Existence of Matter at different energy levels.


Valued Senior Member
While i was watching X files (8th season prob)where it was shown that Moulder gets inside the high or propably very low fields,required for re-building the alien spaceship and is taken by them aboard.No one initially could see the space creaft(Untill the craft took off),since they were(the aliens and other abducteees including moulder were at the same energy level quite different than the normal.

I was wondering.is it possible for us to find energy states other than our normal states that may give us either maximum stable state?if that is possible our aircrafts would become invisible any time they want to,almost instantaneously.(Since change in energy level of our to that extent that i am talking about will change our existance frequency,or visible area).

waiting for response...

You're using the words "energy level" in a way that I am not familiar with, so I find it difficult to comment.

An invisible person would be blind, of course, because light needs to be absorbed by the eye for us to see. If the light passed straight through the person, he or she couldn't see.
James R,

Sshhhhh! You're ruining my sales of Neutrino flashlights to the invisibly enhanced. :(
I am expressing energy level here in terms of entropy,which will for a particular value will give us enhanced stability,i mean at a particular value it"ll be less than normally it is.this would mean more stability,if such a thing is possible then we"ll be existing at various other frequency domains.(since E=hv)and thus will become invisible.it can be a low frequency or a high one.

waiting for your response...

Hi I think it is very interesting... and I have another simular idea...

If lets say all time is happening at the same time (as some belive), which means there is no past and no future...

If that would be the case, perhaps we live on a certain "frequency" and the thing that happened one second ago is on another "frequency"... just a thought... probably a stupid one :)
Hi Jez,
Interesting,the above idea i think has been utilized to hear voices from the past isnt it?


everything is possible.and more
Our present state of science is pathetically limited
Have a look at historical things.
its called quantum physics ie there is no definable state until its observred to be true or false(my viesw on this its rubbish tyou dont crerate a universe to kill a cat)
put a cat in a box
This box fires a n electron beam that splits two ways when the cat approaches.
One way kills it, the other way doesnt, the crux is is it alive 0r dead?
You cant tell till youve seeen it(TOO MUCH CHAOS)
A bit smallminded really, you open the box and of course the

Answer: Yes.

That's because energy has many different frequencies. The matter is energy in a low frequency. As the frequency increases, the particles start to move faster and faster passing through many forms of energy. The last physical energy is the one of the photon. Beyond the photon, it can't be considered physical (in the sense we know) anymore. Thus, high energy particles become invisible to the physical world. It's like the "particles" that come from the vacuum. They move in highter frequencies than photons, so, they can't be detected. But we know there is something there because the vacuum emit particles. Those particles are energy that lost... energy...

Ok... the "particles" above the speed of light lost energy and become particles in the physical world... understand the concept? ;)

I already talked about that in another threads...
I don't remember each ones anymore... :p
You can search for them... there are more explanations... ;)
