fasther then light


Valued Senior Member
I sort off wonderd if I should have placed this in pseudo schience or physics thread.

It's a ID for a FTL engine that can only be cooked up in those boring minutes at work yust before lunch, feel free to prove it wrong.

1) As the traveler you can actually move fasther then light in such a way you could travel a distance of 1LY under a year. Because of time dilation (times move slower for you) this happens at a little under 0.8C.

2) A wormhole if it exist experiences the same time and both endings (I read this somewhere)

3) A wormhole mouth who travels fasther then light will not only experience time dilation on the moving mouth but also upon the stationary (earth) mouth.
... Because this is what wormhole do... I think

4) Therefore if you would step through the earth mouth 1 year afther the other mouth left at 0.8C you would end up LY away in stead of 0.8LY
