Explain yourself!


One Hissy Kitty
Registered Senior Member
I'm just curious. What was everybody's inspiration for their screen names? I chose Oxygen because I had been listening to the song "Oxygene". Inhaling an oxygen mixture is also one of my favorite hobbies. I do it all day, every day. I can't live without it. :D
No inspiration here. It's just the reply that came out while registering here at Exosci. Maybe it was a Freudian slip or somethin'.
Rather involved ...

Received a dragon from a friend ...
Decided to name her Chagur (The Golden One) ...
Shared custody with the friend who gave her to me ...
Stolen from friend's office ...
Missed ...

Decided to adopt 'Chagur' as my 'nick' in remembrance ...
It was all very strange...


- When I was in high school (Swedish Gymnasiet) I spent a lot of time drawing, painting and other aesthetics. One of my teachers told me I couldn't sign my creations with my real name so I choose the name Helikopter (Swedish for chopper), for spite.
- This developed into Helig Koppeter (translates approximately to Holy Koppeter).
- When later turning to the Internet I still hold the name Helig Koppeter, but no one gets it, hence I changed it to Holy.

Plain and no mysteries, just a bizarre joke turning alias.
Odin was the name of my last dog,he died about 5years ago.
I have another dog now just as lovley,but I still miss him.
:( :(
From my site:

<CENTER>Well there isn't much to tell... My ID was created in the Autumn of 1997, a mixture of being called a couple of times Stryder for walking in strides, and Unknown just to fillout online forums with something for the Surname.

I placed the two together to make Stryderunknown which makes it a unique identifier in comparison to just calling myself Stryder.
(Although people have been known to call me that IRL)</CENTER>

Also Shrike seems to have developed the Petname Stryde :D

I admittedly have a few other pseudonym's over the net. Some I've moved away from because of a complex spamming war that someone instigated (I use to help a Free Virtual Server company remove child/Normal pornography and warez from their servers. Which I think some Brazilian hackergroup didn't like, thus the increase in spam.)
Mine was easy

I use my real name in other boards, but I'm an atheist, so on this one, I decided to just come out and say it!! the name Godless, lets any one dealing with me know right away my point of view on the philosophycal battle of theists and atheists. I've seen "dogon" which if you read it backwards it reads "no god" but I've seen it before, it's someone else's name.

This name has such a nice meaning that it means "RAY OF SUNLIGHT"

IN India almost each state has its own language.So we fail to communicate in their language in that perticular state.But HINDI is our national language.Everyone knows it.
In hindi the name KIRAN is given to girls.So many people wonder at this name knowing that im a boy.The heroines of movies hold this name amd my friends used to tease me.
But in MARATHI (my mothertongue nad official language of stae of Maharashtra) kiran is masculine noun.
The reason that now I feel proud of my name is a lady holding name 'KIRAN BEDI'. She is now my idol.
Her autobiography titled 'I DARE' is now my favourite.I am going to write her a letter about entering bureaucracy.
So she is 'kiran bedi',
and i am 'kiran aghor'.

Is given to me by my love. :)
I use it on all boards I visit, and also as my artistic name.
don't laugh, OK maybe a little

Sanskrit AVATARA ("descent"), in Hinduism, the incarnation of a deity in human or animal form to counteract some particular evil in the world. The term usually refers to these 10 appearances of Vishnu: Matsya (fish), Kurma (tortoise), Varaha (boar), Narasimha (half man, half lion), Vamana (dwarf), Parasurama (Rama with the axe), Rama (hero of the Ramayana epic), Krishna (the divine cowherd), Buddha, and Kalkin (the incarnation yet to come). The number of Vishnu's avatars is sometimes extended or their identities changed, according to local preferences. Thus, Krishna is in some areas elevated to the rank of a deity, and his half brother, Balarama, included as an avatar. One formulation of the doctrine is given in the religious poem the Bhagavadgita, when charioteer Lord Krishna tells Arjuna: "Whenever there is a decline of righteousness and rise of unrighteousness then I send forth Myself. For the protection of the good, for the destruction of the wicked, and for the establishment of righteousness, I come into being from age to age."
This is from "britannica":)

At first I was very surprised that you call these little pictures avatars. They were in no way connected with the choice of my nick.
This is my web nick, my friends call me sniper, but it would be too long to explain.
I chose AVATAR because I like the meaning and I would have no objection to be a real one;)

from another of my posts-

The thought that you are immortal takes away a lot of worries from you. my nick is avatar - it by itself explains a lot.
I have always dreamed about living in deep future, and to have witnessed the ancient times of our civilization
"When you are flying, everything is all right or it is not all right. If it is all right there is no need to worry. If it is not all right one of two things will happen. Either you will crash or you will not crash. If you do not crash there is no need to worry. If you do crash one of two things is certain. Either you will be injured or you will not be injured. If you are not injured there is no need to worry. If you are injured one of two things is certain. Either you will recover or you will not recover. If you recover there is no need to worry. If you don't recover you can't worry."


"While men are decent to me I try to be decent to them, regardless of race, colour, politics, creed or anything else", asserted Biggles curtly.
"I've travelled a bit, and taking the world by and large, it's my experience that with a few exceptions there's nothing wrong with the people on it, if only they were left alone to live as they want to live." - Major James Bigglesworth DSO
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Rampant confusion ....

Biggles: What does your post have to do with Oxygen's question? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Screen name inspiration?

Well, there was this radioactive spider that bit me as I was standing on Krypton and I found that I had superhuman powers as a result....

More dull. Expatriate in strange land who is rather vociferously pro-Canada in a tongue-in-cheek sorta way. Colleagues thus chose monicker for me...
I created mine in combination with my signature page. Basically I was trying to imply I am on a continual search for myself....whatever that means:D
Re: Rampant confusion ....

Originally posted by Chagur
Biggles: What does your post have to do with Oxygen's question? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Well, Chagur, I wasn't sure how popular the writing of Captain W.E. Johns was in the US and the rest of the World.

Biggles.. a man of true grit and honour.... the true English gentleman. OK, OK! ... I had big ears in elementary school... so I looked like a Sopworth Camel! Happy now? ;)
Biggles ...

Damn that subtle British humor ... Too bad you're not an Aussie, Biggles ... Guess I'm due a couple of weeks leave to get the egg off my face (again).

But seriously ... doubt that Squadron Leader James Bigglesworth, D.S.O., D.F.C. is too well known this side of the pond. Thanks for the reply. ;)