Evolution after Creation


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I hope you like this article I wrote. :cool: All the religious evidence is from the Qur'an.

Evolution after Creation

"You do not see any imperfection in the creation by the Most Gracious. Keep looking; do you see any flaw? Look again and again; your eyes will come back stumped and conquered."[67:3-4] Qur'an

We have been forced to believe by some religious leaders and philosophers that evolution is against any religion that promotes the creation of the Universe by a creator. This concept is also common among most evolutionists. However, this might not be true. Evolution can coincide with Creationism as long as we believe that Creationism created the process of Evolution. As we will see in the Noble Qur'an that evolution is part of the process of creation. It must be kept in mind that this article does not discuss the validity of evolution.

The Universe, as described by the Qur'an, is flawless. There are no miracles in the Universe. Everything has a cause and a reason. The flawlessness of the Universe is the greatest miracle. Everything in the Universe follows an order and rules set by God. There are no factious forces present that govern the movements of matter in space. Evolution is part of the order that God has set for the Universe. Yet we are made to believe, by religious gurus, that evolution disobeys the Qur'anic understanding of the Universe.

According to evolution, life initially emerged from water. Cells became Tissues, and Tissue combined to form Organs. These organs worked together to form breathing, walking animals. The intelligent species came after the primitive brain was formed. Over a course of millions of years, humans came into existence. This radical theory, first described in explicit detail by Darwin, explained why a man from Africa looked different from a Aboriginal man from America. Most religious believers do not believe in this theory. From their perspective; God created humans, not primitive cells. While the first statement might seem logical, the second statement is a matter of endless debate. According to the Qur'an the humans did not come from nowhere. The creation of humans also involved a process(which do not necessarily have to be evolution). The Qur'an states:

(Qur’aan 3:59). "The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust (Earth), then said to him: “Be”: And he was."

As seen above, the Qur'an says that God controlled the creation using natural means. Evolution could have been that natural mean. At first it might seem, from the above verse, that God created humans instantly. This might have not been true since according to the Qur'an, many thousand human days are like one day for God (Special relativity). Keeping this in mind, we come to a conclusion that the creation of human did not happen instantaneously. It involved natural means.

Now let us take a look at this process that the Qur'an and the evolutionists talk about. Evolution dictates that advance life was created through the sophistication of the primitive life. This is pure logic especially for those who took biology. Life, according to Evolution, was formed over time in several stages. From primitive to advance; humans came into being. The Qur'an explains the process of creation in a chronological way as following:

[21:30] Do the unbelievers not realize that the heaven and the earth used to be one solid mass that we exploded into existence? And from water we made all living things. Would they believe?

[21:32] And we rendered the sky a guarded ceiling. Yet, they are totally oblivious to all the portents therein.

[21:33] And He is the One who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon; each floating in its own orbit.

This verse reappears again as:

"Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before We clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? (Surat al-Anbiya, 30)"

The above four verse explain the first few stages of the creation. According to the Qur'an the Universe exploded into existence (this is a proven scientific fact). After the creation of Earth, life started to emerge through water. The ozone layer formed above the Earth to protect the living things. The earth, the moon and the sun started to swim along their orbits. However the verse we are interested in is, "And from water we made all living things". We see from this verse that water created all the living things. Therefore, we conclude for this paragraph that humans or any other living thing did not just pop up from nowhere. There was a process involved behind every creation.

Furthermore, the Qur'an state,

"[18:37] His friend said to him, as he debated with him, "Have you disbelieved in the One who created you from dust, then from a tiny drop, then perfected you into a man?

Man we did create from a quintessence (of clay); Then we placed as (a drop of) sperm (nutfah) in a place firmly fixed; Then we made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood (‘alaqah); Then of that clot we made a (fetus) lump (mudghah); then we made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then we developed out of it another creature.

[96:2] He created man from an embryo."

According to these verses, man was first created by organic materials and after that, humans started to reproduce on their own. Evolution might have been the process through which the first humans were created.

In this miracle Universe, God has created the Heavens and the Earth with flawless detail and order. Those who believe that life simply appeared in its original form on earth from no where are disobeying God's final message to humans. Both Evolutionists and Creationists must realize that their theories/beliefs do not collide with each other.
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Not bad python kiss.
Thats interesting how there is alot of "we" talk.
Reinforcing my belief that the qur' an was inspired by aliens.

The problem is, evolution appears to have been purposeless and undirected. If you really believe that god directed evolution as a means of creating life, you're left with all sorts of problems. Why would god evolve certain races to be predisposed to various diseases?
Because it is a test. A person might be born blind, but that does not mean he does not stand the same chance of passing this test. It is stated in the Qur'an somewhere that;

God will test you to the limits but will not excede it. The test will come in form of money/family/disease etc.

I am not sure why so many Christians (and even some Muslims) deny evolution. It is a scientific theory based on scientific evidence and facts.

Jawad S
Our limitations are within the control of our Spirit.

Originally posted by python_kiss
Because it is a test.
(Do not be alarmed! This is not a test! Do not panic, and you will not get hurt! I repeat, this is NOT a test! Stay calm! This is the real thing! Okay, I was making a little fun, here, but we are NOT being TESTED in this life. I'll explain further.
It is stated in the Qur'an somewhere that; God will test you to the limits but will not excede it. The test will come in form of money/family/disease etc.
(The reason that God will NOT exceed your personal limits of trials and tribulations are because those limitations are within the control of the One Spirit of God which resides in your Soul. It's simple. We're all faced with various degrees of temptations, illnesses, losses in our lives, but with the Spirit of God driving our lives, these problems we face everyday cannot exceed our understanding and perception of our relationship with our Creator. In other words, these trials and tribulations are "self-limiting" by our capacity to understand that the Spirit of God is in the pilot's seat.)
I am not sure why so many Christians (and even some Muslims) deny evolution. It is a scientific theory based on scientific evidence and facts.
(I cannot speak for any other religion, but Xians don't believe in evolution because it automatically discounts the story of Adam and Eve and how the Bible literally says they were created. The theory of evolution, to Xians, may mean that their entire belief system may be WRONG! Then, of course, that would mean that there is no savior nor everlasting life. Xians base their entire faith on fantasies. Evolution disproves those fantasies.)
So how is it not a test?:bugeye:
By test I mean that everyone faces some degree of challenges and losses. He can either turn away from God or take it as a test that he has to pass. He can either blame God for it or he can accept it as a fact.

Like I explained in the article, I interpret that Qur'an explains some kind of 'process' involved behind the creation of Adam and Eve. See the verse;

“He caused you to grow from earth” 11/61
“We fashioned you from soil.” 22/5
“God is the one who fashioned you from clay.” 6/2
“God began the creation of man from clay.” 32/7
“We fashioned them from sticky clay.” 37/11
“(God) fashioned man from a clay, like pottery.” 55/14
“We fashioned man from the quintessence of clay” 23/12

“(God) fashioned you in stages or phases”
“Verily, We created them and strengthened them, and when we willed, We replaced them completely by people who were not of the same kind.” 6/133

This process does not have to be evolution. But it certainly indicates that humans have been evolving.
Jawad S
p.s) Who are Xians?
A test?

Originally posted by python_kiss
So how is it not a test?
(py, I just wrote an extensive answer to your question, but for some reason, my post didn't stick. I'll be brief this time.)
By test I mean that everyone faces some degree of challenges and losses. He can either turn away from God or take it as a test that he has to pass. He can either blame God for it or he can accept it as a fact.
(I like to think God "prepares" us for life in the spirit (life after death) rather than "test" us. It is impossible to "turn away" from God, since we are the vessels of the One Spirit of God on the face of the Earth. Because God resides IN us, it would be impossible to challenge us with something beyond our capacity. We must have faith that we are in a spiritually prepatory stage during our lifetime.)
Like I explained in the article, I interpret that Qur'an explains some kind of 'process' involved behind the creation of Adam and Eve. See the verse;

“He caused you to grow from earth” 11/61
“We fashioned you from soil.” 22/5
“God is the one who fashioned you from clay.” 6/2
“God began the creation of man from clay.” 32/7
“We fashioned them from sticky clay.” 37/11
“(God) fashioned man from a clay, like pottery.” 55/14
“We fashioned man from the quintessence of clay” 23/12

“(God) fashioned you in stages or phases”
“Verily, We created them and strengthened them, and when we willed, We replaced them completely by people who were not of the same kind.” 6/133

This process does not have to be evolution. But it certainly indicates that humans have been evolving.
(For a moment, let's forget about Darwin's evolution and focus more on God's evolution. The only reason we were created as human beings in God's image is to be the vehicle to carry God's spirit on the face of the Earth. In that mission, we glorify and exalt God's love to the whole world! Darwin's evolution shows how animals grow, develop and survive in their habitat. That's basic science. God's evolution shows humankind what it needs to grow, develop and live in the spirit forever. That's basic everlasting life.)
p.s) Who are Xians?
(Xian is another way to spell Christian. I choose to spell it that way because I believe that Xians don't know the real Jesus (X). They base their beliefs on mythologies written long before the time of Jesus and were taken from earlier writings on the Middle Eastern area. The (X) is the cross of St. Andrew which is the more right and appropriate cross accepted by the Roman Catholic Church (RCC). It is not in any way meant to be offensive to Xians, although they do take offense at it because they are simply unaware of the truth. My personal mission while I am alive is to bring the truth about Xianity to Xian believers. Their biggest fear is not receiving eternal life after death. But, there is no death, only transition from the vessel who carries God's One Spirit across the face of the Earth while we occupy an "Earthsuit." When we shed that "Earthsuit," we simply return as evolved spirits to the One Spirit of God from when we came. I am not a Xian. I believe in only one God and that Jesus was a Rabbi, a teacher and a prophet of God. There is no salvation from Jesus. That's part of the myth Xians believe. My message to them is, you are not in need of salvation. By the mere fact that you are alive today on Planet Earth is living proof that you have received salvation. This was the message Jesus tried to leave. There is no death to the Spirit. We have always been One with God.)
So how is it not a test?
By test I mean that everyone faces some degree of challenges and losses. He can either turn away from God or take it as a test that he has to pass. He can either blame God for it or he can accept it as a fact.
just a quickie, what if you never believed in god? i accept what happens to me as natural occurance, not as some test or challenge. i don't blame god (or anyone else unless it's their fault) for anything, i never once believed in god (call it upbringing, but i honestly knew nothing of god till i was about 10).
Accepting those "tests" in life

Originally posted by atheroy
just a quickie, what if you never believed in god? i accept what happens to me as natural occurance, not as some test or challenge. i don't blame god (or anyone else unless it's their fault) for anything, i never once believed in god (call it upbringing, but i honestly knew nothing of god till i was about 10)
(In answer to Jawad S., regarding our being "tested," (assuming belief in God), I should have included that these "challenges" are to be looked upon with thanks and gratitude. (I know this is hard to do when one is down and out). But, we should be thankful for everything that is sent our way. It's for the growth of the spirit as well as for the betterment of humanity. One MUST remember that when he/she is sent one of life's challenges, that every other human being on the planet has been sent challenges, too. We are NOT alone in our grief. When I'm sent a challenge, I stop and think about the challenges others have been sent and their ability to cope with those challenges. That makes my challenge seem less dire. Along with the challenges comes the ngth to face the challenges which makes spiritual strength increase. Bottom line, it's growth of the spirit.
Originally posted by python_kiss
Because it is a test. A person might be born blind, but that does not mean he does not stand the same chance of passing this test.
So small children who suffer horribly and die because of genetic diseases like progeria or Lesch-Nyhan syndrome are being tested by god? That's a pretty horrifying thought. What about unborn fetuses? About 50% of all miscarriages are the result of genetic defects. Why would god cause people to evolve like that?
I am not sure why so many Christians (and even some Muslims) deny evolution. It is a scientific theory based on scientific evidence and facts.
I am not sure how anyone who really understands evolution and genetic biology could believe that a perfect, omnipotent being was directing it.
Originally posted by python_kiss
By test I mean that everyone faces some degree of challenges and losses. He can either turn away from God or take it as a test that he has to pass. He can either blame God for it or he can accept it as a fact.
According to what you're saying, people would be right to blame god for their problems, since god throws terrible suffering at people in order to make them prove their devotion. I guess I could see how that might make a twisted sort of sense, but how could you also believe that this same god is loving? I can't imagine a loving parent abusing their child in an effort to test the depths of the child's devotion to its parents. Does that really make sense to you?
OKay lemme get this strait, evolution by its self exists. However, We christians dont believe that evolution created the animals today and 100million years ago, much less the human race. There is still no "missing link". Life is too complex for it just to have arose from some gaseous explosion and accidents.HAve scientists everthought that perhaps those animals that seemed to be a bridge from old to new,is not really some bridge, but just an animal... O yea I would like to also remind you that evolution is still a theory......yea.
Originally posted by Agent Smith
OKay lemme get this strait, evolution by its self exists. However, We christians dont believe that evolution created the animals today and 100million years ago, much less the human race. There is still no "missing link". Life is too complex for it just to have arose from some gaseous explosion and accidents.HAve scientists everthought that perhaps those animals that seemed to be a bridge from old to new,is not really some bridge, but just an animal... O yea I would like to also remind you that evolution is still a theory......yea.
Take a class in biology and stop getting your information about evolution from fundamentalists. If you aren't old enough for that, maybe you could get a good book. This sort of post contributes nothing to the discussion. The debate here is not over whether or not evolution occurred, but whether or not evolution was directed by god.
My parents encouraged when I was younger to read books on evolution....ANd no they werent "fundamentalist"....Ive taken biology before....and those books still dont show much evidence about that. Anyaways thats not the issue as you said.

If you could understand what I was saying, then you could tell my opinion is "no", God didnt direct evolution. Simply because it didnt take place.
agent smith,

so you believe in micro evolution but not macro evolution? i'm not going to ask how you can separate the two when a good comparative is 2 + 2 = 4 and 50 + 50 = 100, and i'm most sure you believe those simple mathematical equations.
micro and macro are the same. if you have one you plausibly have the other. ignore if you like, but your belief in one aspect should be enough to qualify the other (or is it against your religion? in which case you can't believe it)