I did.
I was questioning his apparent need (gleaned from the manner in which he worded the comments that I quoted) to make fun of overweight people.
The question remains. Why do we need to make fun of fat people? Or skinny people? Or anyone for that matter because of how they look or how much they weigh?
Would you call that child obese? Or even fat? She was 10 month old when that photo was taken and she was well within her healthy weight range. Her doctors all think that she is healthy and in no way fat or even close to being overweight. But her mother was placed in a position of having to remove her from her daycare centre because the staff there referred to her as "fat and obese", and she was concerned they would start to withhold her food in their bid to get her to lose weight. Knowing the day care centre chain involved, it wouldn't be surprised if they did try to withhold her food because of their own perceptions.
There is this perception that everyone must be skinny to be healthy. It's wrong. My father is skinny and has high cholesterol and high blood pressure. I have a friend who is over-weight and he has absolutely normal cholesterol and blood pressure.
Precisely, and she's a perfect, cute little girl, even if she is a chunky little beast.