Favorite Quotes 2


One Hissy Kitty
Registered Senior Member
It's back! A place to post your favorite quotes from any source! I'll go first...
I sold my memoirs of my love life to Parker Brothers and they are going to make a game out of it.-Woody Allen

"I never thought I could be offended until I shut up and started listening."


"Smile. Make the customer think you care."

The new cliche:

"Outer beauty attracts attention but only inner beauty keeps it"

here are some of my favorite quotes:

"I'll never give up, William, never."

-General Bradshaw at the Battle of Antietam minutes before being shot in the head

"That thing's operational!"

-Lando Calrissian, <i> Return of the Jedi </i>

"The nanochip's been removed and I think you're going to be fine."

-Dr. Crusher, <i> Star Trek Generations </I>

Let those deep thoughts flow!
"It's like deja vu all over again," -- Yogi Bera.

"It ain't over until it's over," -- Yogi Bera (Again)

"These are my principals, if you don't like them I have others," -- Groucho Marx

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocore minds," -- Albert Einstein (Was my quote until 9.11)

Why do you insist that human genetic code is "sacred" or "taboo"? It is a chemical proces and nothing more. For that matter - we - are chemical processes and nothing more. If you denie yourself a useful tool simply because it reminds you uncomfortably of your mortality, you have uselessly and pointlessly crippled yourself

-- Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang
"Looking God in the Eye"


Man´s unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true, rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and possible has always astounded me. We long for a caring universe which will save us from our childish mistakes, and in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary we will pin all our hopes on the slimmest of doubts: God has not proven not to exist, therefore he must exist.

-- Prokhor Zakharov
"For I have tasted the Fruit"


As distances vanish and the people can flow freely from place to place, society will cross a psychological specific heat boundary and enter a new state. No longer a solid or liquid, we have become as a vapor and will expand to fill all available space. And like a gas, we shall not be easily contained.

-- Sister Miriam Godwinson
"But for the Grace of God"
Yang's Matrix-

Hey, I've got that game. Alpha Centauri, right? Here's my pet video game quote:

"Onward!" -From Baldur's Gate.

It's not much, I know, but it lends a little bit of spirit to an 85 mile commute. :)

Of course, by the end of the commute I feel more like I've jumped into Diablo 2 and joined Blood Raven's Army of the Dead.
"Onward!" -From Baldur's Gate.

You´re right... that´s not much :p

There are so many exellent quotes in Alpha Centauri and in Crossfire... when I´m doing some heavy physical work I just think:

Now it´s day and night the irons glang, and like poor galley slaves, we toil and toil, and when we die must fill dishonored graves. But some dark night when everything is silent in the town, I´ll shoot those tyrants one and all, I´ll gun the flogger down. I´ll give the land a little shock remember what I say, and they´ll yet regret they´ve send Jim Jones, in chains to Botany Bay.

--Jim Jones


What do I care for your suffering? Pain even agony is no more than information before the senses, data fed into the computer of the mind, the lesson is simple: you have received the information now act on it, take control of the input and you shall become the master of output.

--Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang
"Essays on Mind and Matter"

There might have been some errors on those, I had to write them from my head. :rolleyes:
"Whoever called it necking was a bad judge of anatomy" -Groucho Marx
"You're born at point A, you'll die at point B; kick maximum ass in between" -Ted Nugent
"The only thing about masturbation to be ashamed of is doing it badly" -Sigmund Freud
"Make no mistake, we are coming for you" -Sen. Jon McCain
I shall not confront planet as an enemy, but shall accept its mysteries as gifts to be cherished. Nor shall I crudely seek to peel the layers away like the skin from an onion. Instead I shall gather them together as the tree gathers the breeze. The wind shall blow and I shall bend. The sky shall open and I shall drink my fill.

--Gaian Acolyte´s Prayer

The Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot stay in the cradle forever.

--Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
The Father of Rocketry

To map the wery stuff of life; to look into the genetic mirror and watch a million generations march past. That, friends, is both our curse and our proudest achivement. For it is in reaching to our beginnings that we begin to learn who we truly are.

--Academician Prokhor Zakharov
"Adress to the Faculty"

Can´t really think of a good one right now, so this will do:

" Can´t talk, eating." Homer Simpson

Censor this one:

"You don't know so muckin' fuch!"
-Demetrius "Meechy" Smith (an old friend of mine from Jr. High :D)
I wish everyone in the world would follow this –

Everyone should be free to do anything they wish except where such actions would interfere with the freedom of others.

And for those that doubt themselves –

There is no failure except in no longer trying.

Bobbie Lee,

Oh I wish that were true. Unfortunately many US laws do not support that goal.

Freedom means anything no matter how much such things might be distasteful to others. Freedom means that minorities have the same rights as everyone else.

Freedom means that consenting adults can do as they wish providing such actions do not harm others.

But –

This should mean that people should be free to cause harm to themselves using recreational drugs if they so wish. Such actions do not harm others. The so-called war on drugs seeks to limit basic freedoms. If US laws were consistent then they should shutdown the tobacco companies. In the USA 400,000 people die every year through tobacco related diseases, loss of life through drug usage is insignificant in comparison. Alcohol usage is a similar comparison.

Laws enforcing discrimination against those who choose same sex relationships also exist. These laws are against personal freedoms.

Why am I not free to walk down the street naked if I so wish without being arrested? What harm does that do to others?

Why is prostitution illegal in the USA? These activities do not harm others.

Cris, quite a goal, if you want to read more about that kind of socity, read Iain Bank´s Culture series:

Consider Flebast
Player of the Game
Use of Weapons
The State of Art

We hold life to be sacred, but we also know the foundation of life consists in a stream of codes. Why then cannot we cut one code short here, and start another there? Is life so fragile that it can withstand no tampering? Does the sacred book no imporvement?

--Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang
"Dynamics of Mind"

Scientific theories are judged by the coherence they lend to our natural experience and the simplicity with which they do so. The grand principle of the heavens balances on the razor´s edge of truth

--Commissioner Pravin Lal
"A History of Sciene"

Rescourses exist to be consumed and consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future sek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill.

CEO Nwabudike Morgan
"The Ethics of Greed"
Cris- I know I'm opening up an old can of worms here (tiassa and I have regular go-arounds with this), but every time I see someone try to tell me that cigarettes are somehow less healthy for you than drugs (marijuana notwithstanding, the jury is still out on that one), I wonder what sort of idyllic childhood they had.

I grew up in a ghetto. All those people lying all around the place, all the broken needles and crap that I had to step around just to get to school, I wish that these people were only smoking cigarettes. Ever have a PCP crazed moron come running at you screaming that he wanted to fly up to the sun and meet Jesus? I have. It wasn't a fun event. I couldn't go to the beach without the realistic fear of stepping on some hophead's needle. I eventually stopped going. Goodbye, beach. At least the hopheads are free to use you.

These aren't just popular media images. These are real scenes from my youth. I watched many people I grew up with throw their lives away on the stuff. That's not even counting the ones who got shot during drug-related crimes.

I never saw a reason to go on drugs. For every Vietnam veteran who came back messed up because he took drugs to escape the war (although to be fair many got hooked by well-meaning medics), plenty came home without it. I found it easy, although I was in the same boat as those I saw fall, to heed Nancy Reagan's advice:
Just say no.
Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harversters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest.

--Frierich Nietzsche
"Thus spoke Zarathustra

There are two kinds of scientific progress: The methodical experimentation and categorization which gradually extend the boundaries of knowledge, and the revolutionary leap of genius which redefines and transcends those boundaries. Acknowledging our debt to the former, we yearn nonetheless for the latter

Academician Prokhor Zakharov
"Adress to the Faculty"
Here comes.

The following are quotes made by children in Sweden, the quotes are translated by me and may not be 100% accurate, but it will do.

- It wont help to vacuum cats, not even if they are really dirty.
(Aslaug 10 year)

- One horsepower is the amount of energy it takes to pull a horse 500 meters in one second.
(Eyvind 10 year)

- A vibration is a movement which doesn't know in which direction its going.
(Rune 8 year)

- Water whistles at a hundred degrees.
(Mons 9 year)

- You should never drink while standing on your head.
(Jonas 7 year)

- It is possible to fasten sandwiches on the wall, but then you have to throw hard.
(Patrick 10 year)

- Blueberries is really good, since there is jam in them.
(Björn 5 year)

- In some places it is so hot, that those who live there has to live in other places.
(Elin 8 year)

- Anarchy is a land where the king is queen.
(Tore 11 year)

- The body is something that ends in the shoes.
(Andreas 5 year)
"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us."
-Helen Keller

"I have no money, no resources, no hopes. I am the happiest man alive."
-Henry Miller
some lovely quotes

"Wisdom and Compassion will set us free"-The 14th Dali Lama of Tibet

"Ideas are mystical essences or beings, manifested as symbols in this world, and brought to life through art. "-Plato

"The most violent element in society is ignorance" -Emma Goldmam
