Factors That led to formation of earth


Registered Member
what Factors led to formation of earth. after which steps dis human evolve?
Ex: developments of cells, sexual reproduction
Please a little more specific. The big bang happened to produce ME.... The Earth is just an interim step...
what Factors led to formation of earth.

That’s an Earth science question that doesn’t fall under the scope of this section of Sciforums. I encourage you to ask it in the Earth Science section.

after which steps dis human evolve?
Ex: developments of cells, sexual reproduction

They are three very distinct and separate questions. You will need to narrow your line of questioning in order to achieve any meaningful discussion.

Have you started with the relevant wikipedia entries? They are detailed and well-referenced on these subjects.

Evolution of sexual reproduction

Human evolution

what field are are u really directing the discussion to? do you know that almost all facaulties of science can give a viable answer to ur querry? pliz try and be more specific