F.A.O. Believers.

Jan Ardena

Hi, just thought I’d drop a line to those who believe in God, we don’t really get a chance to converse, because we are always pre-occupied, in what can only be described as childish arguments, like ‘does God exist or show Him to me,’ nonsense like that. Of course those who believe He exists can already understand that God is everything, even the ability to question, is testiment to His mercy and therefore existence, never mind this wonderful planet and the complete workings of this universe. And that is when you believe, imagine what it must be like to know Him, to see Him face to face.
It is pointless trying to constantly, convince the atheists, because at present, due to their ardent identification of the body as the self, they have no concept of anything they cannot see with their imperfect eyes. And due to the current inauspicious time, have grown proud and confident of their puny knowledge, to the point where they will not even believe great scientists, whom they base a large portion of their knowledge on.
I believe we should not waste our time more than is necessary in this kind of argument, we should concentrate on our own relationship, not only with God but with each other. It is through this type of association that we grow. In this way we could possibly have more in depth conversations with the atheist, and hopefully bring them to their senses.

I will hopefully start the topic off.

I believe that religion is 1 and not that there are different religions, such as christian, islam etc.
That kind of designation I believe to be the workings of men, if we use our intelligence, we can come to the understanding that God is 1 and due to His greatness there are unlimited aspects to His Personality and these different aspects becomes separate particles of the 1.
1 is the only number and God is 1.

Any feedbacks?


Jan Ardena.

Originally posted by Jan Ardena
...I believe that religion is 1 and not that there are different religions, such as christian, islam etc.
That kind of designation I believe to be the workings of men, if we use our intelligence, we can come to the understanding that God is 1 and due to His greatness there are unlimited aspects to His Personality and these different aspects becomes separate particles of the 1.
1 is the only number and God is 1.

Yup. I agree that basically there is only 1 religion from 1 source, 1 God.
(Btw, There are some people classify religions into 2 major groups)
Originally posted by Jan Ardena
Of course those who believe He exists can already understand that God is everything...
And, of course, Johnny Anyman might believe that the Queen of the Universe is his dead grandmother, who guides him by communicating with him through his toaster. So how do we then distinguish between instanity and religion?

Re: Re: F.A.O. Believers.

Originally posted by goofyfish
And, of course, Johnny Anyman might believe that the Queen of the Universe is his dead grandmother, who guides him by communicating with him through his toaster. So how do we then distinguish between instanity and religion?


We read in detail. At least three major religions of the world or what ever religion you perfer but detail reading would help.
The premise is always, "because I believe."

Are you then suggesting that you believe everything you read? I read quite extensively about the philosophies hate groups; am I now a violent white supremisist? No. So you read extensively and choose to believe. Again I ask how society can judge your sanity based on your belief in a story?

Originally posted by goofyfish
The premise is always, "because I believe."

Are you then suggesting that you believe everything you read? I read quite extensively about the philosophies hate groups; am I now a violent white supremisist? No. So you read extensively and choose to believe. Again I ask how society can judge your sanity based on your belief in a story?


Well I believe what makes sense to me. :)
Originally posted by goofyfish
The premise is always, "because I believe."
Are you then suggesting that you believe everything you read? I read quite extensively about the philosophies hate groups; am I now a violent white supremisist? No.

Probably because you have used your power to discriminate. You have probably come to the conclusion that violent white supremistists are not right. You have probably come to that conclusion based on your own natural instincts or other literatures you have read, maybe your current lifestyle can afford that. However you have arrived at this conclusion, it doesn’t matter, because in your heart you probably feel that you are right. That is the point of using your human intelligence, to come to decisions that do not unnecessarily cause harm to yourself or other living beings.
If not, then how have you come to this conclusion?
When you read bona-fide scriptures, you can, if you allow yourself, begin to see a wider picture, a picture that encompasses everything, instead of just a localized issue, such as not just being a violent white supremisist. You begin to learn about the true nature of cause and effect, you begin to see how you and others fit in to this game of life, it is another learning tool, but this time, it is the ultimate learning tool.

So you read extensively and choose to believe. Again I ask how society can judge your sanity based on your belief in a story?

Society is full of variety, the kind of society I think you are alluding to, is very much like the ‘Borg’ society depicted in the Star Trek literature, where everybody is part of the collective, no individuals, and therefore freethinking is seen as insubordinate.
Who is society that it can judge an individual?
I believe society is what we make it. Thirty years ago homosexuals were so looked down upon, that they remained secretive about their sexuality, now it is out in the open, so we can see how society has changed and is changing all the time.
What I am talking about does not change, it is constant.
Everyday or so, you may change your clothes, but you are the same person, it is that sameness I am referring to. In order to have some idea of that sameness, especially nowadays, it has to be taught, so we learn from the Person who does not change, God.
However, we have to use our power of discrimination, otherwise we can be lead up a garden path, this discrimination is the same one you use to make your decisions,

The way in which discrimination is used is very variegated, and this is the point of the thread, to find a common link.

You say ‘our belief in a story,’ the belief is not in the story, the story, as you call it, is like a vehicle which carries a point, and the point is 1 God.
What do you know, that has not been told to you?
Have you never heard a story, factual or fictional, which has helped you to understand a situation more clearly? That is a special gift awarded to mankind, the ability to either make up stories or tell factual stories, either way, the hearer hears, and the point of the story is what gives pleasure, or not, as the case may be.
If one has understood the point, then one can come to his/her own conclusion.


Jan Ardena.
Re: Re: 1

Originally posted by Jan Ardena
Originally posted by ismu
(Btw, There are some people classify religions into 2 major groups)

How do you mean?


Jan Ardena.

Some people clasify religions into 2 major groups. One is 'sky' religions, which are broguht by prophet or holy man from God. The other are 'earth' religions, which are grew up from culture/tradition in centuries and become a such religion that also have rituals.

But I don't think the second one is truly religion.

Urrr... perhaps someday science will also become religion for todays atheist :D

Well I believe what makes sense to me

We read in detail. At least three major religions of the world or what ever religion you perfer but detail reading would help.

I am really curious about what you believe as I haven't found many people that have read "other" religions. Most kids raised in a religion stay within the confines of that religion and assume they are right because they were exposed to it during their childhood. But I feel God is bigger than letting a child raised in India go to hell because the child was taught those belief's. The same can be said for Moslems and Christians. My point is God is bigger than random luck on getting to heaven. I also don't think God takes sides and I doubt he cares much about this world. I get frustrated at Christins praying for new cars and houses and saying "God gave it to me" as I see soooooooooo many children praying for food, shelter, and that the bombs will stop. I have tried learning all I could about religions and philosophy of the world and I decided that God doesn't discriminate and it's only religions that say he does...But I don't expect God to solve my problems either and for that matter the worlds problems either. That is a myth based on prophets from the early days. As they attacked countries, took slaves, and took wealth and said "God told me to"
Re: Re: Re: 1

Originally posted by justagirl
I have tried learning all I could about religions and philosophy of the world and I decided that God doesn't discriminate and it's only religions that say he does...

What, I believe is happening, is that you are beginning to understand the true nature of religion, the religion as put in place by God Himself.
The religions we see in this world, ie; muslim, christian and so on, are just particles of the whole religion, which are essentially perfect, but these particles have been misinterpreted. That is not to say that they are untrue within themselves, but over time they have come to mean different things, depending on the state government of the time, and gradually going away from the true essence.

But I don't expect God to solve my problems either and for that matter the worlds problems either. That is a myth based on prophets from the early days. As they attacked countries, took slaves, and took wealth and said "God told me to"

There are ways to test if a prophet of God is true, one way is to see if his coming into this world has been foretold in the scriptures, another way is to observe his actions, see if he acts in accordance with the word of God.

Originally posted by ismu
Some people clasify religions into 2 major groups. One is 'sky' religions, which are broguht by prophet or holy man from God. The other are 'earth' religions, which are grew up from culture/tradition in centuries and become a such religion that also have rituals.

Religion, by its nature, has to be one (1). All humans have some form of religion, it is the constitutional position of the living entity. The source of religion has to be the giver of religion. Religion, itself does not change, it is us that changes over time, place and circumstance, so the bestower of religion, bestows it according to time, place and circumstance, that is why there appears to be different religions, but the essence/goal of all religions is eventually to go back to home back to Godhead.
A good example is the education system, it discriminates according to development of mind, a 5 year old will not be taught advanced mathematics. That is not to say that the 5 year old is stupid in any way, but because the mind is not properly developed, it cannot, at present, percieve such knowledge. But in time, as the mind develops, it will be able to grasp it.
Religion is the same, most humans consciousness, cannot grasp the high standard recommended in scripture, even though each one is an individual, so they are given religious principles, that although are not to the highest standard, will put them in the right position in their next life, or even this life.

Urrr... perhaps someday science will also become religion for todays atheist :

Modern day science, like modern day religion, seems to have lost the point of its goal, so in that respect I can agree with you.


Jan Ardena.

I always get wary of someone telling me the "true nature of religion". When one religion says that human life is sacred and another says that humans are a mistake made by some rogue god without permission--or has mass suicide as one of its staples (more common with cults), how do you reconcile that? Or if one religion teaches that everything is god, and another teaches that there are fifty individual gods, or one individual god. For that matter, what about the ones believing a tree is the one god, or a statue is god, or that you cannot see the god because he or she is on another planet or immaterial?

And there's the dualistic religions with one god good, and another evil, battling it out for who rules the world (or region or mountain). What about one religion teaching that cows are sacred and another teaching that they be sacrificed and eaten? What about one teaching that you will be reincarnated and another teaching that this is it? What about the varying forms of the afterlife and a thousand teachings about how you make it to eternal peace/nothingness/virgins to have sex with?

What would a sane being do with all these contradicting and incompatable beliefs? I bet your answer is that whatever being would open up the gates of heaven or wherever and allow everyone a cushy stay in the afterlife. Why bother with any religion at all then? If it doesn't matter if you're sleeping with everyone or being pious and chaste. Then what does it matter what you believe. You may as well believe whatever makes you happiest in the short run (while hedging bets in case some consequences come along while you're alive).

People strive all their lives to leave a legacy so that their actions will matter after they die. People want their actions to matter. If there is no punishment for unpunished wrongs and accolades for overlooked good deeds, then such an afterlife would not make our actions matter. It would make the afterlife into an unfair and unjust place.

And further, how irresponsible would God have to be to let His religion degenerate into a splintering of "misinterpreted particles"? Wouldn't God care about His religion enough to preserve at least its fundamental teachings? The two religions you state have completely contradictory fundamental teachings. One says to pray seven times a day and hold to a strict moral code, and the other says just to love each other and place your trust into one man. It would make anyone who desired to find God in both of them at the same time confused.

And then there's all this confusion that Christianity says that God's going to send some innocent kid starving in another country to hell because the kid was born into a family with a different religion. It's like believing that God is going to give an oral exam at the gate, and if you say the right thing you get in, but say the wrong thing and it's eternal damnation for you. No one can be sure who God will send where. Christianity only teaches that if you place your trust in Jesus, then you get into heaven, and if you hate Jesus, then you go to hell. That leaves a lot of gray area up to God in between.
Re: Re: Re: 1

*Originally posted by ismu
Some people clasify religions into 2 major groups. One is 'sky' religions, which are broguht by prophet or holy man from God. The other are 'earth' religions, which are grew up from culture/tradition in centuries and become a such religion that also have rituals.

But I don't think the second one is truly religion.

Usually, the people who are members of a false religion fail to distinguish the two types of religion, namely TRUE and FALSE.
That is typical, since falsehood has a way of blinding a person to the truth.

*Urrr... perhaps someday science will also become religion for todays atheist *

Where have you been?
Science IS the atheist's religion since that's all he's got.
Talk about clutching at straws.

*Originally posted by justagirl
I also don't think God takes sides and I doubt he cares much about this world.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
(John 3:16, KJV).

He cares.

*I get frustrated at Christins praying for new cars and houses and saying "God gave it to me" as I see soooooooooo many children praying for food, shelter, and that the bombs will stop.*

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
(Hebrews 11:6, KJV).

Those people praying for the bombs to stop are reaping a harvest.
Have you noticed how people with new cars and houses are rarely interested in starting wars?
Don't forget that on 9/11, it was the people without new houses and cars bombing the US, not counting O b L, who seemed to have enough money for that, but preferred living in a cave.

*Originally posted by Jan Ardena
Religion, by its nature, has to be one (1).

Religion, by its nature, has to be two (2).

True or false.
If you can't tell that is so, then your religion is one of the many false ones.

*Originally posted by dan1123
Christianity only teaches that if you place your trust in Jesus, then you get into heaven, and if you hate Jesus, then you go to hell.

Not really.
Christianity teaches that everyone goes to hell when they die, hell being the grave.
The believers get resurrected and live on earth forever, and the unbelievers get resurrected and get tossed into the lake of fire.