Faith, Promise and Quran; from Messengers (warner)


Carried over from the other messenger thread to open up on Quranic observations.

I have no problem with you voicing your beliefs. I have never indicated anything otherwise. I am merely asking for some clarification of your statements.

Good then let’s enjoy the time spent and both of us (and others) can learn a bit.

The word is not written, it is spoken.
sorry……… but you are writing to me. Words are ‘a unit of language’

suggesting a literary or concept of beliefs as being ‘the word,’ is not what defines what a ‘word’…….. is……

that frame you are pointing at is a distinction to a theological belief.

Furthermore if we accept God as All-Knowing, then we would know, as the Quran tells us also, that the words were with God and God taught them to man through speech.
just as I was saying; that is a belief, not reality.

Did you forget, Gabriel? And if Gabriel was doing the talking for God, then why did he not free mankind, then, and have to wait for the ‘days of judgment?’

Many societies exist without written words, oral tradition can much earlier than the written tradition.
Which shares that ‘words’ are not from God, but the creations of mankind; from all over the world, whether written spoken, drawn, painted, etc.....

How does this prove that birds evolved from pre-existing creation? This is a verse related to convince man of the presence of God, due to the natural world He created for us.
OK…………and if the bird was to be of such importance to the ‘end of days’ to be aware of truth (a sign); then to suggest the bird is not from dinosaurs, means you are discounting truth based on beliefs and not allowing the truth to be known.

There is more evidence (naturally) of birds coming from dinosaurs, then you could imagine. SO the evidence is not for God to put on your lap, but for you to be honest enough to seek truth over beliefs; you have your sign and choose to deny.
The context of this verse in is the creation of heavens, creatures, and the earth.

And about being aware of the signs, the future, the new to come, the days of truth and to seek "warnings"

8. Almost bursting with fury: Every time a Group is cast therein, its Keepers will ask, "Did no Warner come to you?"

9. They will say: "Yes indeed; a Warner did come to us, but we rejected him and said, '(Allah) never sent down any (Message): ye are nothing but an egregious delusion!'"

10. They will further say: "Had we but listened or used our intelligence, we should not (now) be among the Companions of the Blazing Fire!"

see these stories below after reading this post

Surat Fatir
Ya Seen
Al Ghafir
Al Mulk

Now what do you want me to look at here. Provide the verses which you use to support your claim. I will explain it from my view.

I suggested, the promises from the prophets was not fulfilled and the quran is practically all about the future to come. That Muhammad was not the last.

If you read them books, you will understand this. If you choose not too, that is what the above ‘warner’ item is about. (you either use your mind and think, or you do not, that is your choice not mine)

The promise relating to what? Can you find this verse for me here?
Sure but don’t be getting mad as you begin to read items that are completely different than what you believe:


61. Gardens of Eternity, those which ((Allah)) Most Gracious has promised to His servants in the Unseen: for His promise must (necessarily) come to pass

80. To Us shall return all that he talks of and he shall appear before Us bare and alone.

The whole book is sharing that the same ‘promise’ of old (Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Isaiah), will come. Jesus was not that person, nor was Muhammad, even as other may say so; but another, the last, is what finishes the job. The whole book and the majority of the quran is about this but many just don’t see that..

The true humility to Allah is to trust, that HE will finish the promises!

The Quran discusses the post-death coming of the Judgment day and its results (Paradise or Hellfire), that is the last chapter.
not post death, but on earth.

‘we the people’ (mankind) will know these things and upon ‘understanding’ then the ‘fathers are raised to the flesh’………….

That is what you are not observing as it seems you forgot to observe what the faith to maintain actually is!

The Quran touches briefly on events in our future only once, when mentioning the return of Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him).
Jesus is not coming back, it is the same ‘soul’ of truth (the spirit of truth) that is to finish the job. (that is the same ‘good’ of Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and all the prophets)

It is interesting to note that the Mahdi, nor the Anti-Christ are not mentioned in the Quran, but the Hadith.
because there is no devil, anti Christ, mahdi, dajal………….. it’s all from the same person.

I say this because when the truth is found equal to all mankind (as God promised), then ALL of the religions are OVER. So from each sect, they have had ‘prophets’ that said they see a man that comes to destroy them and the ‘truth’ being upon the ‘heads’ of each person (as God promised) will remove the power from ALL of the belief systems. (across the globe)

That is why ALL of the real prophets did not want, follow or begin a religion; the people after them did and in doing so taught that their interpretation was that ‘last word’

That is why, even you are believing that Islam is that final chapter but the fact is, it is not and proven because mankind is not equal, nor did the judgment occur, nor the destruction of the religions, nor the Peace;

none of the true promises that each soul on earth is expecting has occurred and your own book shares them all.

Thus your argument falls apart when analyzed from the Quranic perspective. The Quran is a book for all time, and cannot be isolated either to the past, present, nor the future.

Surah Al Ma'ida 5:3 "... This day have those who reject faith given up all hope …..
see what I mean…………. Having faith in Allah is to NEVER give up hope in equality, compassion, understanding and world Peace!

And any who say it is already done, are whom to question. If you are honest and a true seeker of the absolute, then have faith Allah will finish what was promised.

re-read most any book within the Quran now, and keep what you have read herein 'upon your head' and find you have not only been given a fair warning but also the truth

Keep the faith in Allah, not the words written by men as being absolute.
Your reading of the Quran is severely limited. The promise, as mentioned in the verses following the above revelation, refer to the afterlife. You can read the surah in its full context to understand. We do not need to pull out our own interpretations, unbacked by the Quran, attempting to base it on the Quran. Furthermore, I have memorized large portions of the Quran and read, study, and contemplate on the Quran daily. Thus your appeal to study the Quran more thoroughly makes little sense to me. Finally, the Quran clearly mentions, as above that the Prophet Muhammad is the seal or end of the prophets. You have not addressed this point. Rejecting the afterlife, opposes nearly a quarter of the message of the Quran, as it is clearly mentioned as a certainty. There is nothing which can be used in the Quran to justify another prophet to come, rather quite the reverse.

In concluding, I wish to ask you where you obtained your knowledge of the Quran, which religious group you are a part of (or were, when you obtained this view of the Quran), and whether you have any formal education from the Quran by any qari, hafiz, or sheikh.
Your reading of the Quran is severely limited. The promise, as mentioned in the verses following the above revelation, refer to the afterlife.

that is your opinion, (by accepting and complacent)

You can read the surah in its full context to understand.
practically everyday

We do not need to pull out our own interpretations, unbacked by the Quran, attempting to base it on the Quran.

You have submitted nothing of your OWN interpretation, you are following the beliefs of others (it is normal to followers)

the very reason i posted the items was to allow YOU to think, not to contest religious opinions. I know the religions are for fools, but i care about people (life) and the evolution of understanding. (the truth)

Furthermore, I have memorized large portions of the Quran and read, study, and contemplate on the Quran daily. Thus your appeal to study the Quran more thoroughly makes little sense to me.

memorizing words does nothing for comprehension. Studying allows each to feel the understanding with comprehension so that truth can be felt and opinions and beliefs isolated. Truth stands equal, pure and of compassion, as the religions divide, isolate and reduce the truth to opinions/beliefs.

Finally, the Quran clearly mentions, as above that the Prophet Muhammad is the seal or end of the prophets. You have not addressed this point.
every religion has pointed at their prophet being the last, but not a one of them finished the truth as promised. This is the FACT you just cannot observe.

All of the beliefs have line items within saying their religions is the last one. They say, they have the last prophet, that they have the last word, that they are the true religion, that they are what to follow or be damned.

What makes you any different than another? The items to seek are what enables mankind to know 'life' and since not a one has performed, then what to question is the belief structure and never the life of truth.

Rejecting the afterlife, opposes nearly a quarter of the message of the Quran,
nothing to reject, as the after life is what you are making choices for. Meaning; if you do not comprehend what life is, then how can you understand what choices to make for an after life?

as it is clearly mentioned as a certainty. There is nothing which can be used in the Quran to justify another prophet to come, rather quite the reverse.

Yes there is; the promise of truth! If Muhammad did NOT perform the perfection of understanding life, that is equal to all mankind, then he was not the last ONE.

That is reality

In concluding, I wish to ask you where you obtained your knowledge of the Quran, which religious group you are a part of (or were, when you obtained this view of the Quran), and whether you have any formal education from the Quran by any qari, hafiz, or sheikh.

i have observed just about every religion on this earth! (have you?)

be certain, not a one is pure as they await the last principle to be included, addressed and complete; the light of life! The undersanding of life and how our choices are what builds our AFTER-LIFE!