Favorite non-space sci fi flicks

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
Any suggestions? I'm not adverse to outer space sci fi. I'm just in the mood for something different. Something outside the box.
Soylent Green
For an interesting comparison, you could watch the 1964 Vincent Price film The Last Man on Earth, followed by the 1971 The Omega Man with Charlton Heston, and ending with Will Smith's I Am Legend, all based on a 1954 novel By Richard Matheson.
Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange
Lucas' THX 1138
There's also the 1927 silent film Metropolis

On the light side, there is Woody Allen's Sleeper, or an obscure '53 film The Twonky, starring Hans Conried ( based on a 1942 story by the married couple Henry Kuttner and C.L. Moore, which was published under the pen name of Lewis Padgett)
Further suggestions:

The whole Hunger Games series. I've yet to see the last one.

Primer. A study in time travel.

Cronenburg's The Fly. Perhaps some overlap with horror.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers. The 1956 version is the best.

Colossus..The Forbin Project. A computer takes over the world.

Fantastic Voyage. Shrunken humans inside a human body.

AI...Spielburg's futuristic study of an artificially intelligent android..

The Abyss. James Cameron's undersea classic..

Gattacca. A study in a futuristic eugenic society.

The Time Machine. HG Wells' classic..

The Matrix...

1984. A study in a futuristic totalitarian state..

Communion..The invasion into a life of interdimensional beings..

Ex Machina..A study in artificial intelligence.

Transcendence..The merging of human consciousness with AI..

Latest entry: Annihilation.....The exploration of a mysterious bioanomalous zone..
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I found Hunger Games quite disappointing in the end.

A few others to add to the mix that I quite like, in no particular order...

Moon - the big thing in the sky at night
Children of Men - and women
Contact - well, they get in contact
Inception - dreams within dreams within dreams
Minority Report - thought police
Logan's Run - old age begins with death
Westworld - doesn't that robot look an awful lot like Chris from the Magnificent Seven?
District 9 - ah, an excellent documentary
Brazil - Gillian at his finest
Close Encounters of the Third Kind - with a mountain made of mash
Predestination: Film adaptation of "All You Zombies". Does credit to the story and to RAH. (Caveat: She almost goes into space, but he has a baby and that queers the deal.)

Both recent, have a bit of space stuff, but not horror/scifi like Resident Evil.
For a real science science fiction movie, all-star cast, exceedingly realistic (it's almost like watching a documentary) I'll nominate Contagion.

The screenplay was written with the help of biologists, the shop-talk is real, it was filmed on location at the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization, the level-4 containment facility is real, and some of the people in some of the scenes are real epidemiologists who work in these places. (I'm somewhat familiar with UC San Francisco, and the part of the movie (where one of the hero biologists figures out how to culture the plague virus in bat cells) was actually filmed there (in the Genentech Hall research building at Mission Bay). Other parts of the movie were filmed in San Francisco in places I've often frequented, so I'm extra fond of this film.

Watch the trailer here:

For a real science science fiction movie, all-star cast, exceedingly realistic (it's almost like watching a documentary) I'll nominate Contagion

Well let me redeem myself with . . . Ex machina. KILLER sci-fi flick. Brilliant actually. I'm haven't seen contagion but I know it's on Netflix. So I'll have an update for you shortly :)
Ah well (not Resident Evil), still don't think hand guns are automatic, or, actually carry that many bullets... (part 1/8, a bit of violence.)
