Faith without works and proof is false faith.

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Faith without works and proof is false faith.

Scriptures, on the issue of works, contradict each other.

Some scriptures and Christian sects push the notion that faith alone in God is all that is required to earn heaven.
Some scriptures indicate that without works, living the theology and applying it to reality, that whatever faith we claim to have is useless and that those souls are lost.

The notion of being part of a community where individuals looked out for each other and shared whatever it had was the key and the only reason Christianity became the religion that it is today. I mean this in the sense or size only. In reality, Christianity no longer bases it’s theology and being saved on works.

Perhaps this is why the Church is so fragmented today and losing the battle for the hearts and minds of the population.

People usually do what they see as profitable in one way or another for themselves. Today, looking at Christianity, from inside or outside, the population does not see a profit in remaining in or joining Christianity due to this notion that faith is all that is required.

Without works, will Christianity die?
Do you have to live your faith or is faith without works and good deeds good enough?

What was it that James told Peter.
Demons have faith in God and it is likely stronger than man’s faith because they know for certain of God’s reality yet it does them no good. Faith, belief that is not based on proof, is thus useless.

Faith, belief that is not based on proof, is thus useless.

I have faith in myself so therefore I've proved that I believe in something real not supernatural.
That is cheating. You do not have faith. You have proof.


No its not. can you show me where I cheated please? I used your own statement to show that you can have faith in yourself, if that is wrong then your statement is wrong as well. Which is it?
Greatest - I ran across this just looking for that particular verse, since I thought it was a good case against the whole copout of not worrying about doing good things, but relying on your belief to save you.

Sounds like a lot of double talk to me to preserve that particular viewpoint, but it doesn't surprise me that there's a counter argument against anything you might through at religion. I mean it's been around a long time, so someone has had to try to justify this stuff before.

For me as a non-believer, it baffles me that anyone can think it's okay to act any way they please because they think that in the end they're saved solely because they believe in Jesus. I could see if the requirements were for your actions to be judged as well as your beliefs, but on faith alone? Sounds like a convenient edit to me by someone down the line, so they could justify their own lack of deeds. Certainly not Christ-like at all.
No its not. can you show me where I cheated please? I used your own statement to show that you can have faith in yourself, if that is wrong then your statement is wrong as well. Which is it?

Do you have proof that you are yourself?
If so then that is proof therefore faith in not required and is replaced by sure knowledge.

Greatest - I ran across this just looking for that particular verse, since I thought it was a good case against the whole copout of not worrying about doing good things, but relying on your belief to save you.

Sounds like a lot of double talk to me to preserve that particular viewpoint, but it doesn't surprise me that there's a counter argument against anything you might through at religion. I mean it's been around a long time, so someone has had to try to justify this stuff before.

For me as a non-believer, it baffles me that anyone can think it's okay to act any way they please because they think that in the end they're saved solely because they believe in Jesus. I could see if the requirements were for your actions to be judged as well as your beliefs, but on faith alone? Sounds like a convenient edit to me by someone down the line, so they could justify their own lack of deeds. Certainly not Christ-like at all.

I agree. It is mostly all double speak.
That may be why so few Christians walk their talk.

if someone truly has faith, there's no way it won't affect their behavior. besides, someone may be able to blow smoke up other people's butts, but no one will ever blow smoke up god's butt.
Faith is a funny thing . If you don't act on it it don't happen . Let Me tell you about a woman named Jan . She runs " Teen Challenge in Missoula . Now she prays and things happen . Talk about a delusional state . She believes it will happen , funny thing is it does . The last thing I knew of was her saying she gona get Sara Palin to come to Missoula and raise funds for teen challenge . The naysayers would pipe off and say stuff like " You are not going to get Sara to come to a little town like Missoula. Well she did and she came just to fund raise for Teen Challenge . She was in Billings and Jan skedaddled over to Billings caught Sara and handed her a note . Fuck I would blow a nut in public to see what was in that note cause Sara confirmed she would come to Missoula and Help Jan and she did with out political non-sense attached. Oh the Progressives had there day and picked the event with scorn in there eyes and foulness in there breath . I would never vote for Sara and yet I did not understand the ridicule by the left . It put a black mark on Jan and she did not deserve that after all the Women she has help get there lives in order , successes in kicking drug addictions are at a higher percentage than the norm . It was a cheap shot and my faith in progressive mind sets dropped that very day. I love you Jan for the works that you do . It has nothing to do with your religion
if someone truly has faith, there's no way it won't affect their behavior. besides, someone may be able to blow smoke up other people's butts, but no one will ever blow smoke up god's butt.

Yep and you make sure of that with your position with him.

if someone truly has faith, there's no way it won't affect their behavior. besides, someone may be able to blow smoke up other people's butts, but no one will ever blow smoke up god's butt.

Seriously child.

Show your faith as Jesus says you can.

This is how a true Christian show his faith.
You might note that there is no one here with faith.
If there was, we would all know it.

Matthew 17:20
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

Mark 16:17-18.
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

There is a small mountain of 16,000 people that will starve today and tomorrow and so on if you do not step up and show your faith.
Unfortunately, there are no true believers. Just hypocrites.

You might note that there is no one here with faith.
If there was, we would all know it.

Just so you know where your bible was born.

Dailymotion - 2007-Doc Zone - Pagan Christ 1 of 3 - une vidéo Actu et Politique

My faith has changed me, and that has changed the world. It's not magic, and regardless of what imaginations your ego might entertain, it's not happening according to you demands or desires. Trust that you won't be pleased with the results at all.
My faith has changed me, and that has changed the world. It's not magic, and regardless of what imaginations your ego might entertain, it's not happening according to you demands or desires. Trust that you won't be pleased with the results at all.

I can make no demands but just show you what Jesus demanded.
justify your lack of action via whatever way you want. The dead starved children will know that you are full of it.
You refuse to do the works that Jesus said you could do.

I can make no demands but just show you what Jesus demanded.
justify your lack of action via whatever way you want. The dead starved children will know that you are full of it.
You refuse to do the works that Jesus said you could do.


No I have not. I have done my part to birth the kingdom. I have prayed for the end of suffering on this earth. The timeline is god's, not mine.
A faith of works, proof and reproof . . .

Faith without works and proof is false faith.

A faith that fills both of these criteria is undergoing trials right now! The first wholly new interpretation for two thousand years of the teachings of Christ is on the web. Radically different from anything else we know of from history, this new moral conception is predicated upon a precise and predefined experience, a direct individual intervention into the natural world by omnipotent power to confirm divine will, command and covenant, "correcting human nature by a change in natural law, altering biology, consciousness and human ethical perception beyond all natural evolutionary boundaries." Like it of no, a new religious claim testable by faith, meeting all Enlightenment, evidential criteria now exists. I'm testing the claims of this teaching myself. If anyone wants to examine the proof or join the trials, Google: The Final Freedoms for a link. I haven't yet posted enough to offer one here.
No its not. can you show me where I cheated please? I used your own statement to show that you can have faith in yourself, if that is wrong then your statement is wrong as well. Which is it?

Faith in yourself will take you to the top of the world, my friend, when you learn the power of faith, will you then share my faith? Or will you wait until judgment? If its proof you die for then it will be given to you at the hour of judgment, in limbo you will wait until then, do you want that? When the man comes around you will have faith, why not have faith now? When you are risen you will look into eyes like fire, have faith then, its not all a dream, and people who question are much welcomed in Heaven.

This is what will happen, guys, I know you want proof NOW NOW NOW, but sorry all I have to offer is faith.
I could write you 100,000 books, those books mean nothing with out faith. Why do you say you love God when you have no faith in him? Or do you?

What does a God need with love?

The Godhead I know has no needs.
Wants yes. Needs, no.

You r God needs love and strangely, if he does not get it, he quickly shows his hateful nature by punishing.

Have you ever tried to order someone to love?

What does a God need with love?

He doesnt need anything, but he wants and would you rather He demanded your love, because he can.

You r God needs love and strangely, if he does not get it, he quickly shows his hateful nature by punishing.

God says he hates you, and you will be punished over and over for YOUR hateful nature.

Have you ever tried to order someone to love?

No, I command it, serpent.