Fastest/Largest super computer listings

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Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
From New Scientist it appears that the "Earth Simulator" still holds the number one spot for the fastest supercomputer on the planet.

Missing is the former number three called "Big Mac", a cluster of 1100 off-the-shelf Apple computers coupled together by software. It made an impressive debut six months ago, but was removed from the list because it has been dismantled for hardware replacements.

Obviously for us home networkers with big plans, if 1100 machines are necessary for the number three spot, your going to need at least 1500 for the number two spot, so start saving up your pocket money.
actually, i know someone who is building the new super-computer. Will be availible in mid 2005.

stryder, what is your mail and ill tell you cuase i should not disclose it openly.
Who on Earth would waste their time linking a bunch of machinery together to showcase computer power? Haha, the bragging rights of a geek.

Sorry, I mean i'm all for discussions on these types of things; i'm always open to learn and adapt. But it seems like some people simply got lost somewhere down the line.
Baal is (I guess) talking about Crystalware folks. Here is the public info about their supercomputer architecture. The CEO of that very small group of people believes it will kill all the competitors when it gets on the market.
yes, not too sure about that. but i sure trust Jean to be true.

That CEO is a totally different issue. Think you agree there Jiri :)

Johan (in my crew said). "Only 5 times faster? It has to be atleast 100 times faster than the Earth Simulator to be anything special"
And then i guess that those figures are rather inaccurate when the computer is complete.
Well these fast computers aren't just some geeks way of generating social status, most of these computers do some very powerful things and some very powerful calculations. Computers that can process more and faster are going to be needed in the near future, imagine better automated flight systems, or even cars that drive themselves, all will need a decent brain to compute all the potential obstacles before they should be a threat to the car's/planes direction and speed.

There's other areas too, however thats the main type.

(as you can guess I think the Apple one was a gimmick to show their computers could be powerful)
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