Family question


Say a man married two women, from first woman he had a son, from second woman he had a daughter, what is a family relation between that son and the daughter? is she a cousin, sister? any ideas?
half brother and sister since they share a parent.
My son and daughter are half brother and sister since they share the same mother but not the same father.
I suppose he could introduce her as "this is my half-sister Jane" but in this family they are just brother and sister. We don't bother with the half crap. Just like my son doesn't say my husband is his step-father. He's his Dad.
I too have a half brother.I'm only half as smart as he but he is only half as good looking as me.So it works out ok,at least half the time.We share a mother.He says he wishes he was my full brother,so I told him to ask my dad for half of his semen.He couldn't do it.