Eyes see more than normal?


Registered Member
Hi, new here, dunno how I found this place, simple site name but seems hard to find :p

Anyway it’s the best place I found to ask a few questions.

These are all to do with sight and may seem strange, I have normal vision (I think) but I notice more than most seem to.

When you look at something plain light and bright, do you see these small particles like bright streaks that move about in a random but smooth flowing way?
They’re almost like small atomic particles or something that streak then disappear while new ones reappear and it goes on all the time, though you won’t notice it with lots of different colours in any mess, just plain light surface.

Also I noticed a strange thing when I look through my fingers or any object that has two surfaces close together I see, dark lines, almost like veins or fork lightning, which moves following the surface angle. I did think it was the dark around the light making me see the veins in my eye but that just isn’t the case as it moves following the surface, oh and to see it well you have to move your fingers or object back and forth slightly in a steady motion.

Also I can see when doing the same thing, light bending slightly and sometimes red or blue shifting but that doesn’t seem possible because that’s only possible from a strong gravity.

They are some weird things I have noticed and I have to know if anyone else has seen these things?
Some times the liquid in your eyeball crystallises, you get tiny crystals of it floating around in there, mostly gathering around the bottom of course. When you sneeze or do something else which spasms the eyes, these tend to be shaken up more, you would probably see more of them then.
I believe they might be your own cells? Maybe white blood cells? I dont remember where, but i remember i've read it somewhere before.

Anyway, that's only for the white-floater things, i'm not sure about the other "sight anomalies" though :bugeye:
These particles are cystals from the vitreous humour - the jelly like substance that fills the inside of the eye. There also the aqueous humour that fills the spaces in front of the lenses. It's nothing really, no point in worrying about them.
the dark lines are diffraction, just has to do with the focus of the light. notice they disappear when you try to focus on them(at your finger)?