
Registered Member
Just came across this BBS and I thought I'd ask what some of the skeptics and believers here thought of EVP's?
So ...What do you think they are?
Are they real?
Are they noise on tapes that sound like voices?
Are they fakes?
I've done a little research and experimented on my own. I've gotten some results that did surprise me a bit but have yet to get a crystal clear voice.
I'm wondering what you think.
I watched a Documentary once that used this method to try to determine why a man could not sleep at night due to him believing some spiritual being was trying to grab him during the night, eg pulling at his legs etc.

The researchers performed an experiment by setting up a room that was wired with video devices, monitoring tools etc and the man was observed from a one-way window.

During the experiment the subject was woken up by something and you could see his leg was being jerked. The man sat up in bed and clearly looked distressed.

One of the researchers intervened by entering the room and asking the spirit questions that would be recorded by a digital recorder in the room. Each question was separated by a length of approx one minute of silence to allow time for the spirit to answer, as they deduced that some frequencies inaudible to humans could be picked up by such devices. Anyway, I can't remember the exact content of the questions but the last question mentioned Jesus Christ.

When they played back the recording it was clear to recognise that there was something attempting to answer the questions but was incoherent. The last question where Jesus Christ was mentioned resulted in a very eerie screaming noise being heard on the recorder. Apparently the man was able to have peaceful sleeps after this.

Can anybody who also has seen this remember what the terminology is or what the documentary was called?
Interesting Number Six...If anyone knows the program please submit it.
I have some interesting links to some really interesting EVP's and will add them a little later. I want feed back on this subject before I do.
One thing that really interests me is the popping and clicking noises that come just before a "voice" comes through.
I'm interested to know what exactly EVP is. From the context of what has already been posted in this thread, I assume that it is asking questions in a supposidly haunted area, and trying to record a ghost's answer on a tape recorder. Is there anything more to it than that?

I don't find it interestnig that acctual disternable voices can't be heard, and would have to wonder if perhaps it's just a case of people making a big deal of something that they are trying too hard to see.
Interesting, I'll have to try this for kicks some time when I'm out with friends.

Anyway my next question would be, that if the answers usualy end up as being inaudable to humans, because they are either too quiet for us to notice, or because they are on a frequency that our ears can not pick up, then how do people know that they aren't just picking up on normal ambient inaudable noises?

Still neet though, I know I'd like to conduct an interview with the restless dead.
We have found that it is generally necessary to provide background sound during EVP experiments when using a very quiet cassette or reel-to-reel recorder. This is usually accomplished with an external microphone and such sound sources as a fan, static from a radio, running water or a pre-recorded sound file of the sound of garbed foreign language voices.

haha, I found this in the FAQ of the "American association of EVP"

Now does it sound odd to anyone else that they need to have ambient noise in order to find the hidden voises spoken by ghosts? Sounds to me more as if they need something to manipulate in order to create their own voises. . .
Mystech...it's not really necessary to have backround noise to get a good EVP. I have done a little more research and found some of the more legit Ghost Investigators have gotten some really clear EVP's with just a digital recorder. Right now I'm in the process of seperating the wheat from the chaff so to speak on this subject.
I'm new to this "Ghost "thing but have found some of it really fascinating.
If you try to make any EVP's let me know if you get any results.