Faith is the tool of evil.


Valued Senior Member
To believe in god is to also believe in the devil. I cannot believe that god would allow evil to hold such power. This is the single most powerful reason not to believe in religious god. Too believe in god is to sanctify the presences of ultimate evil.

How would I know if I’m praying to god or the devil? I don’t know if religion was created by good or evil.

I know that religion has been responsible for many evil acts, I know that the most altruistic people around don’t believe in god and have far more love then any religious community leaders I know.

Religion tells me the best trick of the devil was to prove that there is no devil. I think that the trick was to convince the world that evil is a god.

I fear to pray, I fear to give my soul. I fear that the evil of man has expressed the devil and called it god.

A god does not require devotion or faith. Only the devil would need this.

On my deathbed I will renounce the religious god..

With conviction I know that I only follow compassion, and love, I know that the true god requires nothing but compassion and love. Faith is the tool of evil.

Thus I will continue to fight against religion for it is the ultimate expression of evil.

I feel sorry for those that follow religion because they have be mislead by human evil
I disagree with religion, though more because it is blind faith and i like some kind of proof than anything else. I dont believe in god or the devil, since they are both relative to each other, i dont see religion as evil however, infact to many it is seen as a source of comfort, and everyone is entitled to their own comfort, who am i to judge? Difference is my comfort is something i know exists, and i can prove exists, that proof means i trust it as comfort, some people dont require proof, they have comfort in faith.

Difference is my comfort is something i know exists, and i can prove exists, that proof means i trust it as comfort, some people dont require proof, they have comfort in faith.

Thing is, religous people get comfort out of things that are proven to exist, as well as faith. So it would seem you are in a lesser position. :)

Jan Ardena.
I dont consider it a lesser position, i have a source of comfort, same as all religious people do, to me im in the same position, if i had no source of comfort, i'd consider myself in a lesser position. Besides im happy, and i dont have to worry bout going to hell or not commiting a sin or anything, perhaps its even possible im in a better position. :)
Religion tells me the best trick of the devil was to prove that there is no devil. I think that the trick was to convince the world that evil is a god.

The Usual Suspects?

It is most likely that there is no god or devil or anything beyond this. This is why faith is dangerous....having beliefs is one thing but when beliefe turns into faith that is when things go haywire.
Thus I will continue to fight against religion for it is the ultimate expression of evil.

Here's an old joke:

God and the Devil were walking together. Suddenly, God noticed a piece of paper lying on the ground and picked it up. "What is it?" asked the Devil. "The Truth" said God". "Give it to me" replied the Devil - "I will organize it for you".
Faith in an invisible God peaks and wanes with one's hope in the future. When life is easy and fortune is with you,hope is low in the future and your faith is weak. But when fortune turns against you then your hope in the future increases and so does your faith.

I think primitive man some how made the connection between hope, faith and God and religion was born. You can summarize by saying hopelessness leads to faith. It is not suprising that religious fervor whether christian or muslim in our times stems from a hopelesness in the present and faith in an invisible God for a better future.