Evil presence is real


Registered Member
Hi everyone, i am 42 years of age and have been experiencing "sleep paralysis" as you all stated since i was about 8. It comes and goes each time it returns it is a little more intense. I am always held down and i can feel the presence enter my bed when i am asleep. It pinches me to make me turn as if it wants me to turn to see its face. I never look I just continue to say in "Jesus Name Amen" and within moments of my words it disappear and i can awake. The only thing is, when i return to sleep it is trying all over again. Also this all occurs around 3 a.m and 3:45 a.m. I know you all can say its just my subconscious but i know it is something more than that because sometimes i get bruises and also i can look around the house to see my children asleep in there beds but never leave my room. I know this may sound crazy but i am from New Orleans and i have seen and experienced much crazier things. Last night my son was trying to wake me because i was shouting and crying while sleeping. So can someone of a religious sense please let me know why i am being terrorized by these evil beings.
It is your alter ego, Pan, the unruly one. You need to contact the mistress Wendy to get her advice about this alter ego for she is the only one that can help you.

Sorry to here about this problem, it certainly seems to be interfering with your life.

Could I suggest that before you try to find out if there is a religious solution that you tell your family physician what you are experiencing. There could be a medical reason for your symptoms. I would certainly rule out a medical problem as a first course of action!!

Good luck.
You are over working your own mind fathoming this demon, you are literally obsessed. If its real your obsession of it will keep it. Don't think of it. Its not part of the living, there must be rules baring demons from communicating with us. Don't think of it. If you want my help just have faith in God and stay positive. Oh, and don't be a afraid, be fear.
Sleep paralysis occurs when you attain waking consciousness but your brain hasn't fully woken up. What typically happens during sleep paralysis is that you hallucinate. It's called a hypnopompic hallucination and that's exactly what the presence entering your bed is. Whether you say "Jesus Name Amen" or just do nothing, the hallucination will go away and you will be able to move (this is the point where you are completely awake). The content of hypnopompic hallucinations is quite frequently scary and the best you can do is recognize them for what they are and wait them out.

Now for the kicker. When you go back to sleep after waking up, you are very more likely to enter a dream state and because you had scary thoughts on your mind, your dream has a greater chance of being a nightmare. Then you attain waking consciousness with paralysis and the process repeats. The bruising may be caused by thrashing around in your sleep or something that you did earlier in the day.

The shouting and crying in your sleep might be something else altogether that is not normal. Some unfortunate people have a neurological sleep disorder and encounter a phenomenon called "night terrors". Based on what you have have described with your kid trying to wake you up because you were shouting and crying, I would suggest seeing your doctor for a diagnosis as night terrors are a real disorder. The rest of everything you described is normal, scary of course, but normal.

I realize you were looking for a religious explanation (which is kind of weird considering you have come to a science site), but if anyone were to provide one it would just be made-up crap.
I used to have this happen often, too. And yes, once, I actually saw a light, when I called out to God/Jesus... and I woke up right after. It's extremely easy to attribute the waking to salvation by Gods power to drive the demon away...
What I learned was that it was a common condition called "Sleep Paralysis."

What in the old days MAY heave been termed a Succubus:p

Either way, it wasn't demons. It was pareidolia.
The mind gets caught between being awake and being asleep. Since you are partly awake, your breathing becomes deregulated, may even feel like you can't breath, but since you're not awake, you're motor functions are still out. This, quite reasonably, frightens a person and the dream state, still highly imaginative, kicks in.
Hi everyone, i am 42 years of age and have been experiencing "sleep paralysis" as you all stated since i was about 8.

Just curious, did you start thinking of life and death around this time, when you were 8?

It comes and goes each time it returns it is a little more intense.

My guess is it is your own mind working harder to process it each time, thus making it more intense. In other words he's got you, back off.

I am always held down and i can feel the presence enter my bed when i am asleep.

Your own mind.

It pinches me to make me turn as if it wants me to turn to see its face. I never look I just continue to say in "Jesus Name Amen" and within moments of my words it disappear and i can awake.

The idea of Jesus' presence makes you brave.

The only thing is, when i return to sleep it is trying all over again.

You let bravery go from your thought.

Also this all occurs around 3 a.m and 3:45 a.m. I know you all can say its just my subconscious but i know it is something more than that because sometimes i get bruises and also i can look around the house to see my children asleep in there beds but never leave my room.

You almost certainly sleep walk. Do you blank out during the day?

[QUOUTE]I know this may sound crazy but i am from New Orleans and i have seen and experienced much crazier things. Last night my son was trying to wake me because i was shouting and crying while sleeping. So can someone of a religious sense please let me know why i am being terrorized by these evil beings.[/QUOTE]

Ok, lastly but firstly New Orleans is a creepy place enough said. You are possessed. I am interested in your case. If Pacifism, and Faith are angels of God, then surly Obsession would be a demon. So you are literally plagued by your obsession, or another demon because of your perversion into the underworld, I presume. All you have to do is remove this obsession from your life. Never think of it again in fact. Its preying on your mind.
In early European history and some African folk lore there are many instances of what is called "pressing". Some peope have been burned at the stake for being guilty of "deliberately" doing this to their victims.

Normally their is a sexual power/love bond, reason behind them but most often it is a "person" who was once accepted as a lover and then rejected due to "misbehaviour" that is trying to regain that comfort zone they were used to or desire.

"Your own freewill or desire to remain free of this person or entity basically rejects him or her from your own being and he or she simply is trying to return."

The entity is no doubt, IMO, a living person with certain ambitions over you that you are not comfortably with. He or she may not even be aware they are doing it how ever the fact that they "pinch" you and wish to go "face to face" indicates to me a deliberately "held" desire for reconciliation there fore a certain conscious awareness is present.

It comes down to someone most likely a past lover or "secret admirer" dis-respecting your decisions and refusing to take "No" for an answer to their propositions.

Possibly you should ask it next time you go face to face: "CAN you respect my decisions as God does?"

By asking this of the entity you invoke the immutability, respect and power of Freewill [ God ]. Invoking Jesus evangelistically has only limited effect as the entity obviously has little regard for your ability to decide "who" to allow into your conscious life and dream scape.

After you have managed this into a comfort zone you will need to work on your psychic sensitivities to avoid a repetition in the future. [ and you are sensitive....no doubt about it ]

The above is similar to a solution for a problem created by those who have played wuith Ouigi Boards, attended seances, where by they experience entities that they woudl not wish to be a part of themselves [ when those entities already are a part of themselves sort of thing. The rejection due to moral or freedom reasons forces the entity out of you and into a state of plagueing you for a return to being a part of you.]
By revisiting the Ougi board or seance with the view to invoke "respect for your decisions" means that when the entity agrees to your "God given rule" it can return to whence it came from and the bun fight over your decision capacity will be over and peace will return.
I hope this is helpful...
Also, if interested, see my response in this thread regarding thought insertion
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