

Just a thought...

Think of a group of intelligent social animals. They evolved large brains, but did this also mean that they had to evolve 'faces'.
And with faces I mean any feature that functions as an identifier of a specific individual. In the case of humans this is very much the face. After all we can't have very deep social interactions if we are not distinct individuals, and if we need to be individuals we need a 'face'.

edit: typo
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Also before language was created face was a way to represent emotion. It is also their for sexual and reproductive reasons...(we don't have the ability to judge, what we consider, good looks in less than a second for no reason)

After all we can't have very deep social interactions if we are not distint individuals, and if we need to be individuals we need a 'face'.

Not really. Look at Hugh Hefner's girlfriends...they all look the same.
Humans have a very special adaptation. The whites of the eye, very important and helps us evaluate the emotions of others.

The eyes are the windows to the soul..(so to speak)
Surly someone’s mouth tells us more about their emotional state than their eyes….? On Graham Norton they tried to guess if a person’s face had been taken from a porn film or some where else…facial expressions require most of the face to judge emotions.
Many believe the human eye-brow evolved only for the purpose of expressing emotions
Blindman is right, IMO. Try your hand at some anotomical drawing. The amount of eye white and the position of it seems to impart much more information about emotion than any other facial feature.

Watch a Disney movie, as see when you feel like the character is sad. What makes you think that?

A person might smile while crying. but the position of the lower eyelid allows us to tell that they are not happy, despite the shape of their mouths.
Has anyone read Emotions Revealed by Paul Ekman (wondering if its worth a read)?

I wonder if it would be possible to black out peoples eyes and mouths and still tell what expression/emotion they are expressing, just by the muscle usage. Also, anyone know how people with poor eyes sight judge expressions?
I do not see how the eyes show emotion(especially the whites). I can sort of understand maybe the dialation of the pupil but that is it. It tends too show sometimes Love(maybe). I would say the best bet is the facial expressions. no?
it seems that the white of the eye actually helps us determine where someone is looking. This could be important to determine the motives of the looker. Is he looking straight at me, at food, is he looking down, is he looking at my mate, etc. etc.
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
it seems that the white of the eye actually helps us determine where someone is looking. This could be important to determine the motives of the looker. Is he looking straight at me, at food, is he looking down, is he looking at my mate, etc. etc.

That sounds a bit more logical