
Do you believe in evolution?

  • Yes, absolutely.

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • No, I don't.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Kinda yes, kinda no. I'm indifferent.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm not educated on the evolution theory.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Registered Senior Member
Just a question, but who here believes in evolution? Why or why not?

I'm both religious and an evolutionist. I see no reason why the big bang can't be God snapping his fingers, and I also see no reason why it isn't possible for a species to mutate.

Take into consideration the following examples:

If evolution is the mutation of a species into a completely different species, then it's a little harder to believe. It is, however, not impossible. I watched a TV show that predicted the evolutionary capabilities of a fly. They basically gave the computer some DNA information, and sped up time in a changing envorionment. Over millions of years, the bug changed into a more capable organism (while still remaining similar to its anscestral fly). While this is not solid proof, it does suggest that it is not unreasonable for a monkey to become a man.

Keep in mind that, of course, man wouldn't have evolved from apes per se. We simply had the same anscestral species. We were always 'Human', we just had longer arms, more hair, and smaller brains a few million years ago.

If evolution is just the changing of a species to better suit their environment, then we see it in every day life. A thousand years ago, the average adult male was almost a foot shorter than the average male of today. Likewise, a thousand years ago, the average age for a girl to enter puberty was 17 or 18. Today, most girls undergo a change around 12 or 13. Black people have more pigment in their skin because they or their anscestors live(ed) in a place where the sun was hotter and more damaging to the body, so they became black as a way to counter the harmful sideeffects of our sun. White people have less pigment because they're from the north and south, and their anscestors had no use for great amounts of pigment. Hence their bodies gradually expunged it. Things like that.

Some people I know don't understand the theory of evolution, which is half the reason they don't believe in it. Everyone has their own opinions, but PLEASE DON'T VOTE UNLESS YOU ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE VOTING ON.
The problem with evolution is that the transition time is too short to be recorded or observable. So we kind of take it on faith more so than actual observation of a money in the lab changing to a human. So it is still a mystery.

What if it is like the new cars that are based on the older model but designed from scratch? That is, what if the creationists are right and God or the cosmic designer redesigned the monkey DNA to be Man? If I am a terrafarmer, I will just do it in my lab - a man and a woman and drop it on the planet.

In about 30 years we will have the capacity and understanding (using MPPs) to create new DNA sequences from scratch. Heck, we can create new lifeforms, that the world has never seen. So why can it not be that way? We even can give vocal cords and speech capabilities to cats (secret research is underway now).

Some food for thought....
Originally posted by kmguru
We even can give vocal cords and speech capabilities to cats (secret research is underway now).

Some food for thought....
Is this true can you expound on this I have never heard of it.
Metatron eh?:) I also like Dogma (the movie) . one of my favourites:)

Evolution happened and happens. It perfectly describes everything, but for the very beginning. How it all began. And it isn't supposed to.

But I do not think tht big bang or smth else was a godly interferation to start life. It is ridiculous, because no godly interferation in our lives as never been recorded (with facts, and don't try to refer to the bible or else I'll get really mad;) , they were aliens or last decendants of theAtlantis civilization.

We value ourselves too hight , because we think tht there is a God to whoom we are very special, and too low, because we think tht we ourselves can not become like gods.
Originally posted by Avatar

But I do not think tht big bang or smth else was a godly interferation to start life. It is ridiculous, because no godly interferation in our lives as never been recorded (with facts, and don't try to refer to the bible or else I'll get really mad;) , they were aliens or last decendants of the Atlantis civilization.

I agreish. <-- This should definately be a word....

My head tells me no god, but my heart WANTS there to be a god so I have something to look forward to when I am old.

I believe that in the future people will be drawn between living forever and seeing what happens when you die.