Explaining magic


Your superior
Registered Senior Member
Does anyone have a good site that explains how some amazing looking magic tricks are accomplished? It'd be fun to play some pranks of a grand nature.
hey uh dude....

magic is slight of hand and misdirections.

you want to make an elephant disapear, make people look the other way and slap it's ass with a rake.

sorry man, no such thing as magic
I think he realizes that it's not real.

I think the best way to learn magic is to either have someone teach you in RL, or buy a video.

You'll also need supplies, too - since mostly everything that *looks* normal in magic, isn't.

www.magictricks.com has everything you'll need.
according to Alester Crowley, Magick (as opposed to magic tricks) is anything you do to impose your will on the world.

to misquote him form the book Magick:
"You could levitate the ashtray off the table and across the room, but why? It would be easier to stand up and go over there."

I'm working this idea into the novel I'm writing.
:p so according to him, passing a law, or even really just voting, would be magic? That is, after all, how real people impose their will on the world (or try to :p). That's a pretty lame definitian.
I think it's a pretty powerful definition. it incorperats the idea of magick and extra-ordinary abilities into the realm of the everyday. Magickal abilities are not that amazing, but just finer control over the world than most people are able to, or want to, take.

It really opens up the whole area of extra-ordinary powers to regular people, IMO.

And the effects one vote can have on the world can be pretty magical. By writing a name on a peice of paper and dropping it in a box, you can help to change the world...