Exorcism on Channel 4


Space Bitch
Registered Senior Member
Did anyone watch the live "exorcism" on Channel 4 last night. What a farce! After watching "The Real Exorcist" just before, I tuned in expecting profanity, levitation, projectile vomiting and impossible bodily contortions. What I got was a mild mannered bloke and his minister who apparently had exorcised his demons a few times before. The religious experts who observed it tended to spout rubbish that wouldn't hurt any of the participants' feelings. The scientists (who seemed slightly embarassed to be there) came to the general conclusion that nothing was proved either way and that changes in the possessee's brain activity were due to the fact that the exorcism was more a psychotherapy session than a releasing of spirits.

Hey Laika, you got to this before me. i was gonna post about it. but your review is good!
it was so .....patheeeeetic that my mouth feel open watchin the shite. and it is a truly sad sad S A D refelction of our culture, par excelANCE. total parody, farce, joke

first off we are constantly warned about what may see and hear. which got all the lookers hooked right? haha

we were at the LEASt expecting a 'fuck'...a 'spit'....a growling 'suuuuck my dick muthafker'....but got 'hmm...yes. i am alright'....words fail me. i am looking foreward to some of the witty critics to review it in the papers

how could people keep a straight face at that fiasco? the build up to SUCH an antit anti anticlimax

the whole thing, the people, the set, the p[aradgim, the Tv peopl;e. the idea, the science , the EVERYTHING was dead. was a joke, and like isay really shows you where out culture's at

nuff said