Famous Gays and Lesbians in History

Cris ...

Re. "I found many names here that surprised me. "


Take care ;)

Because I guess I never classify people according to sexual orientation. Neither do I pay any attention, usually, to such things.

I make no judgments or criticisms - I just didn't expect to see Elton John or Da Vinci on such a list, for example.

I suspect there are a lot more gays around than we realize, and who chose not to reveal themselves. And I kinda like the idea that there are a lot more. I don’t really care who they are but I know I don’t like to see the type of oppression that they have had to endure.

There was a TV documentary on last week that explored the topic of gay animals. That too is very common. Religionists try to say that homosexuality is unnatural, but all indications are that that is entirely false.

Cris ...

From my experience, I'd have to say that the Gay communities oral
history, so to speak, is every bit as extensive as the Black communities.

Remember, until relatively recent years, one stayed in the closet if they
knew what was good for them. The unfortunate thing is, it seems to me
that this country is headed back in that direction. Oh well.

Take care, and thanks for the URL ;)
The unfortunate thing is, it seems to me
that this country is headed back in that direction.
Oh I hope not, I want to see more freedoms not fewer, but with the current right wing administration - who knows.

Take care
Plato and Socrates????

Your yankin my chain... right?:D

I never knew that and I just read a book on Plato

Groove on
You have to be...

Originally posted by Cris

I just didn't expect to see Elton John...on such a list, for example.

...kidding right? He is PUBLICY gay.....he has been "out" for years...

...kidding right? He is PUBLICY gay.....he has been "out" for years...
Oh OK, this really is the first I'd heard that. I guess I missed that news.

I saw a documentary quite a while ago that either proved or had strong evidence that homosexuality was genetic.

You often hear of adults who say they knew they were gay when they were kids even before they knew what it actually meant.

It's a shame that gays just can't go through life without having judgment passed on them for that reason. I've never met a gay I didn't like and I don't know what the big deal is for homophobic people.

I only draw the line at pedophiles. But I look at it exactly the same way as I look at a straigh male taking advange of a little girl. Actually I probably shouldn't put the distinction in this post. Sorry to any gays that have taken offence to that, but it just shows how influenced we are by fanatics. The media can be very irresponsible with how they manipulate the public.

Cheers to all, straight, bi and gays.
Love Teri
It's a shame that such people are singled out at all by such silly webpages and such discussions. Why select a group of people and refer to them as a particular segment of society at all? Such a waste of time and effort to differentiate between people based on these silly things. So what if there is a list of fifty gay dead people? I'm sure somewhere is a list of fifty heterosexual people. Does it really matter? Why not simply refer to all law-abiding members of a society as the same "type" or whatever (since this thread is about types)?
I think bisexuality is the normal state for all humans. Then some freak out when they realize they have feelings for the same gender and think that they have to make a choice. Which can result in homophobia and heterophobia.

When chosing a mate it´s the personality that should count, not the gender.

Yes, I agree with Bebelina here. It doesn't matter at all which side you grow, hetero or homo sexual. It is the personality that counts, male or female. Being male or female...:)

It's a shame that such people are singled out at all by such silly webpages and such discussions. Why select a group of people and refer to them as a particular segment of society at all? Such a waste of time and effort to differentiate between people based on these silly things. So what if there is a list of fifty gay dead people? I'm sure somewhere is a list of fifty heterosexual people. Does it really matter? Why not simply refer to all law-abiding members of a society as the same "type" or whatever (since this thread is about types)?
No I disagree. One of the great things about life is that everyone is different and discovering and exploring those differences is the spice of life. What I would object to is how so many people isolate a particular group and arbitrarily judge them according to their own personal lifestyle choices.

But we are all part of different groups, we are both male for example. Being male we can share experiences that females can never fully appreciate, and visa versa. If you ignore the differences then you stand a good chance of insulting others with inappropriate comments. For example if you are hetero and have a gay friend and didn’t know they were gay and then go on about your hetero experiences then you stand a good chance of upsetting them by your ignorance.

One of the key approaches to making friends is to take a real interest in other people. You’ll find that the most boring people around are those that continually start a sentence with the word “I”. But my real point here is that if you don’t understand something about the person you are talking to then your ability to effectively communicate is severely limited.

And Bebelina,

When chosing a mate it´s the personality that should count, not the gender.
Nice ideal but gender usually plays a very strong role in shaping personality. You really cannot separate them. For example even you proclaim yourself as Female Messiah. You are stressing your gender because you want to emphasize your differences to others.


So rather than try to see and make everyone conform to the same uniform sameness, I would much rather we recognize and appreciate the enormous differences between all of us.

This is what makes life so rich.

I’m part of the management structure of a large corporation. We have a specific policy about, what we call, diversity, i.e. recognition and understanding the differences between people. We have learnt that people are happier and are more effective in their work if their particular lifestyles are understood and hopefully appreciated by others. From my perspective I don’t want to mix people of opposing lifestyles in the same team, it just wouldn’t be effective and the people would be miserable.

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Cris, of course I´m not for conformity or a genderless society. We should all be proud of who and what we are. Including sexual preferences.
I was just saying that prejudices about genders shouldn´t come in the way of love. :)

I was just saying that prejudices about genders shouldn´t come in the way of love.
Awright, no problem from me. Hey, and if I'm ever in Stockholm perhaps we could get a group together. :D