
Weird thing, that Sitchin's books are called "The Earth Chronicles" as if admitting that it's fantasy fiction!

Not to prejudge him, but I don't believe he has really used science in a valid way to "prove" that we were created by extraterrestrials. But he certainly seems to have "blinded with science" the Monsignor. It seems to me that the Monsignor simply put the Catholic church's position that there probably are aliens and that their existence has no implication on the theology of Christ or what we as human beings mean to God. I'm not sure he accepted Sitchin's thesis that we were created by aliens, even if he may have nodded and smiled.
Another one:


Jinn (Jinni - the singular form, also known by the Anglicized form Genie), Invisible live forms sharing the same space with humans, informed in the Koran, widely recognized as spirits, demons or devils existing outside the natural world, capable of assuming different forms and exercising supernatural influence over people to the extent of causing obsessions, psychological and mental ilnesses; who frequently appear in shape of aliens or UFO in modern times.
Technology by another name is just magic or “spirits”.
Do people really expect King Jesus to return riding around the earth on a donkey?
one thing we can be sure of....SOMEthing must be going on. even if only ONE of the vast reported UFO/ET incidents is real what does this mean.
i have noticed so-called sceptics are quick to dismiss it all as false---but if you meet one just repeat what i just said and see how they react. the law of averages must suggest that out of all the reports from a huge wide cross section of poeple. from farmer, to air pilot etc

from there then what? are we created by ETs?...put it this way......we may create a new rose...this doesn't mean we OWN it. so if some ETs were to get all big for their boots tellin us they 'created' us..we then ask them who created them!......Creation is mystery. none creates anything...has patent on anything. though big pharma and the biopiracy boys would love to patent Nature--but that's another debate

some one says that ETs are nothin but daemons, spirits, 'jinns'....This idea is very like Jacques Valee's ideas. that they are 'infraterrestrial' and that from ages past therer have been similar incidents, but also particular for the time....so pre-technology there'd be a prevalence of fairies, etc...but to me this open up more complexities

for example, in this diverse world we are familiar with....whay cannot this be the same for the world that we aren't familiar with. do they ALL have to be 'demons' and 'supernatural'?

and such an approach makes me want to explore where the very IDEa of 'demon' comes FROM...and 'supernatural'..for to explore these ideas means rotting around in the Abrahamic religious closet, as well as Ancient Greek ideas

for example, 'Daimon" originally meant 'Nature spirits' in Greek......When the Olympian gods come the fore, all the previous pagan gods--chtonic gods--become 'DEMON-ized'...this is the beginnings of our indoctrinated separation from Nature, and from our bodies

If we look at that, and Abrahamic religion--plus of course Islam, we see a profound Zoraoastrian influence...where 'good' and 'evil' are separated. of course 'bad' will very much mean Nature

so you see. i am not trying to hijack the deabte, but to try and keep aware of unacknowledged premises about demons and so on when exploring the UFO/ET phenomenon

If i was an alien, and was relatviely peaceful, and at home in the universe, and witnessed what was going on here...what with the brutality, the pollution, the overall ignorance.....in faCT SOMETIMES I feel LIKE A FUKIN ALIEN TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH. i don't beLIEVE what is going on.........but i am sure we are being watched. i would watch us and all. presently Bush and Blair have dropped hundreds of tons of depleted uranium onto children women, and men, polluting water, soil, air, causing genetic deformity, and its life (of the illegal nuclear toxic crap0 is billions of years. and he plans to make this a general thing, inventing more sophisticated nucler 'mini' devices.......nice huh?

so, we NEEd some kind of radical kick right up the tired ignorant arse

maybe the UFO thang is a part of that
M*W: Good morning, duendy. It's always a pleasure to read your posts.

If ETs exist, and I believe they do, but I believe they exist in a parallel universe, otherwise, they'd be with us on a daily basis -- which could be true, but we just can't readily visualize them because they are able to travel through the dimensions and we are not.
duendy: are we created by ETs?...
M*W: That's a possibility. It's been said that they created us as slaves to mine the earth's precious ores. We have miners, alright, but I don't think anyone has seen the precious ores being transported into outer space or stolen from earth. However, I was on a plane to Las Vegas (from Texas), and we were flying over the mountains New Mexico and Arizona. These mountains were reflecting gold- and silver-like areas on these mountains. I can only imagine if ETs saw this beautiful reflection, they would wonder what it was. I don't know that much about this subject, but I believe UFOs and ETs have been around since before recorded history. In fact, I watched a documentary about human evolution. Sometime during or after Neanderthal man came modern man. It was when Cro-Magnon came along, he was wiser, more adept, and virtually hairless. The documentary implied that sometime after the Neanderthals, because they died out, something inbred with modern man to get the white-skinned, hairless man. The documentary implied this new breed was inbreeding by aliens.
duendy: some one says that ETs are nothin but daemons, spirits, 'jinns'.
M*W: You know, I'm a sensitive and intuitive person, and I don't fear them. Not that they've ever given me any reason to!
duendy: ...This idea is very like Jacques Valee's ideas. that they are 'infraterrestrial' and that from ages past therer have been similar incidents, but also particular for the time....so pre-technology there'd be a prevalence of fairies, etc...but to me this open up more complexities
M*W: When you say 'infraterrestrial,' do you mean 'with us -- humanity' or 'coming from within the earth?'
duendy: for example, in this diverse world we are familiar with....whay cannot this be the same for the world that we aren't familiar with. do they ALL have to be 'demons' and 'supernatural'?
M*W: No. We are familiar with what we can see and what we understand although we can't see (gravity, electricity, etc.). Just because we don't understand UFOs or ETs doesn't mean they are surely demons. We're just afraid of what we don't understand. When humans are brainwashed that they are so small and worthless in the world (i.e. by Christianity), they tend to fear anything they don't understand. Their label is that anything you don't understand must be of the devil. But, unless you open yourself up to learn about things you don't know, you will always be worthless and in the dark.
duendy: and such an approach makes me want to explore where the very IDEa of 'demon' comes FROM...and 'supernatural'..for to explore these ideas means rotting around in the Abrahamic religious closet, as well as Ancient Greek ideas for example, 'Daimon" originally meant 'Nature spirits' in Greek......When the Olympian gods come the fore, all the previous pagan gods--chtonic gods--become 'DEMON-ized'...this is the beginnings of our indoctrinated separation from Nature, and from our bodies
M*W: I answered this in the previous paragraph. I believe all creation has 'spirit' including 'nature spirits.' Everything has some form of atomic make-up and bioelectric field.
duendy: If we look at that, and Abrahamic religion--plus of course Islam, we see a profound Zoraoastrian influence...where 'good' and 'evil' are separated. of course 'bad' will very much mean Nature
M*W: The Abrahamic religions destroyed the matrilineal civilizations. There were no recorded evils in the matrilineal societies, but when Abraham came out of his ancient monotheist closet, and Moses came down off his ancient pharaoic thone, the nurturing gatherer societies that lived in peace with nature were brought down.
duendy: so you see. i am not trying to hijack the deabte, but to try and keep aware of unacknowledged premises about demons and so on when exploring the UFO/ET phenomenon
M*W: I think they are only believed to be demons by those who profess a man-made religion. When we get to know the ETs and accept them, there will be no need for man-made religion. I believe this is what they are trying to teach us.
duendy: If i was an alien, and was relatviely peaceful, and at home in the universe, and witnessed what was going on here...what with the brutality, the pollution, the overall ignorance.....in faCT SOMETIMES I feel LIKE A FUKIN ALIEN TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH. i don't beLIEVE what is going on.........but i am sure we are being watched. i would watch us and all. presently Bush and Blair have dropped hundreds of tons of depleted uranium onto children women, and men, polluting water, soil, air, causing genetic deformity, and its life (of the illegal nuclear toxic crap0 is billions of years. and he plans to make this a general thing, inventing more sophisticated nucler 'mini' devices.......nice huh? so, we NEEd some kind of radical kick right up the tired ignorant arse maybe the UFO thang is a part of tha
M*W: It wouldn't surprise me that all the presidents from Truman and possibly earlier know the truth about UFOs and ETs. I also believe the pope knows something we don't, but being the big gold-plated business christianity is, the secret will never be told. Maybe Jesus was an alien. Maybe we're all aliens and don't know it. Many are called, but few are chosen. Maybe aliens are what we call our spirit. I don't know, but I'm not worried about it. Just imagine what aliens could teach us! Maybe they live forever. Or, maybe they're watching us to learn from us.
Well, i dont believe we were slaves to aliens--to MEN, yeah--or that we have been 'made' by 'them'......And i worry that they might replace 'God' as THe new saviour off the block

but i dont discount that therer may be actual entities being encountered by all the reports i have heard about

One HUGE thing to consider is how WE are. For hundreds of years we have been indoctrinated by prevailing authorities that Nature is bad and we must aspire to soe 'pure spirit' god or principle
What this means is that a vast part of us has been oppressed and repressed. and this INCLUDES NAture. for we ARE Nature. we haven't just dropped in there. EVEN if it was proved that aliens hybrided us or whatever, the fact remains that we are utterly interealted with Nature..which includes universe of course......our skin is like an organis interface with planets, vegetation, and so are our organs...we exfoliate within the embrace of Nature

Maybe then our suppression of the spiritual aspect of Nature, which includes our being will neverthless manifest as an 'Other'..as in UFO/ET (btw 'ultraterrestrial means 'interdimensional)
Yet this 'other' is NOT 'SUPER'natrual as in 'above' or 'more' than Nature, but IS Nature. what we do when using that term is betray our un-consciousness of the profundity of Nature
For the worldview indoctrinated into us is of a 'dead' materialistic-mechanistic world and universe
I personally consider the alleged alien encounters to be real (at least some, or many). I also consider the crop circle formations as originating from an alien source (at least some, or many). Taken as true, I would consider an extraterrestrial world a great source for learning about ourselves, both past and present.

While in the past the alien phenomenon has been dubbed by many Christians to be demonic in origin, Monsignor Corrado Balducci, the Catholic theologian mentioned in the link I provided has asserted that it is NOT, in fact, demonic in origin. For any Catholic reading this, I'm sure his credentials speak enough on his competency to make such an assertion.

As for the notion that humans, as such, are a product of alien intervention (by whatever means) does have merit. I, myself, don't have an opinion about the matter. If it happened it happened, if not, then it didn't. Right now it seems that we can only speculate. However, as sitchen has shown, it can be indicated within mythical texts, and as Medicine Woman has said, it may also be indicated within the framework of archaeological history. It would be interesting to discover that it is, in fact, a reality. The implications of it would reveal entirely new interpretation of the myth texts from around the world.

I have had a personal theory on human past for a number of years now. It has been developing and changing as I incorporate new findings into it. It takes into consideration that our solar system was once more populated than it is now (i.e., apparent indication of ancient civilization on Mars destroyed by both global flood and change in atmosphere). I'm not going to get into it now, since it is long and complex, but one postulation is that the city and kingdom of Atlantis (named after the Titan, Atlas) will never be found here on Earth.
So what’s so difficult about understanding that there are those that you can trust with your kids and cows, and those that you cant. Does it mater what color, creed, race, or what have you for a sentient intelligent being? What DOES mater is COULD you trust them with your family and livelihood?

Where will your allegiance go? With these cast down fallen ones, or with the ones that threw them down? The larger governments and religions appear to be dancing with devils if you get my meaning. Today we can understand what was yesterday called myth and fairytales.

Same tactics, different day. STDD
Lies, deceptions, and slander.