

Registered Senior Member
Given my experience, this site interests me. It might even be a site where others might find my exprerience interesting!

September, 1959 (approximately 5:00 PM):

I was taken by "little men," out of my bed in the Bronx, through an open fifth-story window which was next to the top bunk in which I was napping. When I arrived in the "craft," I saw a boy from my neighborhood who looked very scared. The inside of the room which I was in was cylindrical in shape and the walls were made of what appeared to be dull, metal-colored, cushiony cells (allowing for the flexibility needed to form the rounded walls). Yes, I found myself on an examining table. I remember being terrified and screaming and crying. Some of the "little men" (standing in front of the table) in the examining room, who were not as little as the ones who took me from my bed, were standing back because I was thrashing about, trying to get free. A couple of the larger "little men" were holding me down from behind. One also had a hold of my right arm and leg. I calmed down once I knew that they were going to return me to my home. (Yes, they were able to communicate with me without moving their mouth areas). When they brought me back to my bedroom, they were talking with me, instructing me about what not to say (little did they know that I had already learned that lying to my mother would be a sin). They made my bed which, at age five, I was too young to do adequately (especially the top bunk). My mother entered my bedroom all of a sudden, asking me who I was talking with. You should have seen the look on her face when she saw the perfecly made bed! "Who are you talking to? and WHO made your bed?!" When I told her it was the "little men" she asked "What little men?" I turned to point to them and, of course, they were gone. My mom felt my head and said, "Well it's cool, but you must have had a fever!" At that age, I did not understand why she could not accept what I was saying but I could see that Mom was somewhat scared and concerned. Mom was also curious, though, and continued to ask me questions about the experience throughout the next couple of days. I gave her details, including the name of the neighborhood boy who I saw in the ship's examining room (He had a very unusual last name, pronounced "hoozar" so my Mom thought I made it up). I remember Mom telling her friend, who came to visit the next day, that I must have had a fever and that I must have been hallucinating. When Mom was telling the family about my "fever" and "hallucinnation" at dinner the following evening, she was joking around: "Hoozar?! - What's a hoozar?!" Noone was laughing, though. My brother, who was six, informed my Mom that "Hoozar" was a boy in his class. We never spoke about the abduction again.

Have a great day!
Not to my knowledge. Given the taboo nature of the experience, prior to this point in my life, I would not have dared. I have been thinking about doing so lately, though. If you have any info on how to proceed so that the confirmation could be validated indpendently, please let me know. (I think I'd prefer for it to come from and independent party). Thanks, Oxygen.
It would be a really big help if you could track Hoozar down (what a curious name). If you can't, welcome to my end of the life raft. (Find and read my topic "Foggy Mountain Breakdown". One of my experiences is posted.)

Some might recommend hypnotherapy. I've never tried it, and I admit I am leery of it. I would not undergo it unless I could have an alert, savvy friend in the room as well. Intentionally or not, it's too easy to slip an image in that might not have been there before. There is a hypnotherapist, who shall remain nameless, who is so eager to find alien abduction stories that he would actually say things like "Are they aliens?" or "They're doing experiments, aren't they?". His motives may be pure, but his methods leave much to be desired.

If I may, could you describe the "little men"? There may be something to be picked up there, even if we can't find Hoozar.
Thanks, Oxygen. To tell you the truth, I'd rather someone else try to track the boy down. (Well, he'd be a man now).

If he confirmed the same experience, I don't think that there would even be a need for me to consider hypnotherapy.

As for the "little men"... The ones who transported me: They were a light-green colored. They were a little bit shorter than I was. They wore no clothing and showed no signs of gender. Their skin was wrinkly compared to ours. Their eyes bulged a bit. (They talked to me through their eyes. I spoke outloud.) Their heads were larger compared to ours. Their limbs were thinner compared to ours.

As for the ones in the craft, there wasn't much of a difference expcept: They were a bit larger... about the same height as me. Their skin was grayer than the transporter ones. They wore white smocks and a cover over their heads. They seemed more mature.
I'm sorry truestory, but this really does smell like used oates!

But this in it's entirety is the core element of all abduction stories, a tall tale no one can prove either way.

[This message has been edited by Mike (edited September 16, 1999).]
Hello Mike,

No need to be sorry. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Yours just happens to stink. I'm not sure what "used oates" smell like.

I also don't know much about other abduction experiences. I don't do research in this area or study this phenomenon. I only came to this site by chance after someone had asked on a community bulletin board if anyone ever had seen a UFO. I am simply sharing my personal experiences.


If this site reeks havoc on your olfactory nerve, why do you visit?

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited September 16, 1999).]

Used oates smells like your abduction tale. I visit this site for interesting discussions with interesting people.

However, to follow on with your case. What evidence do you have to support your claims?

If your making this all up for some kind of joke, then don't you realise the distress that is inflicted to the real traumatised?
Dear Mike,

This is not a "case" or a "claim" or a "joke". What I shared with this board was an experience which I had. Accept it or reject it as you wish. You, or anyone else, cannot change what has happened with your words.

Have a great day!

That's not very nice at all. Why in the world would you accuse this person of lying? Do you always assume that people lie to you? I call that paranoia. I guess that you call it skepticism, huh? I call it very, very, rude. Even if you're skeptical, you could keep it to yourself. This person was nice enough, and brave enough to share their story with us, and all you do is make fun. You're the joke here. I'm very disappointed.

God loves you and so do I!
That's not very nice at all. Why in the world would you accuse this person of lying?

I killed Abraham Lincoln.

Tell me Lori, why would you accuse me of lying. (Of course other then the fact that I am joking or am merely insane. For this post let us exclude these two possibilities for the sake of argument.)

>Do you always assume that people lie to you?

I don't want to speak for him, but I myself don't, despite the fact that I agree with Mike.

>I call that paranoia. I guess that you call it skepticism, huh? I call it very, very, rude. Even if you're skeptical, you could keep it to yourself. This person was nice enough, and brave enough to share their story with us, and all you do is make fun. You're the joke here. I'm very disappointed.

Despite the (considering the nature of the debate) not-too-remote possibility that any of you believed MY story, I think that most of you came to the conclusion that what I said was untrue.

Why? Of course my story is so fantastic that you believe it could not possibly have happened. There is no sound scientific explanation. Despite this, unsolved mysteries could do a segment on me, and in pseudo-scientific technobabble, I could describe an alien time machine which propelled me back in time so that I could kill Abraham Lincoln. You still don't believe me? Why not?

You don't believe me for the exact same reasons that I do not believe Truestory. Unless of course, he is joking, or just a few (segments) short of an (object).

No paranoia required, batteries not included.


"Reality has a way of catching up with you, the way the ground catches up with an airplane that runs out of fuel."
Sorry to bust your bubble, Blacktubby, but here is the real deal:

I am not joking. I am not insane. I am not a he. I am not expecting you to believe me.

Yes, my experience might seem fantastic to most. However, it happened. If you read my original post, you will see that, even at the age of five years old I was perceptive enough to realize (based on the reactions of an adult, my mother) that it was taboo to openly discuss the matter. It was kind of traumatic but, I am stronger than most so, I got over it. Although I did not think about it much growing up, since I had never heard anyone else talk about this happening to them, I used to think that I was the only one. I have since learned... such is not the case. I can assure you that, in 1959, at the age of five, with no television or radio in the household, I was not exposed to "fictional stories" detailing my experience. Yet, the details which I am now hearing independently from others who had similar experiences are remarkably the same.

I am sorry that we don't know each other better. If you truly knew me, you would have no doubt that it was true. Many times in my life, others have described me in this way: "She is the most honest and down-to-earth person I know."

Since you do not know me, I do not expect you to believe me and I can understand your common reaction and ridiculous response...



If you, or Mike, or anyone else is desperate for proof or corroboration, you could try to locate a person named Billy (probably William) Huzar. He witnessed my experience. Although we attended the same school, we really did not know each other and never spoke to each other. He lived in the Bronx, New York in 1959. I believe his home was on University Avenue. He would be about 46-47 years old now.

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited September 18, 1999).]
I do not automatically assume that people are lying. Nor do I automatically assume people are telling the truth, where I come from that's called being gullible. Blacktubby has a very good point, and I agree with his post. But for you Truestory, I would like to ask you a question about your abduction experience that you so vividly recall.

While you were detained on board the craft, what did you smell? Grey aren't oderless, what do they smell like?

Perhaps my olfactory nerves are not as sensitive as yours. (Afterall, you smelled used oates. I don't even know what they smell like!) As I recall, I did not notice any distinct odor.

BTW - I disagree with Blacktubby's point. Abraham Lincoln was killed only once. There are many who have had real experiences similar to mine and I'm sure many more will in the future. Correct me if I'm wrong but, I don't think Lincoln could have been killed twice. That, my friend, is a physical impossibility as far as I know.
Smell is a very important factor when you have a traumatic experience, flash backs can be triggered by smelling something similiar. Fact is though, you don't smell what you dream, and you can't smell what you read in comic books or see at the movies. A persons imagination can construct detailed visual events, after a time from child hood memories you may believe it all to be true. If you suffered a real traumatic experience the smell would be ingrained in all your recollections. Have you ever considered the possiblity that because you were so young it never really happened at all?

Further more, kidnap victims have been known to have the whole experience come flooding back when presented with a smell that was familiar with the enviroment that they were held captive in. There are approximatly 2,000,000 North Americans who have made claims to have been abducted by aliens. How many of them mention smell, to my knowledge based on an artical in an Alien Conspiracy magazine there are on record about 2,200 people who claim to know what greys smell like, because everything has an odor. I can only assume things from another planet smell quite differently to anything we know off. Now you can read as many alien books as you like, and I`ve read a few, how many mention smell? None I've read, if you know of any please inform me and send me in the direction of Amazon to buy it. Why is this? I believe it to be a filter, an easy way to seperate lucid dreams from genuine claims.

[This message has been edited by Mike (edited September 21, 1999).]
Sorry that my particular experience doesn't meet your expectations, Mike.

I don't read alien books. Have you ever considered getting help for your aroma fetish? (JUST KIDDING!!!)
Well I'm always picking my nose, is this what you mean by fetish?

Have ever considered 40 years of sci-fi films and comic books have influenced your recollection of memories from such a young age?
If I was a sci-fi film watcher or comic book reader, I would consider it. I have never had an interest in either of these. I don't care for fiction.


I had already disclosed my experience to my husband many years before the movie ET came out. When I took my kids to see ET, I was temporarily overcome with panic in the beginning of the movie and was considering leaving the theater...

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited September 22, 1999).]