Facebook notification question


Matter and Pixie Dust
Valued Senior Member
Under settings, there is a notification option, but I can't find where to disable notifications. I don't need to be notified that one of my friends has posted their 59709th selfie for the week. It's really annoying. :oops: Is there a way to disable notifications completely? If so, I can't seem to find the option.

Or - do I simply ''unfollow'' certain contacts, as to avoid receiving the notifications? I don't mind seeing their posts in my feed, but I just want to disable the notification side of it.

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  1. Open your Facebook app, tap 'menu' and tap into the Facebook settings.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the list, under 'Advanced Notification Settings' you should see an option to uncheck 'Ongoing notifications'
  3. Uncheck and that should stop the ongoing notifications.
  1. Go to 'Settings' On mobile, 'Settings' can be found by clicking on the menu button. ...
  2. Go to 'Notification Settings' ...
  3. Edit your notification preferences by notification type. ...
  4. Hit the toggle buttons next to the notification type to turn it 'Off'
Thanks, Q. I don’t see an option for advanced notification settings (on the mobile app or desktop view) BUT, I found where to turn off notification settings for “updates from friends.”

It’s now off and I can just scroll through my newsfeed without all of those notifications - annoying also, are notifications from “pages I follow.”
Just go to Facebook and "quit Facebook".
lol Seriously.

I like FB for certain things, keeping up with friends, and such but I like it on my terms. Being notified of every move someone on my friend's list is making is super annoying. I'll notice it if I see it in my newsfeed, and if not...oh well.