Evolution Topic


I thought I'd make a good point about evolution I felt should be made.

The main area of evolution debate IMO is centered around non belief because of religious beliefs, and non belief because of religous beliefs (not counting this fact though, that it doesn't matter what the bible says in this instance whatsoever for example). That is to say people don't believe it because the bible says so. IMO you have no choice. You're faced with the bible and you are also faced with fact. You can't choose one side. You can't ignore fact. If you do you don't even pay it any attention which is wrong. Paying no mind to fact is like paying no mind at all!

So if you want to talk about evolution and its relating to real life please be aware that evolution is probably true because it's very hard to disbelieve in evolution ideas, like monkeys possibly be able to evolve into humans.

I imagine though it takes a long time for a species to change into anything at all. But, still think evolution exists.

I don't accept a single cell evloving into a human. So I don't know what to believe.
If one says a single cell evolved to a human I'd believe it, if they gave me sufficient facts.

Anyway I am only trying to get rid of a lot of stupid statements made in it's attack here.
The problem is that theists (in the United States it is primarily the Evangelical Christian cults) who know absolutely nothing about the subject are told by their priest, publication, family circle, etc., that evolution is somehow a replacement to their faith; an alternative.

Aside from being completely wrong on all the critical elements of the theory (monkey-to-human one-step evolution, for example) they really over-estimate the power of evolution. It isn't a philosophy, it isn't a cult, it isn't a fantasy. It is simply the way things came to be, and how things are still today; it's the process. I fail to see how this encroaches on anyone's faith. That's always been what strikes me as so confusing about this issue.
do u believe that you cant have nothing and make something if u believe that then evolution cant be true because of cause and effect law you learn it in physics that just one fact if you would like more proof then search evolution unravled
do u believe that you cant have nothing and make something if u believe that then evolution cant be true because of cause and effect law you learn it in physics that just one fact if you would like more proof then search evolution unravled
actually if you take anything above high school physics, you'll learn that causality is violated in QM

and "life" from "non life" does not violate any physical law. also "something cannot come from nothing" isn't necessarily true: http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20026832.100-the-free-lunch-that-made-our-universe.html

evolution is a fact. it is observed. the only room for debate is how it happens
I like how some Bible believers think that God created life as it is today(unchanged), and some think that God once created life and then it evolved to where it is today. These two notions correlate to different opinions on the age of the Earth also. (There is also some who believe that since the Ark ran aground that a surge in evolution soon followed.)

Same Bible, two different beliefs for an important subject. Some say yes to evolution and some say no, why is that? As for the cause of this rift, is it science or doubt in validity of the Bible itself?
Developing usage tends to forego the use of commas to separate clauses when the intent of the clauses is unambiguous in the absence of those commas. While I am not wildly enthusiastic about this trend I try to embrace the modern when it makes some sense. It did so here. It also offered the opportunity to see if anyone would pick up on it. Frankly I rather thought not, so it was quite a delight to know that there are still those who take an interest in correctly formulated language.

Well done.
Dear Ophiolite,

You have received a warning at SciForums.com.

Insulted Other Member(s)

Stop it. Or else.

Original Post:

“ “ Originally Posted by JesusFreak
what the proof of dark matter existing ”

What is the proof that dark matter exists.


What is the proof of the existence of dark matter.

Learn to write you retard. ”

Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.

All the best,

1. Has Swivel received a similar warning?
2. Does anyone here think Jesus Freak is not a retard?
3. Would you agree that if he is a retard that stating he is a retard, at the same time as giving him sone helpful advice, can hardly be called insulting.
4. Anyway, since I don't take kindly to threats - or else - I just wish to affirm that Jesus Freak is a retard.
5. Your expectation is that I understand the rules. Your expectation may be faulty. I don't understand why it is acceptable to allow retards like Jesus Freak, Happeh, Oil Is Mastery, (the list is huge) to post total nonsense, yet it is against the rules to accurately describe their character.