Evil will always win...

Actually, good ol' fashion "normal" will always win ...if for no other reason than persistence and plodding faith in "normality".
Evil? There's just a little bit of it, so it can actually do very little harm.
Good? There's actually so little of it that it can't fight anything and win.

No, normal, plain, ordinary, usual, etc will always win.

Baron Max
angrybellsprat said:
Wow, pretty much everything just flies right on pass you tards...
In fifty years you may recognise what a fool you were, unless someone puts you out of your misery before then. Here is a helpfull hint: your intelligence is one half of what you estimate; your knowledge is one quarter of what you believe it to be; your eloqence is a nanogram of what you perceive it to be; your perspicacity is all but non-existent. But keep trying: with maturity you may be able to fake it as a human.
In today's world (I think since the medieval times) evil has come in the disguise of good.

And therein lies the great deception. The evil has become powerful and has made the 'good' into evil and persecuted it for ages. But I think sooner or later evil is exposed itself. Unless the humankind perishes first.
Buddha1 said:
In today's world (I think since the medieval times) evil has come in the disguise of good.

And therein lies the great deception. The evil has become powerful and has made the 'good' into evil and persecuted it for ages. But I think sooner or later evil is exposed itself. Unless the humankind perishes first.

thats true, evil takes the guise of good, but what better way to spread corruption and evil than to hide in the shadows and cast down bad influence, the good can be easily swayed if they think they are doing the right thing, that is part of bieng good, "trusting people" as the good will stick to morals and honour, it could hold the good back as the evil has no boundaries and will stoop to anything,

trickery and deception, you know the bible it might not be true but it has good morals and is a good book if you get passed the contradictions, trickery and deception, for one to truley understand a holybook you must understand that you can trust nothing just like the book itself will tell you, the devil is everywhere tempting you, so not even the book itself you can trust. because the devil lies within its very pages right along with the good, hiding and decieving,

EmptyForceOfChi said:
thats true, evil takes the guise of good, but what better way to spread corruption and evil than to hide in the shadows and cast down bad influence, the good can be easily swayed if they think they are doing the right thing, that is part of bieng good, "trusting people" as the good will stick to morals and honour, it could hold the good back as the evil has no boundaries and will stoop to anything,
I think that is the best way to recognise the true evil. It will call itself good, but its thoughts and actions will give it away. It will not have any morals, honour or any qualm. It will not have any sense of right or wrong. For it the means to achieve its goals is not important. All it cares about is spreading evil in the entire world! It will stoop to anything in the process!

But we can still know it when we see it! :)
there's a quote that says the good guy always wins. He's the winner before the game even starts.
If it will life will not exist.
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