Experiences During Sleep


I am not talking about merely dreaming. Nor am I talking about consciousness during sleep. I am talking about being unconscious and still aware of the body's status of being alive or dead. Has anyone besides me ever die temporarily or have experienced one's spirit or "wavefunction" leave the body only to return and cause one to be alive once again? Also, I would like to talk about the brain lighting up at certain thoughts and realizations. Because when this happened to me I could see light in my brain while my eyes were closed. This occurred to me on more than one occasion. I have also had dreams of Heaven and Hell. In the Heaven dream I was going through multiple doors while being lead by divine beings and there was Arabic writing on the side. In the Hell dream I had to fight to not lose my identity to evil entities. They included people I know in real life.
One time i dreamed i was in hell an we was lined up to jump into a swimmin pool... an after i jumped in i realized it wasnt water... it was a pool of acid.!!!
I had a dream were I woke up in Heaven. I wasn't dead it was just a quick 3 second reward for being good.
I had a dream were I woke up in Heaven. I wasn't dead it was just a quick 3 second reward for being good.

What did you do for those 3 seconds? How "good" do you have to be to receive such a reward?
What did you do for those 3 seconds? How "good" do you have to be to receive such a reward?

It was just a quick vision of a clouded plain with divine aura. I believe it was nirvana revealing it's self to me. You just have to open your mind, and heart, and try putting your trust in faith in love.
Also, I would like to talk about the brain lighting up at certain thoughts and realizations. Because when this happened to me I could see light in my brain while my eyes were closed.
This pretty much perfectly illustrates why one should not confuse brain and mind. The brain is an organ composed of mostly fatty tissue from what i have read, while the mind is what one uses to imagine one can see lights in the brain. Confusing the two can lead to confusion about whats real and what is merely delusion or imagination.
This pretty much perfectly illustrates why one should not confuse brain and mind. The brain is an organ composed of mostly fatty tissue from what i have read, while the mind is what one uses to imagine one can see lights in the brain. Confusing the two can lead to confusion about whats real and what is merely delusion or imagination.
Damn straight. I know of a scientifically minded individual on 'another' science forum who claims they are the same thing and stubbornly resists understanding the difference. Blinded by science, that one is.
I am not talking about merely dreaming. Nor am I talking about consciousness during sleep. I am talking about being unconscious and still aware of the body's status of being alive or dead.
"being unconscious and still aware of the body's status of being alive or dead" sounds like dreaming to me.
If I dream I know I am alive... if I don't then I am wholly unconscious and unaware of the state of my body, just as I am unaware during that state of anything else.
If you think you can be aware that your body is dead: you can't. Dead body = no consciousness. No consciousness = no awareness.
If you think you are aware... of anything... then you are alive.
If you think what you are aware of is your dead body then that is merely your living brain interpreting the signals it has as best as it can, and leading to the perception you have.
The same, I believe, goes for "the light at the end of the tunnel" etc.
Has anyone besides me ever die temporarily or have experienced one's spirit or "wavefunction" leave the body only to return and cause one to be alive once again?
In my view, whatever is experienced during major disruption to normal brain activity can not / should not be taken at face value. That would be like blaming tv companies for broadcasting static when it is actually merely the reception at your end that is at fault, not what is broadcast.
Also, I would like to talk about the brain lighting up at certain thoughts and realizations. Because when this happened to me I could see light in my brain while my eyes were closed. This occurred to me on more than one occasion.
Seeing lights when your eyes are closed is a fairly common situation.
Certainly nothing to get spiritual or religious about, unless you want to ignore medical viewpoints.
I have also had dreams of Heaven and Hell. In the Heaven dream I was going through multiple doors while being lead by divine beings and there was Arabic writing on the side. In the Hell dream I had to fight to not lose my identity to evil entities. They included people I know in real life.
Amazing what the brain can conjure up as dreams, isn't it. It taps your subconscious while you sleep and you interpret the images as best you can.
I would think most people have had such dreams... or very similar.
I have. In one I had to get through a maze to get to the "pearly gates"... and the maze kept throwing up surprises.
As for dreams of Hell... we all have those as well... at least those of us who have read anything about Hell.
I would think most dream-analysts would put these dreams down to nothing but your subconscious fears - e.g. you subconsciously fear the effect that some people are having on you, such as stifling your natural personality.
Certainly not evidence of anything other than our subconscious at work, taking images that you recognise to relay subconscious thoughts.
Heck, I've had dreams of Ragnarok and Valhalla as well. And of Middle Earth. And space stations with artificial gravity.

Summary: always take your interpretations of what you "see" when not fully conscious (i.e. dreaming, near death etc) with a heavy dose of salt.
Your brain and your mind are the same thing or rather just different ways of talking about the same thing. You seem to have attributed everything your brain does to your mind leaving nothing for the brain to do :)

As Sarkus says above, be careful drawing conclusions as to what is going on in your brain when you aren't fully awake. Be careful even when you are fully awake :)

Our brains aren't computers. That analogy has been taken way too far in popular writing. Even considering something as "simple" as thinking of a specific memory as coming from a specific location in our brain is wrong.

That's not how it works. Memories are recreated every time we think of them. Visual memories are recombined from one part of the brain with sound, smell, logic, etc. from other parts of the brain. Each recollection of a memory is actually a new memory each time.

The point is...don't read too much into anything coming out of your brain :) We have evolved to survive...not to be extremely logical or accurate :)
Your brain and your mind are the same thing or rather just different ways of talking about the same thing. You seem to have attributed everything your brain does to your mind leaving nothing for the brain to do :)

As Sarkus says above, be careful drawing conclusions as to what is going on in your brain when you aren't fully awake. Be careful even when you are fully awake :)

Our brains aren't computers. That analogy has been taken way too far in popular writing. Even considering something as "simple" as thinking of a specific memory as coming from a specific location in our brain is wrong.

That's not how it works. Memories are recreated every time we think of them. Visual memories are recombined from one part of the brain with sound, smell, logic, etc. from other parts of the brain. Each recollection of a memory is actually a new memory each time.

The point is...don't read too much into anything coming out of your brain :) We have evolved to survive...not to be extremely logical or accurate :)

I disagree

We have evolved to survive , this I will agree but this also includes the evolution of reason and logic
I disagree

We have evolved to survive , this I will agree but this also includes the evolution of reason and logic

Of course we have logic and reason. What we dream and even how we perceive isn't always accurate. Think about optical illusions, mistaking the presence of ghosts for the wind blowing, etc.

When we are dreaming the brain is fully functioning as it is when we are conscious. When we are conscious sometimes we still see what we want to see and experience rather than what actually happened.

When I hit a patch of ice while driving and almost go off the road but recover in time to avoid an accident I consider it "lucky" or a coincidence rather than a "miracle" for instance.