False Catholic Mary Doctrine


Registered Senior Member
In the world, we can see a fervent goal of reaching a consensus between different churches and revival movements through ecumenism. The Roman Catholic Church is involved in ecumenism, and many people are not familiar with the Catholic doctrine. The Catholic "gospel" is a false one, and the Catholic Church does not represent Biblical Christian faith. The late bishop Alphonsus Liguiri, the author of a very well-known book titled "The Glories of Mary", writes in the book that Mary's intercessions are absolutely necessary for salvation, and that Mary, being the mother of God, is omnipotent and can save sinners.

Catholic News Service posted a piece on June 4, 2015, stating that the sitting Pope, Francis, has just recently read The Glories of Mary. Francis says that he enjoyed the book because all chapters of the book show how Mary always leads us to Jesus Christ. The Catholic News Service says that the pope gives praise for the book. Pope Francis did not reject and revoke any of the Mary doctrines in the book, which means that the Pope approves of the book's unbiblical Mary teachings that mock God. If the book's Mary doctrines were contrary to the official Catholic doctrine, Francis should absolutely have pointed that out, but he did not, and gave praise to the book instead. The Pope's attitude and words of praise confirm that the Catholic Church continues to worship Mary. If someone still wants to disagree, he or she has not learned to read, is incapable of understanding written text or information that he or she has heard, or is blinded by the lie and is a liar.

More info: http://www.kotipetripaavola.com/falsemarycatholicomnipotentdoctrine.html
In the world, we can see a fervent goal of reaching a consensus between different churches and revival movements through ecumenism. The Roman Catholic Church is involved in ecumenism, and many people are not familiar with the Catholic doctrine. The Catholic "gospel" is a false one, and the Catholic Church does not represent Biblical Christian faith. The late bishop Alphonsus Liguiri, the author of a very well-known book titled "The Glories of Mary", writes in the book that Mary's intercessions are absolutely necessary for salvation, and that Mary, being the mother of God, is omnipotent and can save sinners.

Catholic News Service posted a piece on June 4, 2015, stating that the sitting Pope, Francis, has just recently read The Glories of Mary. Francis says that he enjoyed the book because all chapters of the book show how Mary always leads us to Jesus Christ. The Catholic News Service says that the pope gives praise for the book. Pope Francis did not reject and revoke any of the Mary doctrines in the book, which means that the Pope approves of the book's unbiblical Mary teachings that mock God. If the book's Mary doctrines were contrary to the official Catholic doctrine, Francis should absolutely have pointed that out, but he did not, and gave praise to the book instead. The Pope's attitude and words of praise confirm that the Catholic Church continues to worship Mary. If someone still wants to disagree, he or she has not learned to read, is incapable of understanding written text or information that he or she has heard, or is blinded by the lie and is a liar.

More info: http://www.kotipetripaavola.com/falsemarycatholicomnipotentdoctrine.html
Amusing to see that old-fashioned anti-Catholic bigotry has not quite died out yet.
When GOD got Mary pregnant, did Mary have an orgasm?

( I have read that having an orgasm increases the likelihood of having a male child)
The Catholic "gospel" is a false one, and the Catholic Church does not represent Biblical Christian faith.
In the manner of every religions extremist - well, ever, another example of "that faith is the false one - MY beliefs are the valid ones!"
The Catholic "gospel" is a false one, and the Catholic Church does not represent Biblical Christian faith.
Of course the Mary doctrine is ridiculous but so is the idea that God would send His son to save us from His own wrath: "Kill my son and we'll call it square."
Christianity became the official religion of Rome in the 4th century AD. Rome was not the official secular of Christianity. Rome was in control of the merger because it owned Christians. Jesus said render onto Caesar what is Caesar's and render onto God what is God's.

Rome, under Constantine, saw Christianity as a way to integrate and consolidate the empire. The Christian soldiers were fearless in battle and had been rewarded via their religion promoted in the empire. The leaders in Rome also made concessions to the other religions and cultures to help unite the empire. Christmas, for example, was based on a pagan festival near the winter solstice. Rome merged many religions, with Christianity, for the sake of the empire. The result was the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is not pure Christianity, but also contains aspects of a pinnacle empire culture of many cultures. The Church was not just about love, but also might. Rome preserved itself through the Catholic Church. While the Church become a world power via the attributes of Rome.

There is precedent for Mary, in the book of Revelations, chapter 12, that would have been known at the time.

" and I saw a Divine Woman in heaven, clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars" (12:1). The woman is pregnant and about to give birth, "travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered" (12:2).

Then there is "a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads" (12:3) who is about to "devour her child as soon as it was born" (12:4). But her child is "caught up unto God" (12:5), and the woman herself is "fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days." (12:6)

Then there is a description of "War in Heaven" of the angels against the dragon, and "the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." (12:9)

The second coming of Christ is connected to a second divine pregnancy. This time it is not God impregnating a human, but God impregnating a Divine Woman. The prophesies say there will be very strong resistance to this; red dragon, who will try to devour her child and abort the birth. Nobody wanted the end of times to begin because of fear. One way to avoid this was to prevent the symbol of the woman from coming to fruition.

Interestingly, Satan is not thrown from heaven until after the Divine woman gives birth. Therefore if the Divine woman was not yet in heaven, that meant that Satan was still in heaven; Old Testament. The fire and brimstone Christian sects are much more Old Testament, instead of the love that is taught in the New Testament. Ignoring Mary is about about keeping Satan in heaven, therefore, moral neutrality is sanctioned; righteous anger is OK. Once Satan is thrown from heaven; symbolically, there is no room for moral neutrality in Heaven. Good and evil become polarized, with self righteous anger not of heaven but of the earth. The new Church is supposed to be more gentile and vulnerable like Mother Mary. The Roman aspect would not allow that.

The tradition of Mary in Heaven was going to be the catalyst from which Satan will be forced from heaven. Although speculation of Mary had occurred for centuries, the Assumption of the Virgin did not became official dogma until 1954. This was in the same time frame as the invention of the hydrogen bomb. Many saw the potential of hell on earth or the dragon Satan now among us. This dogma time out with social changes like civil rights, love generation, and feminism where men and women were seen as the copartners.

These symbols are like command lines for the unconscious mind's firmware programs, causing changes to the psyche. Satan among us may be implicit of today in politics, where the leaders don't even hide their deceptions. They can openly lie in a corrupt system, while many can't tell the difference.
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My dates are a little off. A few years do not impact the analysis. The correct dates, as you have shown, places the dogma of the Assumption before the hydrogen bomb tests, with the hydrogen bomb the point in time where humans learn to tap into the power of the sun. (son?)

The 1950's were among the most powerful decades for religion, where over 50% of the population in America, for example, went to church. This 1950's was the peacetime period after World War 2, The baby boomers are being born and growing, the economy was booming, in part, due to the GI bill, which allowed almost any veteran to afford a house. There was a desire for family and normalcy, grounded in religion.

The 1950's is described; Elwood divides the ’50s into three periods: “The Years of Dark and Dreaming, 1950-1952,” “Shadows at High Noon, 1953-1956,” and “Signs Appearing in Heaven, 1957-1959.”

The early 1960's were the peak for church attendance; near 67%. This attendance number begins to decline as the 1960's processed, as secularism and atheism increases influence. The changes in culture appears to symbolize Satan having come down to earth.

When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child.14 The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent’s reach.15 Then from his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent.16 But the earth helped the woman by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed out of his mouth.17 Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus.

The earth symbolizes our instinctive natures. The eagle is a bird of flight when touches the earth but also remains in the air. A place in the wilderness is not a manmade place, but is natural and not developed. This reflects the collective change away from the large organized religion of the 1950-60's, toward a more natural desire for spiritualism. The spiritualism of the 1960-70's is not organized like traditional church, but rather is about people exploring new things; wilderness. Much of this exploration was in the air; creative imagination often induced by drugs.

Many young people left because the Church because it was getting watered down away from its 1000 year old traditions. The water from Satan, to drown the woman reflects the church being undermined by secularism and money making. However, there this does not impact a core instinctive drive in the youth, which stills seek spirituality, but in the wilderness. The love generation was very spiritual. Even though established religions had been induced and made to fell suspect, the young people were not atheists, but were still seeking truth and justice, but in a pioneering way in the wilderness of evolving philosophy. The earth drinking up the water was the instinctive urge, not allowing the secular and atheist propaganda to break the spirit, even if it was effective in undermining the church.

Waging war against the rest of the offspring is now the mass mind becomes more personal, instead of social collective. The Viet Nam war ends, the social movement loses steam, as the older of the love generation return to culture. The mass mind now begins to weigh on these former pioneers, who now return to an altered culture, which is much more anti-religion and more open to relative morality, but without spiritualism being important.

Hillary Clinton was part of the love generation at one time, as a solider for the cause. She is still remembered by many for that. Gradually she changes to her own secular needs which allows her to justify dubious means.
My dates are a little off. A few years do not impact the analysis.
Of course it "impacts the analysis".
You implicitly claimed that the Assumption was predicated on the arrival of the H bomb ((if that wasn't your intent then why bother even mentioning the H bomb?).

Blah blah and other inane waffle
You really do need to see psychiatrist.
The Pope's attitude and words of praise confirm that the Catholic Church continues to worship Mary.
How do you know that's not what God wants? The Pope is more recent than the Bible, and God hasn't killed him.
When GOD got Mary pregnant, did Mary have an orgasm?

My understanding, communicated unto me by Christians, is that it was more of a divine moneyshot:


From Creator or Liar? by Jack T. Chick, 2005.