Extraterrestrials and Christianity


Registered Senior Member
Let's pretend that humanity has just invented a new "space vehicle" which can travel the speed of light, or close to it. We used the vehicle to find a new planet extremely far from earth which has intelligent lifeforms living on it in a society. These E.T.'s can reason, and can communicate intelligently with one another and have formed their own language.

Let's assume that there are many of these new space vehicles available for purchase and that people from earth can now travel all over the galaxy.

Would Christians be inclined to travel to this "new world" and convert these "new people" which live on that planet? Would they be inclined to teach these extraterrestrials about the gospel, and Jesus? Or did Jesus' sacrifice only apply to humans on earth?
I believe humans will slave them. Why, wealth! By the way, we will not invented a new space vehicle, because God will not let us to invent.
Let's pretend that humanity has just invented a new "space vehicle" which can travel the speed of light, or close to it. We used the vehicle to find a new planet extremely far from earth which has intelligent lifeforms living on it in a society. These E.T.'s can reason, and can communicate intelligently with one another and have formed their own language.

Let's assume that there are many of these new space vehicles available for purchase and that people from earth can now travel all over the galaxy.

Would Christians be inclined to travel to this "new world" and convert these "new people" which live on that planet? Would they be inclined to teach these extraterrestrials about the gospel, and Jesus? Or did Jesus' sacrifice only apply to humans on earth?

Well, if they have freewill, then they are capable of and probably actually have commited some evil acts. According to Christianity, the only true religion, :rolleyes: they would need a Savior just like we do. So either they would need to have their own Savior or the Christians of this earth would look at them about like they looked at the "savages" that inhabited the "New World" on this earth, North America. They would probably just kill them all in order to take over their planet, unless they converted to their faith of course!

I believe humans will slave them. Why, wealth! By the way, we will not invented a new space vehicle, because God will not let us to invent.

So what the hell do you call the space shuttle? In a few more decades, while your body rots in the ground, humans perhaps can reach further then ever before, we may even reach the speed of light.
Would the discovery of non-Christian aliens prove that Christianity is false? Or, would Christians see it as an opportunity for missionary work?
Would the discovery of non-Christian aliens prove that Christianity is false? Or, would Christians see it as an opportunity for missionary work?
I suspect Christians will “find” passages in the bible where aliens are mentioned or insinuated in that wonderful allegoric manner.
Let's pretend that humanity has just invented a new "space vehicle" which can travel the speed of light, or close to it. We used the vehicle to find a new planet extremely far from earth which has intelligent lifeforms living on it in a society. These E.T.'s can reason, and can communicate intelligently with one another and have formed their own language.

Let's assume that there are many of these new space vehicles available for purchase and that people from earth can now travel all over the galaxy.

Would Christians be inclined to travel to this "new world" and convert these "new people" which live on that planet? Would they be inclined to teach these extraterrestrials about the gospel, and Jesus? Or did Jesus' sacrifice only apply to humans on earth?

It's doubtful if we'll ever find out one way or the other.
It's doubtful if we'll ever find out one way or the other.
If you truly believe and accept the possibility…you will.
Applying the correct epistemology towards the ontology of extraterrestrials is crucial.

The ‘right’ authority figures provide ample “evidence” for alien visitations and abductions.
If you are an unbeliever then prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that they are wrong!!!!

If you cannot…then they speak the ‘truth’.
I believe they would, yes. They're find some passage in the Bible that seems to vaguely allude to trying to convert all intelligent beings, perhaps construing the world "human" as meaning "anything sentient". Hell, they already decided that unbaptized babies no longer go to purgatory, even though that was the belief for years. Why can't they make up some views on ETs too?
I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to ETs and Christianity.

Is there any specific scripture that denies their existence or has any reference at all to life on other planets? Actually, are other planets even mentioned in the Bible?
Makes me wonder if any alien religion is ever going to swing to earth. How many people on earth would choose to believe in the flying squirl like markler who was killed and betrayed by feeding him in a poisenes blubls. Even if he's considerd the son of god on a other planet.

Perhaps aliens only see a story abouth a naked ape that was hammered to a tree afther seen kissing a same gender in a public place
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All religion could be dead by the time humanity actually encounters another sentient alien race. Thats what I would think. Religion is dying.
I wonder what god would have thougt of neanderthals? (well thet were considerd to be a sentient species and they have actualy been around for some time in the distant past)
I dunno, I haven't seen any signs of religion fading. I recall something about atheism actually declining in the past few years in North American,. but that could be because of the influx of immigrants, which in Canada at least seem to be hugely Muslim, Hindu, and various forms of Christianity, the followers of which rarely seem to produce atheist offspring. I actually know of only 2 Middle-Eastern/Indian people who are atheist: a mother and a son. And the vast majority of those in my school are of this background.

There were also statistics of Islam rising in popularity over the past couple years, probably due to its media exposure.
There were also statistics of Islam rising in popularity over the past couple years, probably due to its media exposure.

As Steve Buscemi says in Armageddon: "I like it because I get to blow shit up".
If aliens are/were found to exist it would totally shatter the major religions, i mean youd have to ask yourself some serious questions about men 'appointed by God' who didnt see fit to mention that theres actually life in the rest of the universe. Then again maybe god works on a need to know basis, like the CIA. :D
I personally do not think space exploration is possible without everyone, at least on some moral level being "on-board".

I think a certain level of general morality is necessary to escape(permanently) our world. It is probably the same for other worlds, where life develops similar to ours, and gets to the same level we have. The kind of morality that might not enslave other life.

Space is so huge. Warfare is largely a symptom of confined space. I wonder if it might be worth competing for the relatively few life-giving worlds however.

Who knows we may currently be enslaved to a galaxy-ranging empire and not even know it. Our only contribution to the cosmos, our unique DNA strands.