Fat a$$ kids control.


Save the whales motherfucker
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Wel well well

Kraft promises healthier food products to fight obesity
The US' largest food maker will draw up nutritional guidelines for all its products, use better recipes and cut serving sizes

CHICAGO - Kraft Foods Inc says it will rethink some product recipes, reduce portions in some single-serve packages and encourage healthier lifestyles to help combat obesity.

The firm, the biggest food manufacturer in the United States, also announced that it would no longer market its products in schools and try to limit sales of certain products in school vending machines.


Some observers saw the move as a first defence against lawsuits as consumer plaintiffs worried about their health shift attention from cigarettes to Big Macs and even Kraft's own Oreo cookies.

As industry leader - maker also of Ritz crackers, Kool-Aid, Jell-O and Oscar Mayer lunch meats - Kraft could drive rivals to take similar action. It said it was responding to rising obesity rates around the world.

'We recognise we have a role to play since food is part of the equation,' said company spokesman Michael Mudd.

'Kraft wants to be part of the solution.'

It's only a minor step.....but i doubt all the companies will be so drastic unless action is brought up against them.
How about just doubling the price of gas, and make people walk or bike to their places of work/whatever, instead of driving?

Free public busing in metropolitan areas might help, too.
I say we genetically alter future humans by giving them smaller stomachs. :D Might be awhile before we can do that though.
Fat people have to stay thin the same way as anybody else: a little self control.

People are SUPPOSED to exercise, and people are NOT SUPPOSED to constantly overeat and consume a day's worth of fat in every meal. If they can't control themselves, it isn't my problem. It's not a matter of genetics or forcing them to walk to work. All it is is a matter of personal choice and lifestyle decisions.

The fattest people seem to float around McDonalds and 'all you can eat' Chinese buffets like flies to a rotting pile of sh!t. If they don't want to be fat, they should try eating a tomato and pickle sandwich on whole wheat.

All you can eat shouldn't be viewed as a challenge.
Man, a tomato/pickle sam on wheat sure sounds good...

i dunno, when i see someone thats overwieght it makes me want to exercise harder and cut back.
I have noticed that there are a lot more fat kids running around than when i was that age. I don't think its just sitting around the t.v. that the big problem..it's parents that let their kids fix their own snacks and lunch rather than saying-"This is it- your not going to raid the fridge anytime you feel like it. Breakfast, lunch and supper is all you get."
Hey, that would hurt the individual right of kids to be FAT, also that would hurt the individual right of parents choose not to intervene when their kids raid the fridge!!!

Do you really want to screw with the basic values that makes America Great...and FAT ???
Why blame the companies? Is it because it's so much easier to blame the 'evil, money-making' organisation than the 'innocent' average joe? If a person is fat, it's his fault. If he/she is fat because of the unhealthy food they eat, it's still their fault. I think xelius mentioned it...... fat people need to exercise self-control. If they can't, then they're weak. They eat and stuff themselves, how's it the fault of the companies? They have every right to make fattening food.
Its all about money. Kraft foods has to do some serious P.R. to cover up the fact that they are owned by Phillip Morris .

I remember seeing a news report on this, on Kraft reducing le fat, and then I remembered that other report talking about how Philip Morris encouraged other countries to not ban cigarrettes because they wouldn't have to pay the welfare of old people who died early.
Originally posted by airavata
Why blame the companies? Is it because it's so much easier to blame the 'evil, money-making' organisation than the 'innocent' average joe? If a person is fat, it's his fault. If he/she is fat because of the unhealthy food they eat, it's still their fault. I think xelius mentioned it...... fat people need to exercise self-control. If they can't, then they're weak. They eat and stuff themselves, how's it the fault of the companies? They have every right to make fattening food.

Yup, and the parents watching the diet of their kids. Big chains aren't feeding the kids....their parents are.

Hey, that would hurt the individual right of kids to be FAT, also that would hurt the individual right of parents choose not to intervene when their kids raid the fridge!!!

And make frivolous law suits against fast food chains because their tub of lard didn't realize in this day and age that eating Mcdonalds three times a day might harm his/her fat ass.

Fat people have to stay thin the same way as anybody else: a little self control.

At a kids age...that control should come from the parent. Teach your kids the danger of what they are doing.

I say we genetically alter future humans by giving them smaller stomachs. Might be awhile before we can do that though.

Stomach stapling.....too dangerous for kids though. Even for adults it's has a 50/50 chance of survival rate. Also it is not genetically done.......gene therapy for something like that isn't as easy as you think.

How about just doubling the price of gas, and make people walk or bike to their places of work/whatever, instead of driving?


Free transportation

is it me or do those two contradict??

Yes I agree. Phillip Morris has held Kraft foods as a wholly owned subsidiary. They are now trying to distance Kraft from the Phillip Morris reputation by use of an IPO, initial public offering, in other words the general public can now buy stock in Kraft Foods.


There are numerous reasons behind the fatty foods being sold, but economics is the primarily one. Fat is cheap!

Consequently we have a generation of young people hooked on the taste and texture of fatty foods. To make things worse , most companies use unhealthy inexpensive hydrogenated fats. There is plenty of sugar used also. McDonalds admitted a few years ago that they put sugar on their french fries.

To blame it totally on the parents is a bum rap. Many school cafeterias are now serving "fast food menus". Until about 10 years ago soft drink machines in public schools were unheard of.

Kids are going to eat what is available. What kid would go looking for an apple and a piece of low fat cheese, when they can just buy a burger?
Agreed. School food menues are horrible in the USA....everyday it is french fries, chicken breats and choclate milk or pizza among other variations of staurated fats filled foods.. Not only buisnesses, parents but the whole society has to take part in this effort.
As to the health risks of common victuals, well, the choice to "dine with swine" or restrain oneself and eat with moderation is a PERSONAL DECISION. Truthfully, large corporations shouldn't have to make concessions to make their items more salutary. Only the fat-ass can cause himself to be fat, so condemning or admonishing the food-provider is just a vain effort to blame someone else for one's unwise selection of snacks.

Would you care to elaborate on exactly how a 12 year old child who lives in the "real world" is supposed to make a PERSONAL DECISION on the proper dietary choice when he has been totally indoctrinated by TV commercials for his entire life?

How does anyone make a decision on fast food items which have no label? No one can do that, they must instead rely on the honesty of the company to sell products that are healthy.

I give you an example of why regulation is need to keep the food industry honest.
The Beech Nut baby food company was selling what was labled as "pure apple juice". It turned out to be artificially colored sugar water. They paid a slap on the hand fine to the FDA and went on with business as usuall. But they then did start to sell "real" apple juice.