunt lions with in South Africa.

I'd have one of those, or perhaps an Alsatian.

I couldn't bare to own a dog, whose only use is to yap and convert meat to poo!
This is what the common ancestor of both british and american bulldogs looked like;

The american bulldog is the product of this dog continueing to be bred for functionality, the british bulldog is the product of this dog being bred for appearance. A strange appearance to stop traffic. Kind of cruel considering all the health problems british bulldogs have.

Yeah I like "tough" dogs, not because I have a small penis but because people suck and I want a dog that can hold its own if worse comes to worse. Be it another dog attacking it or a low life person attacking it. I also think its cruel to breed dogs as defenseless and vulnerable as many breeds are. I think every animal should be competent (including human beings which is why I'm always pushing eugenics).

My first dog as a small child was as tough as old boots. A 'pig dog' which is a mutt bred by boarhunters, usually bullterrier cross mastiff cross some kind of fast dog.
He was definately competent, but also a little wild because I had no idea had to control a dog and nor did my parents. In his time he actually attacked quite a few people, but managed to elude the authorities and live a full life. Such a dog wouldn't be so lucky these days, they've cracked down on aggressive dogs like crazy.

I still kind of have a dog right now except it lives with my mother, he's a staffordshire bullterrier and really nice to everyone and everything because I raised him well. He's the funniest dog, he tries to talk and stuff like that, can do high fives. But I did have to worry about him alot, and I still do, because low lifes could hurt him. He kind of reinforced in me the importance of a capable dog, but also showed me the joy of a pleasant well mannered dog. The 2 things are not at odds with eachother and apparently american bulldogs are good examples of dogs that will give children piggy back rides and be perfect silly gentlemen but get serious and annihilate anyone thats a threatening low life piece of crap. Which is perfect for me.

Rhodesian ridgebacks are cool dogs but they didn't actually hunt lions by biting them, they'd just track them down and circle them and bark at them untill humans showed up to finish the lion off.
Still, they had to be brave and quick and smart. They are also apparently the best high speed long distance runners in the canine family.
My favourite canine would be the bordercollie, but it doesn't seem to fit in with all the order breeds here. It is not really a killer.

Excellent working dog though. A shame though that people keep them in appartments or even the city. They need fields and something to herd. Hence I will never have one.
mine is a pittbull but that dog that dog that hunts lions sounds pretty cool. How big is it?
I like Border Terriers. My neighbors had one that they neglected, but it always followed me around when I went hiking. They are small, about 15 pounds, but very active and brave. It even had the balls to stand up to the huge Irish Setter that even scared me. It seemed happy running around outside even in the harshest weather. At first I thought it was a mut, but then I found out that they were bred to hunt fox and vermin, and run alongside a man on horseback all day long.
My favorite is the Lhasa Apso, and we have ten of them to prove it.

We had cats for many years before we got our first dog. Lhasas are dogs for cat lovers, that really says it all. "Independent-minded," "hard-headed," those are some of the polite ways people have of describing their tendency to not be obedient little pets. You're not the owner, you're just a really nice roommate who buys all the food.

Recent DNA testing has revealed that Lhasas are one of the first breeds of dogs to appear around 6,000BCE when humans first succeeded in creating distinctly different types of dogs. Yet nothing much is known about them until around 1,000CE, when the Buddhist monks in Tibet began using them as monastery guard dogs.

They still have the traits that were selected for at that time. They're always on guard, they never stop paying attention to what's going on and alerting you to anything suspicious. They can't see drenn but they can hear a jogger a mile away. The breed has as high an incidence of the alpha gene as pitbulls. They respect no one's authority and even the females think they're the pack leader. This leads to a lot of brawls worthy of an Irish wedding if you have more than two of them. They poke out each other's eyes and do all kinds of mean stuff. If you're the kind of person who ever breaks down and resorts to corporal punishment, don't get a Lhasa. You spank one and the next thing you know he's up on the bed peeing on your pillow.

They're also extremely sure-footed, which you'd expect in a dog that lived in the Himalayas. They can run up and down a rocky, snow-covered cliff side like they have anti-gravity boots.

Because they're almost all alphas they don't mind being alone, which made them very popular in the 1960s and 1970s when Americans started having smaller families and living in apartments. They're not high-energy dogs. A Lhasa will spend the entire day sitting on your sofa listening for burglars and not expect to spend the whole evening running laps the way most apartment dogs will.

Anyway, we like them because they have spirit. You never see one with his tail between his legs or looking unsure of himself. They don't beg. They'll just walk up and grab your food if they can, otherwise they'll maintain their dignity and ignore you. Like I said, very much like cats.

And they have the most dead-on people skills of any animal. Those Tibetan monasteries had some valuable stuff inside and the dogs had to keep out the bad guys. Our Lhasas can tell with a hundred percent accuracy who's good and who's not. We've learned the hard way after many years to always trust their judgment. If someone comes to the door and one of the dogs jumps up on them wagging his tail, I don't care if it's a Jehovah's Witness or somebody selling tickets to the Policeman's Ball or a homeless person with a shopping cart, we let them in. And if the dog puts himself between the intruder and us and starts snarling, we slam the door on them.

The times that we didn't trust our dogs' judgment, we were SO sorry.
MY fav breed of (domestic) dog is the Golden Retriever. They just look cool!

My fav species of dog is (probably obvious, but...) the wolf! I know the word for "wolf" in I-forgot-how-many languages. But anyway . . .

Yeah, man. Golden retrievers rock.
invert_nexus said:
Why not just say pit bull? That is what a staffordshire terrier is, isn't it? Anti-pit bull laws in your area?
Well the anti-pitbull laws are crazy here but the american pitbull terrier, american staffordshire terrier and staffordshire bull terrier are considered seperate breeds. They are all very closely related, especially the staffordshire terrier and pitbull. In the 1930s they were the same breed but the dogshow people and dog fighting people split, the show dog version became the american staffordshire terrier and the fighting version became the american pitbull terrier. The american pitbull terrier is the one thats banned in alot of places but some places ban 'pitbull types' which is up for interpretation. Basically if you have a muscular dog with a short coat it can become 'pitbull type' if they feel like confiscating it.


American Staffordshire terrier


American Pitbull Terrier


Staffordshire Bull Terrier

With amstaffs and pitbulls there is alot of overlap and they can look pretty much the same, american bulldogs too can look alot like big pitbulls, but staffy bulls (which is what I have) are quite different, and easily distinguishable as staffys. Smaller and more stocky.
Dalmations are generally retarded due to inbreeding. I've never seen a smart pure-bred dalmation, but my experience is limited in this regard.
I own a dalmation. He's a good one because he's not retarded or deaf or has urinary problems. But then, my cat is smarter than him...
This thread reminds me of fragglerocker, and in fact I just scrolled up and saw him. (I had read the title and automatically thought "OMG FRAGGLE")

Carpe Canine, right fraggle?

Oh, and I have a german shepard. Named Boris. He is the bestest ever.
i would like to someday own a malamute/husky mix. (im greedy i want the curled tail and the blue eyes hehe) heres some awfully cute pics of em.
What's the name of the dog on the left? Satan? He's trying to suck my soul through the screen. "No, Satan!! You can't have my soul!! I will not sign your contract!!" :p

Those other two are cute though. I had a friend with a husky-malamute mix. It had one blue eye and one brown eye. I think that's something that lovers of the breed really go for. She was smart as hell, too. And she never tried stealing my soul like devil-dog there...