explanation of dark matter

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ambasador grey

Registered Member
dark matter is from the inside of a black hole
it is very powerful stuff
if you find a way to bottle yourself in it
your in a radio-active electro magnetic bubble
the perfect force field for time travel
myself i just put a cable into a bottle and the cable was not touching any thing it was free standing so it would fill up a bottle
i would get inside in the minds eye and switch up the volume to a particular station to levitate the house through a wormhole
a successfull project involving dark matter is that the whole place in whitch the dark matter is in will levitate the crystal once heated enough the magnetic fields i will not give away for what would you do if you had a dark matter producing time machine
that could send you to any place at any time?
it would be a dangerous weapon if it got in the wrong hands
Here a free stargate!
ambasador grey
heyya :)

soo you are saying you do not have the technology to manipulate
matter! ... ?

why not?

what went wrong?

in simple words please i am not well read on scientific terminology.

most interested :)

groove on :)
an event horizon

it was a event horizon
house permently is haunted enchanted now
you see the reason i made a dark matter producer
i was getting abducted basically and not being treated nicely
so i devised away when i felt that hieghtened fear comming
all i would have to do is switch on a light and then i would freeze time and catch them in a bottle
i switched the radio on to the channel
inside the middle of a black hole
and they, bad greys aliens of inscruciable power they are evil pure evil demons remain there still except i got the same punishment
thier is whole story behind this this for seven months i was abourd a space ship on board a sort of holodeck or holgraphical generated room
so i did'nt know what demension i was in or where i was or if they were machines or humans i would jump so fast into time or so fast out of time i would'nt know what demension i was on
it had its moments
i sugest you contact another species and send them after them!
or start a little war between them and a friendly species that can wipe them out!

my pick of the day would be to mind meld with them long enough to open a gateway to some screaming tormented souls bound to one locality then leave them there and go get a coffee :D

that dark matter stuff does sound a bit dangerouse!

but then again i have only had one coffee so far this morning so
ill think again after the second cup :D

groove on :)
what is your first language?

event horizon?
what is that?
did you call to anyone during that time?
first language
have telepathy with extra terreresterials
event horizon a space ship that can be ay any where at any time
no i did'nt call anyone althought i did contact a few key people around the world and told them that it is possible you just have to know how to do it properly i kept a sample of the dark matter but it went missing still havent found it
Dark matter is actually just a relative name used for anti-matter if i remember correctly, antimatter is nothing big, though for some reason it is rare, However, if yo ucan prove everything you are saying then go for it, I need papers, and i need physical proof you can do it. But then again If you were to go back in time and change something no one would know anything because it would instantly happen and then because it instantly happened you would never go back in time to stop it, time is a paradox, as said by einstein
No. Dark matter is simply matter we can't see. Simply physics can tell us how much mass is somewhere by tracking the graviational movements of things around it. We look at things in the sky and see things moving around masses that we simply can't see (VERY simplified explanation). Basically we know its there, but we can't see it, THUS, dark matter. If I remember, some of this is accounted for by certain types of particles called WIMP, weakly interacting massive particles, which basically almost don't interact with any matter since they are quite small, so they never give off any energy. There is another particle type, I can't remember the name. There are other explanations of what dark matter is, but its not as exotic as it seems.

dark light
how contrite
such a language
such a use
its almost retarded
in its common use.

the fundermental flaw in human "public" science.

ambasador grey
how did you contain the dark matter?
em/basic electro/psycho/ellemental/bio/mineral?

why not make your own?

what languages do you speak?

groove on :)
Ohhh i see, By doing the equation for gravity you can see that there is more gravity there than is needed and thus there are particles we cannot see, correct?
Basically. It's like if you had a peice of metal in your right hand...and magnet in the other. Now if the metal suddenly started moving in the opposite direction as the magnet you're holding (as if there were another magnet somewhere else) you'd probably guess that there was an other magnet somewhere. Then you could run some equations and some physics equipment and find the force being applied to your metal by the unknown magnet, and eventually you could come up with the relative strength of the magnet that you can't see. We could essentially call this a "dark magnet" because we can't see it, but we can see its effects.

Same idea with gravity. Things are moving due to the gravity created by some mass, we can't see that mass but we know its there. Most matter in the universe does not give off light. There is a chance there is a great deal of matter out there that simply isn't very reflective or luminous.

funny how people are always putting up fences to mark thier property yet spend little time discovering the nature of what is contained!
groove on :)
Quite an odd statement to make...don't really see how it concerns me. BUT...I'd have to say the biggest reason for this is simple. People want to, they TRULY want to find the wonders of whats inside. But we all know the human condition. Without a fence those wonders may be taken from them. In a perfect world no fences needed. However, in this world, without those fences, perhaps no one would see what was inside.

heyya AntonK

i was making a genral comment,
in regard to the nature of human quantatative perspective in regard to factual conglomeration of percieved effectual values.

kinda sounds wacky when i use all those weird words.

groove on :)
dark matter

dark matter was in a bottle
dark matter is made from the dark
static electricity one a crystal and specific type of light or color
riddles are how do you use electricity with out heat
a dark light
dark matter producer
time machine
black hole dark matter
evoloped inside dark matter makes a great force field
going to any where at any time
heyya ambasador grey

nice riddle :)

have you solved it?
it reminds me of something!
but im not sure if i should bother trying to remember it.
what do you think?

what type of crystal do u use?

the gas is not realy gas though... is it!???

just guessing

groove on :)
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