Faster heart rate, low blood pressure....?

a guess, because white blood cells need time to get to the infection site and get out of the capilleries. if you had high BP they would wizz past and not be able to get in
Why the faster heart rate though?

I have the flu at the moment, and my pulse is faster than usual, but quite faint, and I get a headrush when I stand up. I always get that when I'm fighting an infection.
there is only two ways your heart rate could increase and your BP fall (this i know for certain)

Drop in contractability of the heart (how much blood it has inside and how much it pushes out) or a drop in perferial resitance (the pressure of the arteries and capilerys. This is caused by operning of the capilery bed

The most likly guess (unless you have an infection of the heart) is that more blood is flowing to the skin than usual (you getting sweats?)
The most likly guess (unless you have an infection of the heart) is that more blood is flowing to the skin than usual (you getting sweats?)

Yup, and I'm overheated. My veins are visible, even though it isn't actually that warm in here.
is your skin quite red?
and if you pinch your finger how fast does it turn back to its red colour from white
CR should be less than 2 seconds:)
and it sounds like you have you answer as to why your BP is low, the blood is being deverted to the capillary bed