Experiences with Mormon missionaries


the sea
Registered Senior Member
I wouldn't mind Mormons, but it really irks me how impossible it is to talk to them -- while they at the same time say how full of love, understanding at respect they are.

With them, I had the feeling that no matter what I said, nothing gets to them; it was like talking to a record player.
I mean, those people go around the Globe, telling us that they hope that we would one day, the sooner the better, give up everything we are and join their Church.
With the same right I could say that I hope that they would leave their Church -- it is just that I find that a preposterous interference into the other person's personality.

Has anyone managed to talk to a Mormon missionary in a manner that that missionary showed that he was *moved* by the arguments you presented? What were those arguments?

There has to be a way to show these people that what they are doing is not respectful towards others!
I totally agree with you, I have been subjected to so much christian missionary nonesense, they annoy the hell out of me...one time, they knocked the door and we were chatting and I was printing a list of contradictions in the bible from:


I said to myself, this is the time to give those freaks hard time, I invited them in and they sat for 6 hours, after that, they asked me for a copy of the Quran !!! :D

My best advice to you based on my own long experience with them is to debate them, expose them, and believe me, they will never ever come back again !!

Those losers send their missionaries to the Muslim world as well, how pathetic they are ! they know they can never convert a single Muslim apart from those who want THE AMERICAN GREEN CARD !! sometimes the reaction in the Muslim world is very violent:

Four U.S. missionaries killed in Iraq

Their minds are as closed as PMS's, not much difference, really, like a broken record. They come on like they just want to share some good news with you, but they are just brainwashed idiots. I read the book of mormon, and my favorite character was Korihor, someone who doubts and questions, who values reason. Of course they condemn Korihor as an anti-christ.

Alma 30,16
"... Ye look forward and say that ye see a remission of your sins. But behold, it is the effect of a frenzied mind; and this derangement of your minds comes because of the traditions of your fathers, which lead you away into a belief of things which are not so."

Yup, that about sums it up.

Alma 30:23
"...And Korihor said unto him: Because I do not teach the foolish traditions of your fathers, and because I do not teach this people to bind themselves down under the foolish ordinances and performances which are laid down by ancient priests, to usurp power and authority over them, to keep them in ignorance, that they may not lift up their heads, but be brought down according to thy words."

So, in this passage, the same sentiments that Jesus expressed are attributed to an anti-christ. Jesus taught not to trust the authority of scribes, that we should lift up our heads and celebrate because the true gospel is within. Mormons are basically anti-christian god-botherers.
RosaMagika said:
There has to be a way to show these people that what they are doing is not respectful towards others!

Rosamagika, are you afraid to say to these people" No thanks, I'm not interested", and then close the door. Because thats all it takes.

I suspect you have invited them in and after listening to them you have engaged in conversation. This is an opportunity for any kind of salesperson regardless of what they are selling, whether it be vacuum cleaners or a faith. Their forceful patter comes in every time, and then its up to you to stop it. A simple "No thanks" and show them to the door will suffice.

I experienced a reversal of this sales line many years ago. I had a friend who was muslim, and after a while he said "Come round to my house for tea". Sounded like a great idea at the time , and I went. The meal was brilliant, all the different foods you are never likely to find in an Asian restaurant were there. His family were very friendly, his parents, brothers and sister.

Then came the crunch. His father asked me if I was interested in becoming a muslim. Very politley, I declined the offer. His father became irritable and angry, and at that point I decided it would be best if I left, which I did without objection. He forbid his son to be associated with me any more and the friendship ended. Last I heard of him he had moved to Birmingham a couple of years later to get married. It was a shame the friendship ended that way, he was a great lad, and a good friend. And I doubt very much that he was aware that an "Invitation to Islam" was going to be presented to me that day.
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Yep. Can I quote you on that?
If you want.

I have to give them credit for entertaining the notion of a new new testament. This is a way to keep religion vital and alive, but now that they have it, they've locked the barn door behind them.

Did you know they convert jews to mormonism POSTHUMOUSLY? That they hold after-death marriage ceremonies?

I went to one of their temples once, the big one in Washington D.C.. I walked into a large reception room, all white. Behind a white desk stood a white man, in a white suit and tie, with a white beard. He asked if I had an invitation. No, I didn't, well you have to have an invitation from a mormon to even go inside, but they have a visitors center, where they assign you a young person, and you can sit in a small movie theater to watch their propaganda. I could not believe what I saw, apparently Jesus rose again in South America when there were only natives there. They better keep their kids out of school, and god help them if they study anthropology. They believe alot of strange things.
RosaMagika said:
With them, I had the feeling that no matter what I said, nothing gets to them; it was like talking to a record player.

Has anyone managed to talk to a Mormon missionary in a manner that that missionary showed that he was *moved* by the arguments you presented? What were those arguments?
well you could ask them why should you believe their particular religious beliefs when there is about 3000 other religions out there ;)

if they tell you theirs is the only true one,tell them to prove it!

if they say they want to save your soul,tell them theres no such thing
see www.atheists.org. click on atheism/souls,spirits on how the idea of people having souls originated.

or you could also have fun with them and say you joined the church of Hank
print this out and ask them hows it different from their beliefs :D
Rosamagika, are you afraid to say to these people" No thanks, I'm not interested", and then close the door.
Good point. I often catch myself trying to be awfully polite and tolerant, trying to understand the other person, which in turn leaves me quite intolerant in the long run. But hey, one isn't born smart. ;)


Did you know they convert jews to mormonism POSTHUMOUSLY? That they hold after-death marriage ceremonies?
Yes, I know all sorts of things about Mormons, like making one's family tree back to Adam, and I read the B of M. I just don't understand how they can like National Geographic, for example -- I mean the wrinkles they must have from frowning ... And I know a missionary who still drinks diet coke, regrets he cannot drink alcohol, frequently uses the word crap, and try him a bit, and he says screw. A walking contradiciton.

if they tell you theirs is the only true one,tell them to prove it!
Yep, and they told me to pray. Their way. If the answer I got was not about their religion being the only true one, then I haven't prayed in their way. It's that simple, circular logic.

And I know Kisshank! LOL! So true though.

I've decided that I won't even try to debate anything with Mormons. The next time a missionary comes to speak to me, I'll reply thus:
We are people. We are not your problem to solve. I am not your problem to solve. Good day. and go my way.

I mean, if they wouldn't consider non-Mormons a problem of theirs, they wouldn't go to the other end of the globe for two years, trying to change people.
RosaMagika said:
I wouldn't mind Mormons, but it really irks me how impossible it is to talk to them -- while they at the same time say how full of love, understanding at respect they are.

With them, I had the feeling that no matter what I said, nothing gets to them; it was like talking to a record player.

Ever wonder why the Smithsonian Institute wrote a disclaimer about its supposed use of the "Book of Mormon" to find archeological sites?

Check these sites:


The following is from an old Sciforums thread:

I can't take them or the BoM seriously, it fails on so many points:
1) tech steel, iron, swords, shipbuilding, chariots, etc. what happened to all this useful tech?
2) foods wheat, barley, etc. why no mention of chilies, tomatoes, maize?
3) germs read Jarrod Diamond's "Guns, germs & Steel" as to why no 'Old World' culture could have been here previous to Cristobal Colon
4) language Hebrew & Egyptian are written languages, they would have left a legacy to all that heard, read them
5) race they trace Jewish DNA now, check Israeli studies
6) customs both Egypt & Israel came with thousands of years of different customs that nearby cultures would have picked up; like circumcision, shaving or not shaving (forelocks), calendars, alphabets, building techniques (like the arch), wheel, ceramics, foods, etc.
7) religion none of the Mexican or Iroquois (up-state NY) show any hint of Judaism until after CC in 1492; in fact most Mexicans practiced very un-Jewish rituals & religions until the Spanish
8) animals as anyone can tell; once horses, cows, sheep, goats, etc. were introduced to Native Peoples in 1492, they took them as their own, yet the BoM would say that those same people, lived side-by-side for thousands of years & never traded, stole or raised these animals until 1492? None ever escaped, like the mustangs or wild pigs?
9) timelines timelines don't match up. the Iroquois, Mound-Builders, Mayans, Olmecs & Teotihuacános had already started civilizations that should have confronted the nascent BoM empires ( wherever they may be ), so that there should have been references in either the BoM or the Mayan, Olmec or Mixtec histories. also for references in the BoM to Christianity, the church, etc, prior to Christianity.
10) Bible except for copying the Bible, the BoM is nothing more that a romance, a Gothic tale, a docudrama, not 'an other gospel or testament', unless you look at it as under the admonishments of Paul to the Galatians
11) archeology still waiting for the slaughter sites to come up; if thousands of BoM people killed themselves in war, leaving metal war implements, wives, children, crops, cities to the nearby Natives, what happened? all gone? even the Hittites left references via the Bible, Troy via Homer; which were confirmed later by archeology
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Randolfo said:
Ever wonder why the Smithsonian Institute wrote a disclaimer about its supposed use of the "Book of Mormon" to find archeological sites?

Check these sites:


The following is from an old Sciforums thread:

Mormonism is a way to go for all God Fearing Chrisitans..........starting with you Randolfo.......... :D
567 said:
Mormonism is a way to go for all God Fearing Chrisitans..........starting with you Randolfo......
thanks for the offer, but I'll wait for you to make the plunge first. In the Coast Guard? Take it from an old military man, I never volunteer for anything, but since you felt the need to volunteer me, I say, you first.

BTW, mormonism will lead you straight to hell, they believe that good mormons become gods, & sire the inhabitants of the planets they are assigned.

Wow, you could pretent to be a god, what fun, what arrogance, what damnation to befall the weak-minded. I think you should become a "God Fearing Christian", leave the mormons & muslims to their error. BTW, check out the lives of their prophets, almost the same, how funny, must be the author, for two sure ways to hell