
Sir Louscious

Registered Member
I almost had it today. I put myself in a deep trance while aware everything around me. While I was calming my mind & being aware of my surrounding, like seeing the birds, feeling the wind, I also started noticing the emptiness after a bit -the emptiness as in the air- Then I closed my eyes and just started listening. Everything was alright but after awhile I started really hearing things more clear. Like I was hearing this ringing sound in my head and the birds were singing not just chirping but not just some singing u can always imagine, it seemed different. As if the birds were singing a song they knew and it was in harmony , it wasnt bad at all matter a fact. But after awhile of just focusing on the sounds and feelings through my body, I start noticing how my eyes were twitching-and my eyes were closed- but the twitching got more serious , was getting faster and faster. Then I was seeing a white bright light, like I was staring at a light bulb behind my eyelids. It was like the sun was in my head and it was tingly hehe. But I kept my focus on the light trying not to lose it. But also I was paying attention to my body, trying to keep it relaxed cuz it kept on flexing without my permission-especially my hands and legs-. I kept getting a tingly goosebump chilly feeling coarsing through my body when I mentally relax it, and at my chest I get a beating sensation, I don't think its my heart though cuz I can feel my heart beat -i hope it isnt my heart- but the feeling is funny, I mean it feels like I have two hearts, one slow beating and the other real fast, while I feel a tingling through my body. Anyway I try to guide my energy through me, those tingly feelings I get is some kind of energy right? But anyway I spread the energy all through me trying to keep it in balance, I have trouble keeping it in balance I suppose cuz today one side of my body felt more heavy than the other side... need some help with that. When I got the energy as balanced as I can get it I spread the energy out of me like a ball and make my awarness/mind or something spread with it. It feels like I'm getting bigger... or getting sucked into myself? heh I dont know its wierd. Sometimes its like my body is in my head or something hehe, and when this happens its easier to see myself surrounded by light, and sometimes its like my body is the light. Hmmmm.... Maybe thats why I get all those tingly feelings through me I mean when I see that light and start feeling my body in it, I start feeling it?... I dont know. Just a thought

But I ddint actually seperate from my, though I so badly wanted to =(. I felt sooo close and if I continued I belief I woulda did it. But I was distracted by another part of me cuz I was at my friends front porch and I didnt want to be gone, I dont know what theyd say if they saw me and i wasnt sure how long i would of been gone. It was funny though, I felt myself slipping from my body-upward- and i can could actually feel myself part way out of myself and the only thing i could feel of my physical self was my left hand holding a Black and Mild.

I gotta say I loved the experience even though I didn't go through it all the way. Don't think me nasty or anything but damn my dick was rock hard through the whole thing and I wasnt even thinking of anything nasty. I saw images but not too clearly, it was changing so fast. Most of what I saw looked like pictures u see when u look at clouds- all random- and all misty. I did see a lot of cool mixtures of colors though. OOOOO yea, when I opended my eyes again, I was seeing little round specs of colors moving everywhere... MAN! it was sooo coool it was like i was seeing the particles of air! hehe I knew i wasnt seeing things like after images cuz I was seeing these particles of many differ colors for a while. But then I started focusing on the particles and it changed! it was like the particles combined , it was like looking in a kolidescope.. if thats how u spell it. WOW it was soo beautiful . I love the feeling i have after practicing too =) i feel more happy and relaxed in mind . I have so much more to say but I gotta go

i would much appreciate if i can talk to someone about this kinda stuff to help me and guide me cuz i dont feel comfortable just talking to people i know , theyd think im crazy hehe

BYE people


What I know about Astral Projection is something completely different than you describe here.

Are you sure you didn't just have a bad "trip" or something? It sounds so weird, your experience. Is it really for real?

Sir Louscious,

I had similar experiences before...
I feel the tingling too... sometimes when I'm doing Tai Chi (sometimes is so strong that I can take it...)
I feel really hot too... And sometimes a kind of wind flowing inside me.

Anyways... about this...
Don't think me nasty or anything but damn my dick was rock hard through the whole thing and I wasnt even thinking of anything nasty.
Don't worry... that's normal...
When this happens, just concentrate in your tailbone and things will star to get more interesting for you... :)

Any questions... just ask them... ;)
The "sun in your head" that you saw was your third eye, or at least it's begining to form, the chilli tinglling sensation that you feel is your kundalini energy, one of the easiest ways to tell if someone is realy atsral projecting is if their eyes are flickering as in R.E.M. sleep (dreaming) if you are really profecting your eye-lids wont move at all as you are not in your body, I know you already said you wernt I just thought I would point this out, the second heart that you have is most likely your heart charkra, I think that the ring sound that you heard is the Om or cosmic vibration, that is I think, is it a really high pitched bZZZZZ, like a bunch of bee's, because I hear this somethimes, but as it's a subjective experience so I can't really verify what it is, but it can get increadibly loud, and feels like it's sort of burning you away, which is I suppose is it's purpose, getting rid of the shit we carry around, you might benifit from vistitng "www.yoganiketan.net" or so many other sites (which I'm sure you are) reather than taking second hand info from me, good luck