Extended evolutionary synthesis?

From your cite:

Neo-Darwinism plus molecular genetics (Watson & Crick, 1953). That is about 50 years ago. Furthermore, there are or probably will be included: developmental biology (evo-devo), genomics, epigenetics, ecology, symbiosis, life history, hybridization, horizontal gene transfer, systems biology, Earth System Science (including Niche Construction and Gaia), origin of life, astrobiology, sociobiology (incl. evolutionary psychology), evolution of the brain and mind (consciousness).

I'm not sure how much the last part (after Gaia) has to do with evolution, or how practical it is to consider it in any general treatment of the subject, but I guess if I was trying to be as inclusive as possible I might throw them in.

What aspect of evolution interests you?
From your cite:

Neo-Darwinism plus molecular genetics (Watson & Crick, 1953). That is about 50 years ago. Furthermore, there are or probably will be included: developmental biology (evo-devo), genomics, epigenetics, ecology, symbiosis, life history, hybridization, horizontal gene transfer, systems biology, Earth System Science (including Niche Construction and Gaia), origin of life, astrobiology, sociobiology (incl. evolutionary psychology), evolution of the brain and mind (consciousness).

I'm not sure how much the last part (after Gaia) has to do with evolution, or how practical it is to consider it in any general treatment of the subject, but I guess if I was trying to be as inclusive as possible I might throw them in.

What aspect of evolution interests you?

There is a paradigm shift occuring in evolutionary biology at the moment, many scientists are calling for an extended synthesis. But when you come to internet forums this news has not broken out (yet). Most forum talk will be about mutations or drift but other more recent mechanisms such as those in evo-devo or niche construction are not discussed. These new mechanisms can be found in the extended synthesis. Basically I am interested in many of these other mechanisms. If you want I can cite some scientific papers calling for the extended synthesis. Would be interesting to see what others opinions are on all of this.