Evolution Debate Led to Ouster, Official Says


Valued Senior Member
AUSTIN, Tex., Nov. 29 (AP) — The state’s director of science curriculum said she resigned this month under pressure from officials who said she had given the appearance of criticizing the teaching of intelligent design.

The Texas Education Agency put the director, Chris Comer, on 30 days’ paid administrative leave in late October, resulting in what Ms. Comer called a forced resignation.


Americans really like beating their smart people with the stupid stick.

FMI: Has anyone ever done a detailed IQ analysis of the difference between Creationists and Atheists. Im pretty sure I would know the results, but it would be great to do a comparative study about the intelligence differences.

Americans really like beating their smart people with the stupid stick.

FMI: Has anyone ever done a detailed IQ analysis of the difference between Creationists and Atheists. Im pretty sure I would know the results, but it would be great to do a comparative study about the intelligence differences.
it doesn't suprise me considering this: The Bible Belt

and this: The USA National IQ Average

what did you expect.
LOL, our Upper Peninsula is brain dead, yet Lake Superior seems to have a fairly high IQ.

Americans really like beating their smart people with the stupid stick.

FMI: Has anyone ever done a detailed IQ analysis of the difference between Creationists and Atheists. Im pretty sure I would know the results, but it would be great to do a comparative study about the intelligence differences.


The Des Moines Register has run a story that starts to reveal the real reasons Iowa State University has denied tenure to one of its most productive astronomy faculty members, Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez, and yes, it turns out to be a case of discrimination based on Gonzalez's views that the origin of the universe shows scientifically detectable signs of design.

But The DMR story is just the tip of the iceberg. A press conference Monday will reveal more of the suppressed email traffic that shows the climate of viewpoint suppression at Iowa State that led to denial of tenure for Dr. Gonzalez. In important addition, it will unveil the high level cover-up that tried to prevent the public from learning the reasons for getting rid of Gonzalez. So far, the Board of Regents. meeting Tuesday, has declined to intervene.


pots and kettles