Evil Parents

Jolly Rodger

I think it is horrible for a parent to bring up their kid while on drugs...
I mean put aside gay parents, I think the drug takers on a much lower level as parents.
Because, firstly the kid, put up with all there parents highs and lows, i mean life is a rollercoaster of emotions already add drugs (Illegal, that is for dumb dumb) into the equation how are there meant to communicate with you, how would they know if daddy’s angry because he hasn't had his hit?
Secondly: wouldn't just having kids and watching them grow up and knowing that you created it be enough of a high? or are you a true smack head who doesn't even know what your kids names are?
Thirdly: how could you look at it in any other way but despicable?
i see

tiassa said:
You're certainly right about that. It does make me think. About women's underwear. Maybe smoking a bowl. Should I do alfredo for dinner?
taken from "open government reform"
tiassa said:
taken from profile

is that why you are so open with your thoughts… peace man
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While I agree with you that its stupid to do drugs in the presence of a child, Jolly Rodger, you're coming down a bit hard on tiassa. His posts on emma grace confirms how much he cares about her and thats all you or anyone can ask of him. Anything more is just being nosy.
There are plently of bad influences out there on our kids, but I don't think seeing daddy or mommy smoke a joint is going to do any harm at all as long as you care about your kids and give them the attention they deserve. Sure, stuff like crack, meth, etc... are terrible for households with kids, but I wouldn't lump pot in with all that.
Jolly Rodger said:

Because, firstly the kid, put up with all there parents highs and lows, i mean life is a rollercoaster of emotions already add drugs (Illegal, that is for dumb dumb) into the equation how are there meant to communicate with you, how would they know if daddy’s angry because he hasn't had his hit?

Yes, that certainly is a reasonably-founded question.

Secondly: wouldn't just having kids and watching them grow up and knowing that you created it be enough of a high? or are you a true smack head who doesn't even know what your kids names are?


Thirdly: how could you look at it in any other way but despicable?


This isn't meant to be an insult, but you really seem to live in an odd little sheltered bubble that filters out anything but alarmist propaganda and drastic stereotypes.
Gays have degrading sex in front of their kids... people who take drugs will abuse or sell their kids for another hit of smack...

There are plenty of people whi take drugs recreationally and live completely productive and progressive lives.
They hold down jobs, go to school are are morally upright stand-up members of their communities.
They aren't all shaking in the corner sweating over heroin withdrawls while their children starve to death and get eaten up by rats in their cribs.
I shit you not.

I know police officers, lawyers, businessmen, fathers, politicians, sweet little old lady school teachers... that all use drugs.
In fact, I would say that more than half of the adults (fucntionaing adults) that I know use drugs on occasion, at least, and most of them that don't, have tried them at least once.
one_raven said:
This isn't meant to be an insult, but you really seem to live in an odd little sheltered bubble that filters out anything but alarmist propaganda and drastic stereotypes.
Gays have degrading sex in front of their kids... people who take drugs will abuse or sell their kids for another hit of smack...

There are plenty of people whi take drugs recreationally and live completely productive and progressive lives.
They hold down jobs, go to school are are morally upright stand-up members of their communities.
They aren't all shaking in the corner sweating over heroin withdrawls while their children starve to death and get eaten up by rats in their cribs.
I shit you not.

I know police officers, lawyers, businessmen, fathers, politicians, sweet little old lady school teachers... that all use drugs.
In fact, I would say that more than half of the adults (fucntionaing adults) that I know use drugs on occasion, at least, and most of them that don't, have tried them at least once.

Amen brother....I was about to say the same thing and you beat me to it. :)
one_raven said:
I know police officers, lawyers, businessmen, fathers, politicians, sweet little old lady school teachers... that all use drugs.
In fact, I would say that more than half of the adults (fucntionaing adults) that I know use drugs on occasion, at least, and most of them that don't, have tried them at least once.

I don't have a problem with people who take drugs; I just have a problem with people who are bringing up children who take drugs.
Bringing up a child is a big responsibility and I don't understand when you would get the chance to spark up a big fatty or Maybe smoking a bowl for that mater, if you can tell me a time when you can get a chance to smoke weed (the least potent of all the illegal drugs) whilst being a parent I would except it. Although think about it………
So, is it wrong for parents to have a few beers?
As long as it isn't a detriment to the welfare of the child, what, specifically is the problem?
Jolly Rodger said:
One, As long as they don't get drunk every night.... Once in a while is fine, and beer isn't really illegal now is it

So, what if they don't get wasted every night?
What does it matter if it is illegal? Didn't you say you have no problem with people that take drugs?

Fact of the matter is, if someone is home alone with their child and they get high and can't offer them the care they need, that is neglect.
Just as if they get drunk and can't offer them the care they need.

If they are out and have a baby sitter, or if one of them stay sober, there is no problem (assuming they don't smoke in the same room and give junior a contact-high).

There is really no difference between parents drinking and parents getting high.

Honestly if I was aksed to make a choice, I'd rather see parents smoke weed than drink.
Weed wears off a lot faster.
Weed will NEVER make them beligerent, violent or abusive.
Alchohol has lots of health issues associated with it.

If they do it responsibly, do you still see a problem?
If so, why is smoking weed worse than drinking?
Jolly Rodger said:
.............(Illegal, that is for dumb dumb)...........
I said it i was talking about illegal drugs before, come raven keep up buddy.
The main difference would be one is illegal and one isn't....
If you get violent and abusive when drinking i think you may have a problem with your drinking.... or you are just drinking way too much.
It's automatically a detriment to the child to have stoner parents. I'm sorry but I've done the rounds, and stoner parents aren't just like normal parents who occassionally smoke weed secretly in the suv when the kids are asleep.
They'll live in a run down messy apartment or house with shit everywhere and the kid will entertain itself while the parents argue about everything and smoke bowls on the dirty cofeee table that has a 4 foot tall mountain of cigarette butts in a plate or hubcap that doubles as an ashtray because they broke the real ashtray and they simply can't be fucked to get another one, or empty this one.
The parents won't be parents at all.
If they're still making a habit of "getting high" they're obviously still mentally children themselves, smoking weed to escape from the fear of needing to grow up.

Alcoholic parent vs stoner parent is no contest. Alcoholic parent isn't ideal, but they can be parents, even a bad parent is better than a non-parent. Alcoholics have those moments of clarity, being a stoner alters your mental processes 24 hours a day everyday. You need to stop smoking for 3 weeks to get the moment of clarity that an alcoholic will get the morning after a particularly nasty bender. And stoners simply can't go without for that long, so they're permanently bad parents and completely oblivious to the fact they're bad parents because their brain is eternally clouded with bong smoke and thus whats important is getting weed and not falling asleep before late night with conan o'brien comes on (or at least having the vcr ready to tape).
The alcoholic will feel remorse often and is more likely to try and help himself for the sake of his kids, the stoner doesn't see the problem. As long as the kid watches sesame street is should turn out all right, the government makes them have special lessons in sesame street that make children grow up good.

Children need a family, and really they need an extended family. A real family, with a slightly scary dad and a protective mother, annoying brothers and sisters and fun cousins and uncles and generous grandparents, and aunties who treat them better than they treat their own kids.
They need a yard, with a dog, and trees to climb. They need a scary abandoned house down the street and a meadow up the street.
It would help to have a drugged out dead beat uncle with hepatitus b and some wierd leg disease, just to keep them off that track.
A couple of stoners in a run down dingy hell hole scavenging through their giant ashtray and yelling at eachother for always scrunching the old joints up so they can't be salvaged should not have a child screaming in a cott in the background of their horrible life. JMFO
I am not talking about stoners and junkies.
I am talking about recrational users.

But earlier you said:
Jolly Rodger said:
I don't have a problem with people who take drugs; I just have a problem with people who are bringing up children who take drugs.
Bringing up a child is a big responsibility and I don't understand when you would get the chance to spark up a big fatty or Maybe smoking a bowl for that mater, if you can tell me a time when you can get a chance to smoke weed (the least potent of all the illegal drugs) whilst being a parent I would except it. Although think about it

in response to:

one_raven said:
I know police officers, lawyers, businessmen, fathers, politicians, sweet little old lady school teachers... that all use drugs.
In fact, I would say that more than half of the adults (fucntionaing adults) that I know use drugs on occasion, at least, and most of them that don't, have tried them at least once.

So I am understandably confused about how you feel.
Do you think it's OK for parents to get a night away from home while someone is baby-sitting their kids and smoke up or not?

Furthermore, whether or not something is legal has no bearing on whether or not it is right or wrong, in my opinion.
Do you disagree?

You seem to think it SHOULD be illegal, so you should be able to back that up.
If you don't mind let's focus on that, shall we?
Other than the lagality, what, in your estimation, makes the recreational drug-using parent, worse than the social drinking parent?
It really doesn't change much what I think, I mean if I was to turn around and say pot should be legal, it is not going to happen tomorrow. Just for the fact that all the pot smoking parents out there aren't going to turn around and stop smoking because of this thread.
I have smoked pot in the past, socially, quiet heavily, and now maybe once every 2/3 months and I know that pot is much more addictive than alcohol after a big night on the piss you don't want to touch it for ages, if you have a couple of beers socially you don't want to turn around the next day and want to get on it again. With pot on the other hand it sucks you in, you can smoke it socially although everyone that I have ever spoken to about pot, says the same thing as me. Whenever you have pot all you want to do the next day at some stage is have a smoke.
I may be totally wrong in what I am saying, you might have the opposite effect on both substances and then I will understand where you are coming from then although, pot is a lifestyle for the fact that it is illegal and as I just said if we think it should be legal they aren't going to turn around tomorrow and legalize it.
And just bringing the kiddies back into it, I think it would be a lot better to turn around to your kid and say sorry Johnny dad had a big night on the beers last night; this is what happens when you have too many beers don’t ever have too many beers like me, rather than saying. Sorry Johnny dad had a big night on the bongs last night; this is what happens when you have too many bongs don’t ever have too many bongs like me.
I still do smoke pot occasionally and the only time I do smoke it is when I have a few days off work and I have no RESPONSABILLTIES for the next few days because it zonks you out.... and if you don't agree with that then you smoke too often, I haven't smoked for a month now and am very clear headed at the moment, if I was to have a smoke tonight I would be a different person over the next few days, and want a smoke for the next two weeks or so...
If that isn't a good enough reason it should be illegal and you shouldn't smoke pot when bringing up the kiddies, I don’t know what is.
Then again the only time you probably have a smoke when bringing up kids is if you went on a holiday. Although since I have been smoking every two-three months I like it less and less every time I smoke it. I personally wouldn't want to smoke it while bringing up my kids. If you do, well that’s your choice although you can't tell me you wouldn't expose it to them at on stage, not saying that, a exposure would turn them into pot heads although, it is teaching them it is alright to break the law if you feel it is right and that will land them in to trouble one day, could be drink driving because ether busses have finished running, speeding in a car when your running late, or shoplifting when you hungry, could be anything.
So one raven I hope you understand where I am coming from, when I get married at the end of the year it will be only if have not smoked for 6 months at least because when I get married I want pot to be well and truly out of my system for the fact when we have kids I don’t even want to be thinking about it, and I am sure I wont be because a kid would fill me with all the joy in the world I have already discussed with my future wife that I won’t even drink during the pregnancy because she won’t be able to.
Well, pot obviously has a very different effect on me.
I can smoke a bowl today, then not again for months, eveen if I have an ounce in my house.
Also, it lasts only a few hours.
The next day, I feel nothing lingering at all.

I personally don't see anything worse about saying look at Daddy, this is what happend when you smoke too much than look at Daddy, this is what happend when you drink too much.

Maybe it's because I grew up with an alchoholic father and I saw the violence that can stem from it.

As for the addictive nature...
I know many people that smoked a LOT of weed at one point in their lives and simply stopped or drastically cut down when they wanted to.
In fact, I don't know a single person that wanted to quit, but couldn't.
Alchohol, on the other hand, once you get hooked, you are hooked hard for life.
I would much rather my kid occasionally smoke weed (when they are old enough) than drink.
If only for health issues alone.

As for encouraging them to break the laws that they feel is unjust.
I am all for it!
I will most definitely teach my child that what is right is right, regardless of what the law says.
I will point to the many heroes in history that were jailed and/or persecuted for standing up for their beliefs and say, "This is what a hero is. This is what strength is. This is what integrity is."

We are obviously different people, and that isn't a bad thing at all.
I wouldn't call you a bad person for having different beliefs than I do.
I wouldn't call you a bad parent for drinking even though you have kids.
All I am saying is that you should think about offering people the same respect.
Dr Lou Natic said:
It's automatically a detriment to the child to have stoner parents. I'm sorry but I've done the rounds, and stoner parents aren't just like normal parents who occassionally smoke weed secretly in the suv when the kids are asleep.
They'll live in a run down messy apartment or house with shit everywhere and the kid will entertain itself while the parents argue about everything and smoke bowls on the dirty cofeee table that has a 4 foot tall mountain of cigarette butts in a plate or hubcap that doubles as an ashtray because they broke the real ashtray and they simply can't be fucked to get another one, or empty this one.
The parents won't be parents at all.
If they're still making a habit of "getting high" they're obviously still mentally children themselves, smoking weed to escape from the fear of needing to grow up.
Lou, you watch a tad too much TV. Recreational users are usually professional people who can afford to buy the drugs and live comfortable and good lives and who, most importantly, provide for their children. I know of several lawyers and at least 3 barristers who have children, the jag and the nice waterfront home who are regular users. I know of at least 2 doctors who are in a similar boat, and one of them is a surgeon. Going to their house, seeing their children and seeing them with their children, one would never guess that they were regular users.. and I'm not just talking about weed.

Sure there are many parents who are drug addicts and who do live in abject poverty and they do use a hubcap as an ashtray. But do the rounds properly and you'd see that many poor drug uses with children actually do not mistreat or neglect their children. They work, provide for their children and then when the kids are in bed, they shoot up. The next morning the child is none the wiser and the parent, having spent many hours on a high, functions in what can be considered normal capacity.

Alcoholic parent vs stoner parent is no contest. Alcoholic parent isn't ideal, but they can be parents, even a bad parent is better than a non-parent. Alcoholics have those moments of clarity, being a stoner alters your mental processes 24 hours a day everyday. You need to stop smoking for 3 weeks to get the moment of clarity that an alcoholic will get the morning after a particularly nasty bender. And stoners simply can't go without for that long, so they're permanently bad parents and completely oblivious to the fact they're bad parents because their brain is eternally clouded with bong smoke and thus whats important is getting weed and not falling asleep before late night with conan o'brien comes on (or at least having the vcr ready to tape).

The alcoholic will feel remorse often and is more likely to try and help himself for the sake of his kids, the stoner doesn't see the problem. As long as the kid watches sesame street is should turn out all right, the government makes them have special lessons in sesame street that make children grow up good.
LOL! Do you know any true alcoholics Lou? When I was young, my parents lived next door to a family. The wife and daughter rarely ventured outside. She would drop her daughter off at school before walking to work. The father was an alcoholic. On a daily basis he would go through two 4 litre casks of wine, as well as scotch and anything else he could get his hands on. At night he would beat up on his wife and daughter, before he passed out. He did not work. He beat his wife every night so she would give him the money to buy his fix. He was over 6 feet tall, and she was around 5'5".. tiny and very petite. He was never remorseful and when she tried to runaway with the daughter, he would track them down and drag her back. Sure he'd apologise and beg for forgiveness, but the first night she'd be home, he'd start again. I have lost count of the amount of times my father would break into their house to pull his wife and daughter out of the house and call the police. I have lost count of the amount of times I'd get home from school and my parents would be at work, only to have the wife come beating on the door, asking for help to drag her naked husband who'd passed out in a doorway or hallway into his bed before their young daughter came home. He felt no remorse or embarrassment. He was put into rehab, after being caught driving with his terrified daughter in the back while so drunk he could not even walk, so many times that finally, the court and the police realised that it would never work because he would not give it up. Last I heard, she'd divorced him after hiding for months in a women's shelter and he'd gone to Asia and married some poor Asian girl and brought her back.. the cycle begins again. And he is not the exception Lou.

I know of countless other stories about alcoholics Lou. Having seen the result of their addiction on their family's, believe me, many times a stoner would make a better parent. An alcoholic must always drink. They drink from when they wake until they pass out. An alcoholic will drink anything in the house, even mouthwash. A stoner has a hit, gets high, a few hours later can have several hours if not days of clarity, before the need for the next hit arises.

Alcoholics have those moments of clarity, being a stoner alters your mental processes 24 hours a day everyday.
Alcoholics have moments of clarity to try and see when they can get their next drink. Alcoholics drink every waking moment. They don't stop. A drug user will use once in a day, for example, and after a few hours when the high has worn off, they have moments of clarity. Alcoholics are never sober enough to actually have moments of pure clarity.

A couple of stoners in a run down dingy hell hole scavenging through their giant ashtray and yelling at eachother for always scrunching the old joints up so they can't be salvaged should not have a child screaming in a cott in the background of their horrible life.
No they should not. But comparing them to alcoholics as though the alcoholic is better will never fortify your argument. A drug addict, who cannot take care of their child the way their child should be taken care of, should not have children. Just like alcoholics should never have children, because they cannot take care of anyone, especially a child.