Extreme Allergies


Registered Senior Member
I've heard of people being allergic to penicillin before, but not aspirin, Tylenol, ibuprofin, oxycontin, amoxicillin, and penicillin all at once. A girl I met a few days ago, in response to me asking her what all the sores on her hands were from, said she was allergic to all painkillers. She also said something about doctors giving her some kind of shot that stops the reaction. How exactly can someone be allergic so many different pills? Tylenol, oxycontin, and penicillin are all quite different from each other right, it couldn't be traced to being allergic to one thing could it? I asked her what exactly she was allergic too, but she didn't know.
Usually when u are allergic to one thing there are plenty of other things u are allergic to as well. Allergies aren't really THAT specific as (after all) they are just over reactive immune responses. I do agree that this case is a bit unfortunate however!!!