Excessive Heterosexuality

eddie monkey

Registered Senior Member
Homosexuality is fought over left and right, and religous leaders spaz because it is "immoral" (at least according to their own twisted views of morality). Why are deviations of heterosexuality not getting as much attention?

Why isn't adultery a major concern anymore? Historically it is much more common than homosexuality.

Why don't the people who have 4 or 5 boyfriends/girlfriends receive the same attention as homosexuals?

Why aren't people who watch pornographic movies criticised as much?

All of these are certainly concerns of religous leaders and everyone else who wishes to say what is and is not moral, but why is homosexuality getting so much attention when (what I call) excessive heterosexuality isn't that big of a deal?

Not just by the religous, but socially as well. Certainly my friends discuss Dan, a friend of ours who sleeps with any girl he can, but far more time is dedicated to mocking "gay dude" and his flaming ways.

Why is this?
All good points, and if I might add a few more to the list:

Why are homosexuals sneered at for "sodomy" when there are more heterosexual couples which engage in anal sex than homosexual couples?

Why was the "Defense of Marriage" act, designed to protect the sanctity of marriage for heterosexuals by federally banning homosexual marriages, signed into law by Bill Clinton. Is a man who has adulterous affairs more qualified to protect marriage than a homosexual couple who love and are true to eachother?
i wish i knew

you bring up good points monkey

Why isn't adultery a major concern anymore? Historically it is much more common than homosexuality.

add the 50% heterosexual divorce rate to that.

a 50% divorce rate tells me you have little business telling gays that they have no right to marry each other.

the general problem is that there are many double standards. the prime example being, straight men are expected have sex with lots of women. while a woman who does the same thing is a slut.

confusing double standards? welcome to society!
What is wrong with watching porn. Now, I can't remember the last time I saw one, so I'm probably pretty unbiased on this.

The first/easiest argument is BIOLOGICAL. It's easy to argue. The parts don't fit, etc... "God intended, etc..." But if we get into that then we're talking about religious preference NOT sexuality. Although it is INTERTWINED. Maybe once Ellen Degeneres is queen of some religious biblical book saying homosexuality is the way, THEN we can discuss religion and sexuality together, but even then not so much. It's more of a religion thing.

Ok, the points are these... Who cares what others think? Think what YOU think you should think. Discuss your thoughts with others. I personally, don't do stuff with multiple people during the same time period, but double standards definitely exist. Live with what you have to live with, and try to change the rest. But, even that last bit is problematic, because who are YOU to say THEY are wrong? Remember, your questions stem from your perspective. Maybe, from your perspective you're not seeing the full picture. I know I'm not. No one is really, but that is life.

And, I'm done. :bugeye:
Originally posted by Weiser_Dub
What is wrong with watching porn.

It is one my list because religous leaders and others who wish to force their morality on others see it as "wrong," but don't seem to think it is as important as homosexuality.
And one more ponderous thing. Why is it that homosexuals are sneered at for being “Sodomites” when more heterosexual couples, than homosexual couples engage in anal sex?

On that same note, why is it that a young heterosexual couple can make out in public, and receive some grumbling and stern looks from more conservative bystanders, whereas I can’t so much as hold a boys hand in public without taking some rather harsh comments, or threats of bodily harm?

This particular double standard reminds me of something I once saw in a comic called ASB (that’s Associated Student Bodies, and yes it’s a lewd pun). It’s about a boy who goes off to college and comes to terms with his sexuality, and the angst that ensues, it’s actually not that bad though. . . ok actually it’s really good and I give it my endorsement, but that’s getting ahead of myself. Click here to see the particular instance in question.

It’s the panel down at the bottom which I’m referring too. The couple which appear in the first panel on this page are of course a gay couple, and they’re coming home after having seen a movie together. They board a nearly empty bus, and sit together. Daniel, the lion (I’m not sure why all the characters in this comic are anthropomorphic animals, but then I don’t suppose it much matters, it works all the same) notices the heterosexual couple sitting together a few seats ahead of them is making out, and are relatively free to do so without fear of any consequences, sure it’s still considered as being rude, but generally no one is going to do anything about a couple of kids kissing in a relatively non-crowded public area. He looks over to his own boyfriend who is pretending to be asleep, most likely to make it seem less like they are together, as most of the time heterosexual males will not sit right together on a buss or a restaurant, or in a movie theater, without leaving one empty seat between them in order to say “we are friends but not boyfriends”. Daniel seems to become aware of the double standard, knowing that public displays of affection between a male couple is looked down upon in our society, and that there would almost certainly be some sort of negative repercussion of a larger sort than just an old man scowling at them for instance, as could be expected for a heterosexual couple. He has a moment of angsty pain because of this, all taking only a single panel to communicate, and then the comic resumes without commenting on the incident, to show that this is just a small and probably fairly common thing, worth paying lip service to, but not so unique that it deserves it’s own story line.

This one panel really hit me hard, most likely because the first time I read it was after I’d just been out on my first date with a guy, and we’d been essentially chased out of a family ice-cream place (Called the sugar bowel, this place is actually featured in some “Family Circus” comics, just to give you an idea of the sort of atmosphere they’ve got going there) not because we were making out or even holding hands or anything, but just because we were clearly two fags on a date together, and apparently some of the other patrons had something against that. I mean my God there were children present, after all, I guess it was our own fault for minding our damn business and enjoying an evening out together.

Anyway, my own minor tales of personal trauma aside, I mentioned that ASB comes with my own recommendation and endorsement. The premise may seem a bit trite to some, but then I’m sure many others have never actually read or seen anything quite like it. It’s funny at times, serious in others, and over all a very compelling and emotional story, and a satisfying read, even if you feel the same way about comic books that I do (which is generally that they are childish and not really worth looking at). Yes, there are a few panels wherein they show weenies, this is true, so don’t read it at work, however this is not “The comic book that dares to depict graphic scenes of gay sex!” so it’s not TOO wild, this isn’t a porno or anything, though I could link you to some of those if you really wanted ‘em :p

Anyway if you want to give ASB a try click here.
Originally posted by Weiser_Dub
Ok, the points are these... Who cares what others think? Think what YOU think you should think. Discuss your thoughts with others. I personally, don't do stuff with multiple people during the same time period, but double standards definitely exist. Live with what you have to live with, and try to change the rest. But, even that last bit is problematic, because who are YOU to say THEY are wrong? Remember, your questions stem from your perspective. Maybe, from your perspective you're not seeing the full picture. I know I'm not. No one is really, but that is life.

Certainly a valid point, but I don’t know how applicable it is. I personally don't care what the hell someone thinks about homosexuals or me in particular, as a homosexual, in the comfort of their own homes, or if they keep it to themselves. The problem, however is that when people have a problem they rarely keep it to themselves, and quite often they'll end up making it MY problem, or some other homosexuals problem.

The first time I ever came out to anyone, the result was anonymous death threats a week later, people are seldom content to just keep their beliefs to themselves, and that's where the problems start.
Originally posted by eddie monkey
It is one my list because religous leaders and others who wish to force their morality on others see it as "wrong," but don't seem to think it is as important as homosexuality.

What if it's gay porn? :bugeye:
Originally posted by Weiser_Dub
What if it's gay porn? :bugeye:

The default form of pornography is heterosexual men having sex with heterosexual women. When the term "pornography" is used it usually means that. Gay porn is a specialized kind.
Originally posted by Mystech
Why is it that homosexuals are sneered at for being “Sodomites” when more heterosexual couples, than homosexual couples engage in anal sex?

Let's refer to the dictionary on this one...

Sodomy: any sexual intercourse held to be abnormal, as between two men

Seems to answer your question before you're done asking it. :eek:
Originally posted by eddie monkey
The default form of pornography is heterosexual men having sex with heterosexual women. When the term "pornography" is used it usually means that. Gay porn is a specialized kind.
Don't scurry around the subject. Answer me, damnit! Specialize this. (not intended at anyone) :D
Originally posted by Mystech
Certainly a valid point, but I don’t know how applicable it is. I personally don't care what the hell someone thinks about homosexuals or me in particular, as a homosexual, in the comfort of their own homes, or if they keep it to themselves. The problem, however is that when people have a problem they rarely keep it to themselves, and quite often they'll end up making it MY problem, or some other homosexuals problem.

The first time I ever came out to anyone, the result was anonymous death threats a week later, people are seldom content to just keep their beliefs to themselves, and that's where the problems start.

You bet it's a valid point, and so are yours. Good one ya for not caring what others think. Shit, what was I going to say?... (thinking)... (drinking)... 1st, did you come out at a young age? because you know them kiddies... they can be cruel about anything... now I digress... anonymous death threats are never good... and your point is very tenable... but, that is NOT where the problems start... if THAT is where the problem starts (not keeping beliefs to themselves) then YOU are a part of the problem, for posting here, and so am I (ibid), and I'll be damned if I blame myself... I'm gonna pass the buck just like any other bitter person... woohooo... ha ha... well, it's been fun, and I'm not sure I said anything worthwhile... I think it slipped my mind, but according to your logic, things are better that way... apparently, you don't believe in the 1st ammendment (sounds wrong)... anyway... don't argue with me... (lol)... you're argument is tenable, but how can you say for people to keep their traps shut? ... get away from them... i understand this is hard if you're a youngster, but otherwise, it is not... thank you for your time...
Originally posted by Weiser_Dub
Don't scurry around the subject. Answer me, damnit! Specialize this. (not intended at anyone) :D

Well, I don't know how the Religous Right and others who want to "put morals back into our society" feel about gay porn v regular porn, but they seem to think they are both equally as bad for some reason. The point is that homosexual relationships are seen as far, far worse than "sins" arising from what I refer to as excessive hetersexuality, such as regular porn.
Originally posted by Weiser_Dub
Let's refer to the dictionary on this one...

Sodomy: any sexual intercourse held to be abnormal, as between two men

Seems to answer your question before you're done asking it. :eek:

Just a quick question here, what screwed up dictionary are you looking at? And I hate to accuse you of this, but did you even bother to actually look in a dictionary?

The actual definition is this:

"Any of various forms of sexual intercourse held to be unnatural or abnormal, especially anal intercourse."

No where in there does it imply that it has to be between men, I think you betray your own personal bias by throwing that little bit in there, Weiser_Dub.

Originally posted by Weiser_Dub
1st, did you come out at a young age? because you know them kiddies... they can be cruel about anything... now I digress... anonymous death threats are never good... and your point is very tenable... but, that is NOT where the problems start... if THAT is where the problem starts (not keeping beliefs to themselves) then YOU are a part of the problem, for posting here

You missed the point entirely, Weiser_Dub. It's no one's business WHO I have a relationship with, it's not their place to even HAVE an opinion, much less voice it, and much less harass, or attempt to harm me because of it. It infringes on my own personal freedoms, and crosses that personal line into the realm of immorality.

For your reference, I wasn't terribly young when I first came out (Well technically I'm still in the closet, in that I only really told a few people in my life, and generally don't ever tell anyone anymore). I was 19 at the time, legally an adult, and the person I told was two years older than me. This wasn't a case of "Kids being cruel" this was a crime which I could have pressed charges on, if I had been so inclined.
So let me get this straight, Eddie. You are critiscising society because they don't condemn heterosexual promiscuity as much as they do homosexuality.

I gather from the tone of your posts that you see promiscuity as being morally wrong. Do you not then think that perhaps your apparent dislike of heterosexual promiscuity is just as predjudiced as society's condemnation of gay couples?
Originally posted by The Marquis
So let me get this straight, Eddie. You are critiscising society because they don't condemn heterosexual promiscuity as much as they do homosexuality.

I gather from the tone of your posts that you see promiscuity as being morally wrong.
Not really. I was just wondering why some people see both excessive heterosexuality and homosexuality to be morally wrong, but criticize homosexuality so much more.
Do you not then think that perhaps your apparent dislike of heterosexual promiscuity is just as predjudiced as society's condemnation of gay couples?
No, see above.
Originally posted by eddie monkey
Certainly my friends discuss Dan, a friend of ours who sleeps with any girl he can, but far more time is dedicated to mocking "gay dude" and his flaming ways.
Well thats obvious, there is nothing real funny about some guy who has sex with heaps of girls... ooooh har har! He's totally bangin birds!
But flaming homo's on the other hand, their mannerisms are funny and strange, so easy to mock. And in a way, they should expect being mocked. I'm not at all against homosexuals because I know they didn't choose that sexual preferance but I can't help but laugh at and make fun of the limp wristed prancing fruits, just as I would make fun of anyone who acted so extremely eccentric and flamboyant. It has nothing to do with who they're having sex with, does 'dan' have any speach impedements or a funny way of walking? 'Gay dude' does and gay dude would probably be far more outwardly strange and therefore draw more attention to himself.

Although I'm not sure if the point's still up for grabs, what are you talking about (in relation to the word sodomy). According to the Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, sodomy is:

"the homosexual proclivities of the men of the city in Genesis 19:1-11, copulation with a member of the same sex or an animal, or noncoital and esp. anal or oral copulation with a member of the opposite sex."

What dictionary are you looking at, Mystech?
Lou Natic.. were u jokin or bein serious? cudn't gather from your post if you were bein kinda sarcastic or explainin ur true beliefs..