Evolution Study in Ancient Times


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Registered Senior Member
Is there any proof that has been passed on from ancient times that would lean or point to the theory of evolution . Any cave drawings or tablets or scrolls that would give any indication of a theory of evolution?

I was just thinking about in early ancient times and on through, it seems that polytheism, monotheism, or what not has always played a large role in the culture. Even in a highly religious culture under the worst circumstances, wouldn't some of the people "think outside the box" so to speak.

I would assume that people then were intelligent enough to articulate a theory of evolution in some form, so is there any documentation of this?

Why is it that somewhere near the beginning of what we can study as civilization had there always existed religion in some form? If evolution is true, why did humans develop from sole survival of the fittest (reason) to reliance upon religion (faith)?