Extraterrestrial Craft


Registered Senior Member
Hello, I am new to this site. I became
a believer in flying saucers when I saw
one myself from about twenty feet away.
I was eleven years old at the time of the sighting. The craft went over my house and made a buzzng sound like that of a high voltage line. I feel this craft was extraterrestrial because
I realize now that it was highly unlikely a secret military vehical.I am
very well grounded in physics and what
I saw should have not been possible.
All I can say is that we are all in for a very big suprise.

" The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious;it is the source of all true art and science."
Albert Einstein
Okay, you say you're well grounded in physics. So is my partner. In fact, he's a quantum physicist. I read him your post and we both have the same question: Why is a buzzing craft impossible?

Please describe the craft itself and any environmental conditions that may have been present at the time of your sighting.
It was a clear moonlit night in December at approximately 2:00 A.M. I was sound asleep when my cat woke me and was acting very strangely. She was jumping on me and kept going to the window. I then sat up on my bed and looked out the window thinking that there might have been an animal or person outside. After watching for about ten minutes, I decided to go back to sleep.Before I turned from the window a small disc shaped craft about four feet in diameter came from around some trees on the edge of the yard as if it had been following the back street.It was a good fourteen feet above the ground
as it continued to approach me. It looked as though it was made of aluminum which had a dull finish to it.No windows or lights were visible on the craft.When it went over the roof of my house I heard a very loud buzzing sound. I then followed it to the kitchen window and waited for it to pass over but it never did. I went back to the bedroom window and looked up into the night sky. There was a very large dark circle with six much smaller circles around it. What interested me was its intense darkness. I went to wake my parents and when I came back it was gone.
I don't think a circular buzzing craft that can fly is impossible because I saw one. I meant it would seem impossible to someone in general.

wow, what a story, that is very interesting, i think ive had a couple of sightings, but none as thourough as yours, that is so rad.

Hi Al,
How big would you say the main dark circle was and how far away from you do you think it was?
This is a hard question because I
did not have anything to reference the object to. I feel the circle was at least
somewhere in the neighborhood of ten thousand feet. It looked as if it was at a very high altitude.Even at a conservative guess the circle would have been at least a few miles across!The circles did block the stars so I feel they were indeed objects.
That’s the scale we’re talking on the size of the objects from the Shuttle Columbia flight STS-80 footage which vanished from everywhere.
I want to put it on my own site but my copy has problems. The file is in whatever archived form "Windows Backup" does to it... it's several minutes long and, therefore, well over 8 meg as uncompressed Mpeg, and 7 meg ".QIC" compressed Windows Backup form. I think it's floppy disk failure. I'm not sure, but the Windows version of the backup program fails on disk 3 of 8.
The content is intense lightning over Africa in what looks like infrared, via Shuttle Columbia flight STS-80. It's a lengthy cut where obviously enormous discs navigate around thru the atmosphere at extreme velocities, pop out of cloud canopies, gather, move into orbit, and occasionally sit quite still and glow for a while. In the second half, the camera servos track the objects as the move away.
It's almost as if this footage, interview(s), and analyses methodically disappeared from the net. Among others a couple of years ago, I remember it on OVNI Chapterhouse, and Erickson Paranormal Research Foundation (both gone, and both the best all-time sources of anomalous NASA footage, web-wise. NASA had apparently responded to inquiries for most of them with explanations, not hoax claims).

[This message has been edited by gotuten (edited August 25, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by gotuten (edited August 25, 1999).]
I would like to see that footage if
you ever retrieve it. Isn't it funny how
good evidence just disappears. Personally, I have seen this happen and it is very unfortunate. Hopefully someone
out there has it.

This might make your day, Gotuten,
I now have that mpeg file if you want it......KSC Flight STS-80 filming several craft zipping around - 8Mb's worth!..sound familiar? :)


P.S. I also have the STS-48 footage of several UFO's, where "something" takes a shot from earth at one of the UFO's !!..What the hell are they thinking???

[This message has been edited by Dave (edited August 26, 1999).]
Do you have it up somewhere? My cablemodem is itching to get its hands on it.. and so am i.. I have only heard of these, but never seen them
If you could send them.. I would greatly appreciate it :)

"We didn't inherit this world from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children".
Ah, yes...UFO Scotland had it (STS-80) after all. I must have missed it. They're the only ones, to my knowledge. Kudos to Dave Ledger.
When you increase the viewing size, you see so many of these enormous craft. Extensive info. is available on the Shuttle's altitude, attitude, etc., from which to draw calculations of the objects' size(s), considering that you can see when and where they pop thru canopies. My neck hairs stand up every time I see several of them cruising *just* under the clouds when you look carefully.
h-con : you can download from http://wkweb5.cableinet.co.uk/dledger/video1.htm

[This message has been edited by gotuten (edited August 29, 1999).]
holy shit! some of those nasa videos blew my mind... especially the last one that shows a very clear suacer shaped object near the moon...that one really did it for me...i strongly recomend that anybody even remotly interested in this stuff check out "ufo scotland".... thanks for the adress..
I think I can guess what a NASA spokesperson would say about the STS-80 footage given their past responses concerning other footage of this nature:
It was space debris that entered the
earths atmosphere and upon entry was
subjected to the high winds causing the
debris to be blown around giving the impression of objects under intelligent control.
Does this kind of explanation sound familiar?
Interesting indeed.. Looks like there is much more activity out there than we really knew about.. Think for a second about all the incidents that are happening without our knowledge..

Mind blowing indeed...

Thanks for pointing me to this site.. it's a definite bookmark.. :)

"We didn't inherit this world from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children".
Yes, UFO Scotland's lists of videos is almost (if not completely) transcribed from the old master "OVNI Chapterhouse" site, in fact the Mpegs still have the old leader spliced to the beginning. I'm not sure what happened to them after they were mentioned on TV. Does anybody know the equipment required to recieve these NASA observation channels (infra-red in orbit etc.)?
sts-80 video footage,I cant seem to download
this footage anywhere!I have seen it on tv.
I wish you guys would send me that 8 mb file.
has it but it will not download.All the other
ones do....The gov. has wiped it out on the internet.I'm glad someone has it on there computer.Please send me the video,i have looked hard and lond for it.
Yup! Same problem here, can't seem to dowload it, no way (and it's midnight here...). I thought NASA would use the old "thunderball" explanation since at least one of the videos happens during a thunderstorm... If it really was a thunderball, why not admit it and say we simply don't understand them yet? Reminded me of an old Arthur Clarke story on why the "Creation" had eight days: the Bible ignores the stratosphere...
