Faith on the earth


Registered Senior Member
Soon before Jesus left the earth, the first time he was here, he asked the rhetorical question, "when the Son of man (Jesus himself) returns, shall he find faith on the earth?" Luke 18:8

Well, will he?
He's late.

According to his own words, he was supposed to come back before the end of the then current generation.

Mat 10:22-23
Mat 16:27-28
Mat 24:1-34
Mat 26:63-65

But to answer your question, maybe. Depends on what type of faith he's really looking for...blind faith...practicing faith...symbolic faith.

But he's late. Still.
It depends when he plans to return.

It seems quite likely that in the next few decades we will have merged with high technology and evolved to a point where irrational thought and hence irrational religions will be non existent, in which case faith in fantasies like Christianity will not exist.
side note..

the bahai's claim that their prophets have fulfilled the prophecies outlined... i forget which part of the Bible they use to prove their belief.. i'll get back to you about it...
What a Joke!

Fictional dialogue. How would Luke know what anyone said decades earlier? He should have focused on getting the suicide story right. :rolleyes:
yes He will find faith..........tho from the way society is currently going there wont be much of it! too bad really, athiest are missing out on a lot of fullfillment!
Originally posted by Persol
but theists are missing alot of sex
not this theist ;)

*sigh* but he is in the Netherlands right now so maybe there is some truth to that. temporarily. :cool: