

Registered Senior Member
This is a genuine quiery
Why can we stand the smell of our own farts but not other peoples?
And how can we recognize our own fart smell? What makes farts so "individual" and why brain cares to recognize the "individuality"? I would not recognize the smell of my sweat shile being in a group of people. Why fart is so "special" to recognize it? H2S? Genetic memory?
Thomo said:
Why can we stand the smell of our own farts but not other peoples?

dixonmassey said:
And how can we recognize our own fart smell? What makes farts so "individual" and why brain cares to recognize the "individuality"?
Continued repetitive exposure to unique odors?
Thomo said:
This is a genuine quiery
Why can we stand the smell of our own farts but not other peoples?

Because subconsciously, u know the fasrt came from your body so it doesn't feel as disgusting putting it back in (by breathing).

It's the same as why most people would have no trouble biting their own toenails but would never think of biting somebody elses (even if they had the exact same smell!)
If you had a row of unlabelled samples to sniff, each containing farts from different individuals, would you still be able to recognise your own smell? Or would they all be equally repellent?
Why can we stand the smell of our own farts

Speak for yourself. Ew. Yukyukyuk.
'Tis natural; gas. It smells like the place where it came from. K?
invert_nexus said:
Oh? And what about semen? Or shit? Or piss? Or sweat? Or blood? Pus? Anything else that comes from your body that you wouldn't mind taking back inside your body?

Why now, I always eat a healthy lunch consisting of shit in piss and sweat-sauce with a bit of pus in a circle around it. Atop of it, a nice dressing of semen and blood goes, gives it a nice colouring. :D

Somehow I doubt that it would be reasonable to eat shit or drink piss, after all it's the stuff that our body cannot use, or wants to get rid off.

Blood? I always drink my own blood...

But really, I cannot stand farts no matter if they come from me or anyone else, and I do not think that there is anything unique to the smell of your own gases.
If you had a row of unlabelled samples to sniff, each containing farts from different individuals, would you still be able to recognise your own smell? Or would they all be equally repellent

I dont think you could unless you smelled one of your own a short time earlier. moreover, I leave the area I farted in all the time because I dont want to smell it.

p.s. I don't bite my toe or finger nails, not my favorite pastime.
invert_nexus said:
Oh? And what about semen? Or shit? Or piss? Or sweat? Or blood? Pus? Anything else that comes from your body that you wouldn't mind taking back inside your body?

I never said people had no trouble consuming those liquids! I was comparing like with like. Toe-nails and farts :rolleyes:
Some more info on farts.

lmao...The sad part is that I've asked a lot of the questions asked on that page myself. Very interesting! :D

My favorites...I can finally go to bed at night knowing this vital information.

Why do farts smell so much worse in a shower than anywhere else?
(Question submitted by Vaughan, Carrie C. and darkclouds)

There are several factors. First of all, a shower is a small, enclosed space, so the fart gas is more concentrated, and the high turbidity of the air in the shower circulates the gas through the space effectively. Secondly, the high humidity and high temperature conditions in the shower enhance a person's sense of smell and taste. The farts don't actually smell worse, it's just that we can smell them better than usual.
Similar conditions prevail in the bathtub. "

Why do farts seem to follow the farter?
(Question submitted by LBlev1978)

I'm sure that everyone has experienced this phenomenon, in which one delivers oneself forth of a silent but potent gaseous emission and then steps rapidly away, only to have the fart cling to one's person. Part of the reason for this annoying characteristic of farts is the turbulence that follows in the wake of a moving person. The fart "slip streams" or is actually pulled along in the farter's direction by the air currents behind the person.
Another factor is that part of the fart is caught in the farter's clothing, and diffuses out slowly after the main part of the emission has dispersed.