Exclusive Brethren


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
im not sure if this should be in the political section or here but here goes.


I was resurching this for another post before and i thought it was a good debate in and of itself

what does a country owe to an organisation which by its very nature calls every other member of the nation "evil" including those which they employ to teach there children. Because they refuse to alow there members to atend university they are forbiden under Australian law to teach which means that non sect members are needed to teach there children. They still recive massive grants for there schools from the commonwealth goverment because they are classed as independent schools but there education in no way equates to what is taught at a public school (which is the requirement to be registed as a school) and there have been reports of the sect removing whole chapters (especially on reproduction) from science books

Further more every member who follows the sects doctrine is a criminal under australian law because they refuse to vote (which is the only enforced citizanship requirement in this country) yet they have sort to infulance the political prossess through backdoor means like secret meetings with minsters, political donations and deceptive advertising (ie the actually people behind the advertising isnt listed rater a proxy). They are currently under investigation by the AEC and the federal police for electrol offences.

As for there own practices even the PM has been highly critical of the way they treat former members, cutting off family members who dont subscribe to there own funmentilist doctrine.

So i guess the question is what should the state do?
i dont actually belive in the state interfearing in the church and i have no problem with the goverment funding independent schools like muslim, catholic, jewish schools ect but there responcability is to follow the state curiculam which these schools are NOT doing
schools should teach an internationally recognised curriculum, any religious teachings that private schools wish to teach should be privately funded and taught outside of regular school hours.

of all the atrocities governments commit, public education is the one thing that i can completely support, because it means that any child regardless of their family background can choose what they want to do with their life, not have religious views imposed on them, or be kept at home to learn their fathers trade.